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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The interrogation room had changed its appearance this time. For the first time, there were cold bars that isolated the interrogator and the interrogated. The chairs were no longer as comfortable, and the iron rings used to fix the handcuffs and shackles blinked with a cold luster under the light.

But like other rooms, this one was still dimly lit, with only a small square window above the chair allowing a faint moonlight to seep through. When Bruce entered the room, Schiller's gray eyes, whose pupils were almost invisible, showed a touch of gentleness in the cold moonlight.

Bruce walked up to the bars but did not sit down. He turned to look at the agent who had brought him in.

The agent nodded to him and said, "Mr. Wayne, considering your safety, please do not get too close to the suspect, no matter what he says. You cannot extend your limbs through the bars, nor can you tamper with the lock on the door or throw anything into the bars."

After saying that, the agent turned and left, closing the door behind him. Schiller raised his head and said to Bruce on the other side of the bars, "Don't be so nervous, have a seat."

"Pathological," Bruce murmured a word.

Schiller nodded and said, "It took some effort to get them to find me a decent set of clothes. I don't like those dull colors that make me look like a stuffy old scholar."

"And the reason I'm here, of course, is to announce that you've done very well on your makeup exam. You've handled everything quite well. Which aspect would you like to hear about first?"

Bruce narrowed his eyes and stared at Schiller, asking, "Did you kill Jimmy?"

Schiller shook his head and said, "I thought even when you were having your blood drawn, you would still be focused on listening to me next door. I've already said I don't kill people, and I have no interest in physical abuse."

"Let's start with the part about the policewoman Angela," Schiller said.

"After Angela found you, she hoped you could come up with an effective plan, but she was hoping you would use the power of the Wayne Group to ensure a fair trial."

"Can you tell me how you persuaded her?"

Bruce stood in place, staring intently into Schiller's eyes. His state was very nervous, several times more so than when facing Pride Schiller. The calm and gentle Professor Schiller in front of him made him feel his hackles rise.

"After Angela found me, she was very anxious, very worried that an unfair trial might result in Schiller being wronged. I took advantage of her agitated state and persuaded her."

"I told her that I could mobilize the power of the Wayne Group to influence the outcome of the verdict, and I could even directly bribe FBI agents to fabricate evidence."

"You were trying to provoke her sense of justice?" Schiller asked.

Bruce nodded and said, "Angela Dodge is a very righteous policewoman. Even though she had once received Schiller's favor, she did not want anyone to use such despicable means to undermine judicial justice."

"Moreover, according to her understanding of you, she couldn't even be sure whether you had really abused those students or not. She wanted to save you, but also wanted to ensure fairness and pursue judicial justice."

"So I told her that if we didn't use this method, we would have to find evidence that was favorable to Schiller."

"If such evidence really existed but was buried, then bringing it out and revealing it in court would not be interfering with judicial justice."

"Angela was very anxious and had no idea, so I told her that the best way to verify a teacher's qualifications was his teaching level, but we couldn't have Schiller give a lecture in court, so the best way was to collect some documentary evidence."

"Angela has two master's degrees in criminal investigation and forensics, so she immediately thought of evaluating Schiller's teaching level by observing his students' papers."

"Everyone knows that undergraduate papers are unlikely to have any forward-looking or innovative results, and the research is often not in-depth enough, but if we can pick out one or two that stand out, it can at least prove that Schiller has been teaching his students seriously, and not just abusing his position."

"A very logical flow," Schiller commented, but then he raised another question: "How did you get Angela to choose your paper? And how did you explain to her how an ignorant playboy like you could write a paper that was far above average?"

Bruce took a step back, pulled the chair that he had previously pushed away, and sat down. He touched his philtrum and said:

"When she was looking for the papers, I deliberately chatted with her about my studies, so I was able to learn from her mouth that she had two master's degrees."

"This policewoman is serious and responsible, and has been working on the front lines for a long time, which made her feel that she has a responsibility to guide and correct every citizen of society."

"Angela is older than me, and when I deliberately complained about the boredom of studying in our conversation, she instinctively wanted to guide me to the right path, persuading me to study hard, cherish my campus life, and not waste time."

Schiller's mouth curled up slightly, and he leaned forward, with a touch of interest, and asked, "Then what?"

Bruce lowered his head, pursing his lips, and after a moment of silence, he spoke up:

"I casually mentioned to her the fact that I had lost both my parents at a young age and had to take on the heavy responsibility of the Wayne Group alone."

"Vulnerability," Schiller said a word, and he smiled at Wayne, saying, "What surprises every man is that often what attracts women is not the strong, violent, and masculine part of him, but a sense of vulnerability."

Bruce took a deep breath and continued Schiller's words, "Men hate and worship patriarchy, women fear and are fascinated by patriarchy. If you constantly oppress them, their personality will regress, causing confusion and hatred, but if you retreat, their personality will advance, causing excitement and love."

"When I talked about the misfortune of my childhood, Angela understood my complaints and even thought that my ignorance and dissolute behavior were understandable."

"When I regressed my personality to my childhood, she would naturally take the position of an elder or mother, and maternal instinct is one of the sources of women's sympathy."

Schiller nodded vigorously, then looked into Bruce's eyes, signaling him to continue.

"So when I asked her to take a look at my paper, Angela couldn't refuse, because she felt that she couldn't hurt my self-esteem."

"In this case, she couldn't say something like 'what kind of good article can you write', she thought it was worth spending some time encouraging me."

"So, she found my paper and gave it a quick read. Her university course must have included criminal psychology, and the topic of my paper was related to that, so she could see that the level of this paper was far above average."

"Angela expressed surprise and confusion, and also developed some suspicion. Her first suspicion was that I might have hired someone to write the paper, but Officer Angela is a person who likes to stick to the facts. She prefers to find the evidence herself."

"She asked me a few questions about points in the paper, and I answered truthfully, so she was able to judge for herself that this paper was indeed written by me."

"Afterwards, she felt puzzled again. In my description of myself, I was a student who almost never attended classes, never turned in assignments on time, and had very poor grades. She wanted to know how I was able to write such a paper."

"Did you tell her directly?" Schiller asked.

Bruce shook his head and said, "The complete truth can indeed be more convincing, but sometimes it can also limit the space for imagination. If I had only hinted at things vaguely and obscurely, the other party might have felt there were some unspeakable reasons, and hearing it might not have been good for her."

"I hinted vaguely that this had something to do with Schiller. I guessed that Angela might have thought Schiller helped me polish this paper, in the hope of getting help from the Wayne Group."

"So Angela pieced everything together into a reasonable explanation, because Schiller had previously helped me academically, so when she found me, I was willing to help her save Schiller, and this provided a common reason for my paper's quality and my willingness to help Schiller."

"Afterwards, she felt that the evidence of a student with such poor grades being able to write a paper of this level was convincing enough, so she decided to present my paper publicly at the open inquiry tomorrow."

Schiller smiled again and made eye contact with Bruce, saying with a smile, "Since we've come to this, then let's talk. Why did you do this?"

Bruce lowered his head slightly, pressing his finger to his brow, and said in a somewhat resigned tone, "Although Professor Schiller passed my paper, his final evaluation of my paper...

He said he knew he would go to hell one day, so he decided to read this paper to Satan every night, so that I wouldn't encounter him in hell."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1182 The Cry of the Lamb (Three)


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