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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Schiller began to laugh, and in the past, Schiller's laughter always had a certain coldness to it, but this time, his laughter sounded very deep, but it contained a joyful sincerity.

"Fortunately, during the few years I have known this Professor, I have understood a part of his behavioral pattern."

"He almost has no sense of worldly morality and honor. When he wants to do something, whether it conforms to the society's definition of shocking, is not within his consideration."

"But there is only one thing that will make him feel ashamed, and that is when his academic level is questioned."

"I know that once Angela announces that she will circulate the paper I have written, Schiller will immediately stop this from happening, as this Professor cannot afford to lose face."

"When he stops it, he won't even consider whether he will get into trouble because of it, he just wants to prevent this terrible thing from happening as soon as possible, so he will confess."

"You have indeed deceived Pride, and succeeded in this exam. What do you think is the biggest reason for your success?"

Schiller asked again, but soon he added a sentence, "What do you think is the key point you have utilized?"

"The gap between my status and Professor Schiller's." Bruce answered without hesitation: "I am a student, and he is a teacher."

"For a student, not studying, making mistakes, and having various small problems in the paper, can be forgiven by the public. I'm just an undergraduate, it's normal for me to not be able to write a good paper."

"Even for the public, for a playboy who is ignorant and extravagant to complete a paper that is above average, it will be a pleasant surprise."

"Even if I just finish the paper step by step, the public will think that I have the tendency to turn over a new leaf, and this will even become one of my advantages, because for the heir of the Wayne Group, good academic performance is not necessary, but I have tried my best, which proves that I respect the teacher and have an eye for detail."

Bruce shook his head lightly and said, "But for Schiller, it is not the same. He is a Professor, and a famous psychologist. No matter how brilliant a paper his students write, it will still be considered as something that should be expected."

"And if there are some small problems in the students' papers, people may feel that this master is not up to par, or that he has not really taught his students carefully, and is not a good teacher."

"Professor Schiller has always attached great importance to his academic reputation and teaching level. He cannot tolerate any questioning of these two aspects. But the higher he stands, the higher the public's expectations will be, and any flaw will be picked out and magnified, which is a destructive blow to a perfectionist."

Bruce changed his posture and leaned back in the chair, placing his hands in front of him, and said, "I have deeply reflected on the mistake I made last time, and I found that my biggest problem has always been that I firmly believe that only the strong can gain the advantage."

"I must control everything, defeat everything, so that everyone recognizes that I am capable of anything, and they will submit to me out of fear. If I show weakness, how can I stop those people from acting recklessly?"

"In the previous incident, I knew I had no good way to deal with you, but I still tried to bluff."

"I didn't fight with you because I couldn't be sure I could beat you, and I was worried that if there was a flaw, I would be in a weak position and would be even less able to restrain you... I didn't dare to take the risk."

"I stayed in your office to deal with those serial killers, also because I knew I could defeat them, so I wanted to use them to demonstrate my strong position and intimidate you."

"But the only moment I gained the advantage in this whole thing was when Lucifer Morningstar and Gordon burst into this room."

"At that time, I seemed to have lost more than 1,000 milliliters of blood and was almost completely unable to move, appearing very fragile. But at that time, I gained something more, and if I persisted, I might even be able to use it to turn the tide, and that thing is called 'compassion'."

"Every living being with humanity will instinctively fear and hate power. They fear power when it happens to themselves, and hate it when it happens to others."

"When the group that hates power becomes the majority, the cowardly weaklings who fear it will also have the courage to speak out and resist the power."

"Lucifer Morningstar, Gordon, and even Falcone felt that you went a bit too far. They don't hate you, they just hate this kind of power, and as a weak person like me, I've obtained a sword that I can use to fight against you by utilizing this hatred and the compassion of others."

As Bruce's words fell, Schiller was silent for a few seconds, then lightly clapped his handcuffed hands and said to Bruce:

"You have surprised me greatly. I don't think this is entirely the result of Pride's teaching. You have great talent, and your acuity and wisdom are astonishing."

Bruce turned his head away, seeming very uncomfortable with Schiller's praise. Schiller continued, "But you have overlooked a small problem. If you and I were strangers, would they have such a strong hatred?"

"People hate power, and they hate power imposed on those close to them even more, because they know that you are my student, and they know the relationship between us is that of friends, teachers and students, or even father and son, so they feel that my actions are completely unreasonable."

"Unlike Pride, I will never use the word 'stupid' on a genius like you. I understand that someone who has never tried will make mistakes, and the speed of correcting mistakes and what they can learn from them is the true representation of their talent. Your performance has completely exceeded my expectations, and is shockingly excellent."

Bruce just looked at his fingers and did not respond. After a while, he cleared his throat, like a student who got a perfect score but still wanted to show his humility through nitpicking, and said, "But I feel this plan is not perfect, and there are still some unexpected things."

"You mean Jimmy's death?"

Bruce nodded his head down and said, "When I saw Talia and William again, I knew they had killed someone, and at that moment, I also guessed that if Schiller had seen them, he must have been able to see that they had killed someone."

"I didn't want their homicide case to affect my next plan, so I found the body and hid it away."

"This is another thing I've learned." Bruce shook his head and said, "The tragedy has already happened, and I can't bring the dead back to life. Getting angry won't help me keep my cool when fighting against the always calm and cunning Criminals, like you."

Bruce looked up at Schiller and said, "I acknowledge that in the previous incident, it was my anger at the fact that you might be a cannibal that disrupted my thinking, causing one mistake after another."

"Anger should, and should only, appear after the murderer has been punished." Bruce continued.

"So, why did you hide Jimmy's corpse?" Schiller asked.

"This is none of Schiller's business," Bruce shook his head and said, "Regardless, Schiller will be convicted, even without this corpse, he has other ways to make others believe he killed someone."

"But the Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn't know this, they are very likely to fabricate a murder case to frame him, with Jimmy as the victim, in order to get Schiller to confess."

"I hope I can make their plan a little less smooth, for example, the originally agreed upon murder location was on the office balcony, but the corpse mysteriously appeared in the utility room instead."

"Although the outcome remains unchanged, these Agents are very suspicious, they will wonder if someone deliberately tried to disrupt this plan? If a subordinate deliberately disobeyed their orders? If the person who carried out the deed had other motives?"

"A small change will make them suspect everyone within their organization." Bruce lowered his eyes and said, "And it's obvious that their internal unity is not solid, at least Talia and William, and the later appearing Davis, seem to be on the same side, but are actually wary of each other."

"A simple tactic of sowing discord." Schiller commented, he said, "The method of handling this is not particularly sophisticated, but it is the best choice within your moral boundaries."

Bruce pursed his lips and said, "I know the sophisticated methods you speak of, such as dismemberment or other similar means, which would not only add suspicion within their ranks, but also a sense of terror."

"But I won't do that, Agent Jimmy didn't have any outstanding achievements, but he was still a responsible Agent."

Schiller shook his head, looking into Bruce's eyes and said, "You should fully apply what you've learned, instead of being timid, that would be a waste of your talent."

But Bruce stood up, leaning his head against the railing, his azure eyes staring at Schiller through the gaps and said:

"Even if you praise me, compliment me, I know that what allowed me to pass this test was not my insight into others' hearts, not my judgment of the evidence, but the nature of this matter itself - I am forcing Professor Schiller to confess."

"I am defying him, calculating against him, and fighting him."

Bruce slowly lifted his lips, revealing his teeth like a fierce wild beast, staring into Schiller's eyes and slowly said:

"I'm proving that I'm not your docile lamb."

Schiller's mouth didn't move, but his eyes crinkled, he suddenly pounded the armrest of the chair with his hand, making a "clang" sound.

With a "bang", the door was burst open and two agents with handguns rushed in.

"The conversation ends here." Schiller stood up from the chair, letting the agents unlock the chair.

As Schiller was led away by the Agents, passing by Bruce, he slightly turned his head and whispered in Bruce's ear, "You will come for me... lamb."

Bruce clenched his fists, taking a deep breath, until Davis came in and said, "Alright, Mr. Wayne, this case is over, everyone has received their due ending."

Seeing Bruce's grim expression, Davis thought he was worried, so he looked around and lowered his voice to say to Bruce:

"If your professor has threatened you in any way, don't worry, no matter how he intimidates you, he probably won't have the chance to carry it out."

"The global situation is changing, violent conflicts are constantly occurring, in order to maintain federal security, Congress has decided to accelerate the activation of the Florence Supermax Prison, which was established in 1983 near Denver, Colorado."

"It will become the most famous maximum-security prison in the world, and from what I know, the new maximum-security incarceration method will keep maximum-security inmates in solitary confinement cells of less than 4 square meters for more than 23 hours a day."

"Professor Rodriguez's sentence is 40 years, and in the sensory deprivation torture of other maximum-security prisons, 95% of inmates won't survive more than 3 years, and the remaining 5% will develop severe mental illness and lose all self-care ability."

At this moment, a dazzling cigarette flower burst open in Bruce's mind, and countless shards of details swept past like the wind.

He understood that this Schiller, the most terrible he had ever encountered, had once again used a conspiracy to have him personally send his professor to hell.

Accompanied by the unveiling of the truth, in the hazy and dreamlike moonlight shining through the window, Bruce saw Schiller locked behind iron bars.

Schiller's lower face was covered with a heavy metal mask, but Bruce could still see the triumphant smile in his eyes, and hear that low-pitched "...lamb."

Guilt, in addition to being a knife, is also the iron chain that leads the lamb.

Suddenly, Bruce felt dizzy.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1183 The Cry of the Lamb (Four)


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