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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The black agent left the room with the documents in big strides, but Bruce did not leave. Instead, he stood in front of the desk for a few seconds before slowly sitting back down.

He propped his elbows on the desktop, interlocked his fingers, and rested his chin on his hands, squinting his eyes.

Accompanied by a glimmer in his deep blue eyes, the time in the room suddenly began to flow backwards.

Jimmy walked back into the room, placed the documents on the table, and sat down, facing Bruce again.

"He is a quite experienced Federal Bureau of Investigation agent," Bruce said, and as he looked up, he saw another version of himself standing behind Jimmy.

The Bruce sitting at the table had his blue irises gradually disappear, leaving his eyes completely white, which looked rather frightening. But the Bruce standing behind Jimmy gradually gained a pair of blue eyes, with a calm, rational, and wise glow.

The Blue-Eyed Bruce took a step to the left, coming to stand next to Jimmy, and pointed to his hands on the table, saying, "His hands show very obvious signs of training, so his marksmanship should be quite good."

"How old is he?" the Bruce with the white eyes asked.

"Based on the condition of the black agent's bones and hair, he should be between 35 and 40 years old. Due to his rigorous physical training, he appears younger and more robust than the average person," the Blue-Eyed Bruce replied.

The Blue-Eyed Bruce looked at Jimmy's completely still expression and said, "The training marks on his body indicate that he was once a field agent, and 35-40 years old is the prime age for a field agent. So why is he sitting here doing intelligence work in an office?"

The Bruce with the white eyes blinked his eyes lightly, and time began to fast-forward again. Jimmy stood up, gathered the documents, pulled out the chair, and turned to walk towards the door.

The Bruce with the white eyes blinked his eyes again, and time began to slowly flow. Jimmy opened his mouth, wanting to confirm the situation with the security guard outside, revealing his teeth.

Time froze again, and the Blue-Eyed Bruce leaned down to take a closer look at Jimmy's oral cavity. After examining it from several angles, he still spoke in a very calm tone:

"His dental condition is not good. There is an impacted tooth on the right side of his mouth, and he has had caries on the back molars. The dental work is not very good, with obvious color differences in the fillings, and his lower front teeth are crooked, without any orthodontic treatment."

"This indicates that his economic conditions are average," the Bruce with the white eyes said. "Field agents, although more dangerous, have much higher incomes, nearly 3-4 times that of office personnel. If he needed money, there would be no reason for him to voluntarily give up his field agent job."

"So we can rule out the possibility that he actively requested a transfer."

Instantly, time froze again, and the Blue-Eyed Bruce walked over to Jimmy's side, examining his body from the neck to the shoulders, chest, waist, and legs, as if searching him.

"His bones are relatively thick, his muscles are evenly distributed, his arm swinging and gait are normal, and his limbs used for movement show no signs of serious injury. His breathing rate is slightly elevated, but his chest rises and falls steadily, and his cardiopulmonary function appears normal," the Blue-Eyed Bruce quickly said.

The Blue-Eyed Bruce then came to stand in front of Jimmy, looking into his eyes and saying, "His pupil dilation is normal, his eyes are slightly bloodshot, but there are no obvious eye injuries, and his vision is intact."

"It seems we can also rule out the possibility that he is unable to continue field work due to injury," the Bruce with the white eyes nodded.

The next moment, the room's lights suddenly went out, leaving only a faint glow filtering through the curtain cracks, and the entire room became dimly lit.

The Bruce with the white eyes, devoid of irises, suddenly turned his head and saw a pair of gray eyes in the dark shadow at the far end of the room.

This figure's outline slowly emerged from the darkness, and it was another Bruce, but with gray eyes.

"This agent named Jimmy does not enjoy the work he is currently doing," the Gray-Eyed Bruce said, slowly walking to the table and sitting down in front of the white-eyed Bruce. The white-eyed Bruce blinked, and Jimmy returned to his seat.

The Gray-Eyed Bruce reached out and took the documents from Jimmy's hand. The content on them was blurred and indistinct, so he did not know what was written. However, the Gray-Eyed Bruce lightly tapped the lower right corner of the blank paper with his index finger, and it was curled up, with a very regular shape, clearly not just accidentally pressed.

The Gray-Eyed Bruce lowered his eyelids, then looked up at the white-eyed Bruce, who snapped his fingers.

In front of them, Jimmy's movements began to play back at an extremely fast speed, like a film with many frames removed, becoming a series of edited pictures.

"Stop," the Gray-Eyed Bruce commanded.

Instantly, Jimmy's movements stopped, and at the place where the document papers were held up by his left hand, his right index finger and thumb were slowly rolling up the corner of the documents.

"A typical manifestation of anxiety," the Gray-Eyed Bruce leaned in close to Jimmy's fingers, observing the trembling muscles, and said, "He feels very impatient and restless. The curled paper edges indicate that his inner emotions are constantly shrinking inward, and he is engaging in internal consumption with some emotion of his own."

The next second, Gray-Eyed Bruce crouched down again, looking at Jimmy's feet under the table. The Bruce with white eyes also left the chair and crouched down. Gray-Eyed Bruce pointed in the direction of Jimmy's leather shoes and said:

"His two feet are not facing the person he is talking to at all, but are completely tilted to the right side. What does this mean?"

The two Bruces stood up at the same time, looking to the right side of Jimmy, which was the office door.

"He is eager to leave and has no desire to face you, which is completely abnormal in this kind of conversation scenario."

"He is an interrogator, and you are the interrogated. He should not want to leave before you, but since he has expressed this emotion, it must have a reason."

As the Bruce with white eyes stood up, Jimmy was pulled by an invisible force and stood upright in front of the meeting table, like a puppet.

The Bruce with white eyes went to the head of the table, the Blue-Eyed Bruce sat on his right, and the Gray-Eyed Bruce sat on his left. At the same time, a Bruce with red eyes appeared in the second position on the right.

The Bruce without pupils leaned his hands on the table, first turning his head to the right and said to the Blue-Eyed Bruce: "Fact analysis - empathy."

Then he turned his head to the left and said to the Gray-Eyed Bruce: "Emotional judgment - compassion."

Finally, he looked at the Bruce with red eyes and uttered a single word: "...Intuition."

"Next, let's summarize all the clues we've obtained."

"Jimmy·Andrews, a former Federal Bureau of Investigation field agent, of appropriate age, physically fit, in poor financial condition, needing a high salary, not having suffered a serious injury that would affect his work ability, but has changed from a field agent to a civilian interrogator."

"He did not voluntarily resign, nor was he transferred due to injury, so there is only one possibility left - he was forced to be transferred."

The Gray-Eyed Bruce added: "Although he has been in a state of impatience, he has not been sloppy or careless in his work. He is a rather dedicated person."

"When you mentioned that the Constitution gives him the right to go to every inch of the country's land, his mood clearly became depressed, indicating that he believes in the law and has a sense of national honor."

"When he mentioned the word 'justice', his emotions became excited, indicating that he has a good sense of justice."

"Can an agent transferred from the field department, who is not proficient in psychology and behavioral science, make professional judgments on this case?"

The Bruce with white eyes asked a question, and all the Bruces shook their heads.

"Does Jimmy know this himself?"

All the Bruces nodded.

"Then why does he want to leave?"

As soon as the Bruce with white eyes asked the question, he answered it himself: "Because he knows he can't make the decision, he knows he's just a puppet, and the outcome of this case was predetermined from the beginning. His sense of justice makes him feel very disgusted with this unfair trial, and he is eager to escape from here."

The Gray-Eyed Bruce sighed lightly and said, "His last sentence is hinting... no, it's no longer hinting, he's already making it clear that someone is manipulating everything, with the goal of getting Schiller imprisoned. He hopes you can do something to uphold justice."

But at this time, the Blue-Eyed Bruce said, "If someone is manipulating everything, why did they choose an old agent with a sense of justice and pursuit of justice, instead of a completely controllable fool who won't take any extra action?"

Suddenly, the Bruce with red eyes stood up and looked at the one in front of the long table, saying in a deep voice:

"They are confident that they won't let Jimmy influence this case too much... they didn't want him to survive."

With a "snap", the solidified space shattered, and the Bruce sitting at the long table suddenly woke up. He quickly stood up and turned his head to look outside the door.

Only a few minutes had passed, but Jimmy's figure had already disappeared into the corridor, and Bruce also stepped forward and chased after Jimmy.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he turned a corner, he saw two figures walking towards him. Bruce immediately lightened his footsteps and found that the two people approaching him were a man and a woman.

"Oh my god, Mr. Bruce Wayne!" The man was the first to step forward, with a surprised tone, looking at Bruce and saying, "Jimmy has told me long ago that you would come here for questioning today. I'm so glad you're willing to cooperate with our work!"

"Let me introduce myself, I am William·Denechette, a psychology and behavioral science lecturer at the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent training center."

William pushed his glasses and looked at the black-haired woman next to him, introducing her:

"This is Talia al Ghul, a lecturer on the use and maintenance of equipment at the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent training center."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1179 Who Can Make Schiller Confess? (Part 2)


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