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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Having just learned this particular restriction and using it for the first time, he initially felt somewhat unfamiliar. After planting restrictions for more than a dozen individuals in succession, his techniques gradually became more proficient.

However, his Divine Sense was rapidly depleting, and it wasn't until he had set up eighty restrictions that his Divine Sense was completely exhausted.

He could only sit in place and slowly recover. Currently, he didn't have any Spiritual Herbs to aid in Divine Sense recovery; only the Qiu Long Tea had some effect. However, once reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, its assistance was limited.

The mutated Qiu Long Tea took a different path, greatly enhancing comprehension in a short period of time but being completely useless for Divine Sense recovery.

After consuming a pill refined with Qiu Long Tea, he meditated for several hours, and only then did his Divine Sense fully recover.

He intermittently rested more than ten times after that, finally completing all these restrictions.

Fortunately, Immortal Cultivators were accustomed to solitude and could meditate during periods of waiting.

"Alright! It's finally done. You might face danger at any time during your journey, and Great Chu Immortal Nation can't provide support at all times. I'm giving each of you a defensive Magic weapon as a means of self-preservation."

Currently, anyone leaving the boundaries of Great Chu Immortal Nation had to surrender their leaf-shaped Magic weapons, as these Magic weapons were too dangerous to take outside. It was feared that using such defensive Magic weapons would lead to a quicker demise.

After setting restrictions for everyone, Wang Hong also gave each person a wooden shield. These wooden shields were crafted from spirit wood that had grown for seven to eight thousand years within the Spatial Realm. Though they couldn't compare to Ten Thousand-Year spirit wood, they should be sufficient for their survival at the Golden Core level.

After bidding farewell to this group of Cultivators, Wang Hong entered seclusion once again.

Among the Divine Sense secrets he had obtained this time was the most fundamental method of cultivating Divine Sense, capable of enhancing its strength.

In the Cultivation World, there were very few Cultivation Techniques for Divine Sense cultivation, and they were closely guarded secrets. Therefore, as long as Cultivators were of the same Realm, there was little difference in Divine Sense strength.

Wang Hong's superior Divine Sense was primarily due to his long-term refinement within the Spatial Realm. However, despite possessing stronger Divine Sense than others, he didn't understand how to apply it.

This secret technique included the Divine Sense restrictions he had previously used and a method of Divine Sense attack.

He had already mastered the art of restrictions, which had been a great help. Otherwise, once the secrets of Great Chu Immortal Nation leaked, the peace they had worked so hard to achieve would be shattered.

As for the Divine Sense attack method, he was currently contemplating it.

This method of attack required condensing Divine Sense into a needle and suddenly releasing it when facing an opponent, directly targeting their Nascent Soul.

Cultivators' Nascent Souls were fragile, and when subjected to this kind of attack, they would at least be temporarily stunned. In severe cases, they would die on the spot, their souls dispersing.

Furthermore, the greatest advantage of this secret technique was its suddenness. It was invisible and untraceable, making it perfect for surprise attacks.

However, this secret technique could only be used against those with Divine Sense equal to or weaker than one's own. If faced with someone with stronger Divine Sense, using this technique would backfire and harm one's own Divine Sense.

In the secluded chamber, Wang Hong repeatedly compressed his Divine Sense, and each time, it would dissipate once it reached a certain level.

Following the instructions in the secret technique, he attempted time and again. Finally, after half a year, he successfully compressed his Divine Sense into a fine needle.

This Divine Sense needle, when released from the body, could only be sensed by Wang Hong himself, and others couldn't detect it at all. Moreover, the Divine Sense needle was incredibly fast, capable of completing an attack in the blink of an eye.

However, its power couldn't be verified at the moment. Unlike other supernatural abilities that could be tested on stones or hills, this one could only be experimented with in actual combat.

Once his secret technique training was successful, Wang Hong left his secluded chamber. As the ruler of a nation, he couldn't always act as a detached manager; he needed to occasionally look around.

Chen Xiaofeng and the Ministry of Works team had already deciphered the refining tool blueprint of that Large Sea Ship and were now selecting suitable materials to attempt the first ship's refinement.

Wang Hong, being a fourth-tier refining tool master, also became interested and joined in.

His involvement actually helped solve many difficulties.

For the ship's frame, Wang Hong used a piece of Ten Thousand-Year spirit wood, specifically designing a formation to mask the strong Spiritual Energy fluctuations emanating from Ten Thousand-Year Spiritual Objects.

Having a Ten Thousand-Year spirit wood as the ship's frame significantly improved its quality. The rest of the materials were three to four-tier spirit wood that Wang Hong had brought back from the Fengwu Continent.

After a year of work, the first Large Sea Ship was finally successfully refined and underwent its maiden voyage. However, the formations on the Flying Boat and various types of cannons had not been designed yet. Refining these elements would also take some time.

Once the ship's refinement was complete, Wang Hong didn't participate in the later stages of the process. Chen Xiaofeng led the refining tool aspect, and Sloppy Old Daoist managed the formations. These matters didn't require his direct involvement.

Wang Hong returned to his secluded chamber to continue his cultivation. Since reaching the mid-Nascent Soul stage, he had been constantly on the move, with limited time for cultivation. Now, during this period of stability, he focused on training.

During this thirty-year seclusion, his cultivation level had made significant progress. He had gone from being a novice in the mid-Nascent Soul stage to nearly reaching the pinnacle of the mid-Nascent Soul stage. He believed that with a bit more time, he would enter the late-Nascent Soul stage.

However, he had to leave seclusion to address some matters.

Thirty years was just a seclusion for an Immortal Cultivator, but it was an incredibly long time for mortals, enough to span two generations.

During this period of rest and recuperation, Great Chu Immortal Nation's population had once again reached one million.

The indigenous children recruited and trained back then had all grown up and started families, while the older generation had turned to Yellow Soil.

After these thirty years of evolution, there were no more tribal settlements on Qizhou Island as before. Everyone was a citizen of Great Chu Immortal Nation.

Due to the population growth and increased labor force, most of the Spiritual Sites on Qizhou Island had been developed into spirit fields, filled with Spirit Grain and various Spiritual Herbs.

These Spiritual Objects were not only used for domestic consumption but also transported by Large Sea Ship to be sold in shops in Lin Hai City.

Accompanying these goods were various items produced by the Ministry of Works.

Over these thirty years, the Ministry of Works had also expanded significantly, recruiting many new talents and training a large number of technical personnel through a cost-effective development approach.

Because of their powerful parents, the new generation on Qizhou Island generally had strong Cultivation potential, with a higher proportion having Spiritual Roots.

Therefore, among the new generation, the proportion of Cultivators was also increasing.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 593: Protecting the Demonic Beast


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