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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the reception room of Wayne Manor, Angela was pacing around, slightly anxious. Bruce hadn't asked anything yet, but the female police officer started speaking in a rapid-fire manner:

"I don't know if I've told you this before, but Schiller once saved me. When I was troubled by a Demon, he helped me exorcise it and also alleviated the terrible memories. Later, when I was emotionally devastated by a murder case, he also provided me with treatment and comfort."

"So, you don't need to worry that I'm helping him for some ulterior motive. I just want to repay his kindness."

Angela stood in place, hands on her hips, and sighed, "I can only say I'm lucky. I've been with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for only two months, and I was already assigned to the understaffed criminal investigation team, and due to my well-known background, I was given an important position."

"Yesterday afternoon, I heard a familiar name, Schiller Rodriguez, and learned that he had been accused by his students. So, I concealed the fact that he had treated me before and avoided the isolation procedure to participate in the investigation."

"The reason I did this is not to obstruct justice, but rather to ensure justice."

Bruce caught the implication, and he put down the jacket he was holding, looking at Angela and saying, "Are you suggesting that someone doesn't want this case to be handled fairly?"

Angela hesitated for a moment, and she seemed a bit distrustful of Bruce, but Bruce could understand. So, he spoke up, "You should know that the Wayne Group can do a lot of things, and you don't need to worry whether I'm genuinely trying to help Schiller."

"Regardless, he was my college professor, and our reputations in the academic world are closely related. In this regard, we have a common interest."

Sure enough, Angela was moved. Bruce gestured to the sofa across from him, and Angela came over and sat down, picking up a water glass and taking a sip before speaking:

"You know, Schiller has previously faced accusations of espionage. Although he ultimately avoided trial due to various power struggles, many people have been keeping an eye on him, and many believe that if he continues to maintain such a high reputation, if he makes some choices that are detrimental to the situation one day, it may further highlight the ineffectiveness of certain institutions."

Angela spoke in a veiled manner, but Bruce immediately understood. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had already arrested Schiller once, but later, the Gotham disaster broke out, and the U.S. was worried that the disaster would damage its international reputation, so they didn't dare to investigate further.

If they continued to prosecute Schiller, and Schiller said something in court, the laughter from the Far East would be deafening again.

Generally, the way to handle such cases would ultimately be a "suicide by eight gunshots," but first, Schiller was in Gotham, making it somewhat difficult to handle it that way, and second, the Federal Bureau of Investigation also knew that Schiller was no easy target. If he managed to capture some evidence against them, they would be even more embarrassed.

These law enforcement institutions, of course, would hope that Schiller no longer has such a strong influence and voice. If he could be disgraced and his reputation ruined, then even if he said something, no one would believe him anymore.

"I'm not sure if there's an organized conspiracy, or if they're just seizing the opportunity, but it's very clear that someone wants to influence the evaluation results." Angela covered her face, and her tone conveyed a deep sense of helplessness.

"I swore that when I said the word 'truthfully,' I almost bit through my teeth, but this Professor really answered truthfully." Angela's voice was already a bit shaky with emotion.

She looked at Bruce, reached behind her back, and then tossed a recording pen onto the table, saying, "Fortunately, those non-field agents have little counterintelligence experience. You can listen for yourself."

Bruce looked at the recording pen, then at Angela. He leaned forward, reached out his arm, and took the recording pen to start playing it:

"...If I pay too much attention to one of the students and neglect the others..."

"...The students I deliberately pay attention to have no subjective initiative, they won't move even if I push them, and even if I try to cram the knowledge into their brains, they just don't take it to heart..."

"...The envy and resentment projected onto these special students should not be treated as innocent individual behavior, but should be understood as a failure of education..."

"...Not only must I be responsible for the bullying suffered by the students who received my special affection, but I must also be responsible for the negative emotions that this unfairness has caused in the students who appear to be the villains..."

Bruce covered his eyes and said, "Roman and Thomas, they're completely mentally ill. Their targeting of Schiller has nothing to do with whether Schiller paid too much attention to other people."

"Which campus bully would disfigure themselves to look like the victim? Which campus bully would be constantly wanting to fly around the skies of Gotham???"

Angela seemed a bit puzzled, so Bruce briefly explained the relationship between Thomas, Roman, and himself. The female officer's brow furrowed tighter and tighter as she listened, and she squinted her eyes at Bruce and said:

"So, these two people are actually jealous of you and want to take away what you have, so they target Schiller? And Schiller attributes this to his own educational failure?"

Bruce averted his gaze and said, "It's not entirely because of that."

"Schiller's condition is not good," Angela said, constantly clenching the cup with her hand. "You can hear it too, he doesn't seem to want to defend himself."

"I know, I know, if there's a mistake, one should acknowledge it, reflect actively, and do better, rather than avoid it. As a teacher who often holds a high position, being able to reflect on oneself and acknowledge one's mistakes is very rare."

"But when one is courageous to acknowledge, one should also choose an appropriate time. Now that he is courageously acknowledging, isn't he just giving those who want to drag him into the abyss an opportunity?"

Angela seemed very helpless. She leaned back in the chair and shook her head quickly, saying, "From the perspective of justice, I shouldn't be shielding him, but this is already an unfair trial. He should have used his professional knowledge more actively to protect himself, but it seems he's ready to give up the fight."

"I don't think he'll go to prison, and even if he does, in Gotham's prisons, it won't be any different from being outside. But if the unfair result is really published and enters the public's consciousness, he'll never be able to publish any achievements or teach again."

"I don't know if you can see it, but he really values his teaching career, he is truly proud of his identity as a teacher, and he is teaching and educating students wholeheartedly. Even if there are some mistakes, who doesn't make mistakes?"

Angela kept rambling on, seemingly afraid that Bruce wouldn't understand. Her interactions with Bruce were not many, so she didn't know the relationship between Bruce and Schiller, and she just thought Bruce was an ordinary student.

She came to find Bruce because she thought the owner of the Wayne Group might not accept the damage to his reputation, so she wanted to seek help, but even if she didn't say anything, Bruce was more anxious than her.

If you say that Black Mask Roman might have become somewhat extreme due to his innate lack of emotion and his family upbringing, the main mistake was with his father. Then Thomas is just a pure psychopath.

According to Bruce's understanding, Thomas's parents, the Elliott couple, were quite popular and relatively mild-tempered. As for their children's education, it was not outstanding, but there were no major mistakes.

But Thomas just doesn't know why he is crazily obsessed with Batman and Bruce Wayne, even murdering his own parents, trying to plastic surgery himself to look like him, and after failing to take revenge on Batman, he started taking revenge on society.

This level of extremism is not something a university professor can change. It's better to say that it's a good thing Schiller didn't pay attention to him. If Schiller had discovered in advance that there was such a maniac in Gotham University, he might not have ended up in jail, but in the pot.

Thinking about this, Bruce was simply furious. These two people were bad, after all, there were many bad guys in Gotham. But what made him most angry was that they were stupid, being incited and used by others without knowing it, which was really embarrassing for the people of Gotham.

Correct, Bruce believes that Roman and Thomas were very likely instigated by some people. After all, based on their previous brains that went to Schiller's office to do a series of slippery shovels, they would not have thought of using their student identities to accuse Schiller, to attack him in the field of education that he cares most about.

At the same time, Bruce is also clear that what Victor said before is correct. He and Schiller have been hurting each other. Schiller has caused him to doubt his own emotional control ability, and he has also brought Schiller a considerable sense of frustration.

To devote so much attention for four whole years, and in the end, it's still not enough. This is a huge blow to any teacher, let alone the fact that the whole world knows that Batman's intelligence is superior. If he can't learn, whose problem is it?

In other words, every time Batman fails to achieve the results he should have in psychology, Schiller may think about how high his IQ is, and thus doubt his own teaching methods.

Bruce also reflected on the reasons for his failure in the previous exam.

He feels that the main reason may be that he had used a new approach to deal with a series of Criminals very smoothly before, so he became a little complacent.

Or you could say that he thought he had already mastered the shortcut of psychology, and focused too much on the changes in the other party's emotions, while weakening the observation and skepticism that he used to be proud of. Otherwise, he wouldn't have failed to even suspect who called the Gotham police to provide clues, such an absurd fact.

Normally, he must find a balance between focusing on others' emotions and focusing on factual evidence, so that these two paths can complement each other and provide him with the greatest help.

Conversely, just as he did before, being too focused on the factual evidence in the legal context, or being too immersed in focusing on the emotional and verbal loopholes of others, would be one-sided.

Bruce's learning and reflection ability is terribly strong. In less than a day, he has already found the crux of the problem and adjusted his own mindset, but the problem is, his teacher seems to be planning to go to jail.

Bruce has no doubt that Schiller is absolutely capable of going to jail just to avoid teaching him, and he even more suspects that Schiller is now planning to do so.

Bruce hesitated for a moment, looking at Angela, and before he could even open his mouth to ask, Angela directly answered, "No way, they're watching him closely, I can't get in touch with him, and even if I could, I couldn't persuade him."

"Bruce, why don't you think about it, I used to be his patient. If I could persuade him, how was I cured by him in the first place?"

The two looked at each other in silence.

"The current problem is that Roman and Thomas did not accuse him because of Schiller's unfairness, but were instigated by others. I think Schiller can understand this, and the reason he didn't refute it is because he feels he didn't do well enough in this area," Angela began to analyze.

"If he has to pay the price for his mistakes, he should pay an equal price, rather than being added extra costs by people with ulterior motives, thereby ruining his career."

"I don't think he's unaware that someone wants him to pay a higher price. What I don't understand now is why he doesn't mind? Shouldn't no one be indifferent to this kind of thing?" Angela said with some confusion.

Bruce cleared his throat lightly and said, "Maybe he feels that continuing to be a teacher is more painful than going to jail."

"Why? Doesn't he love his teaching career?"

Bruce pursed his lips and looked up at Angela.

"The student he said he paid too much attention to, taught wholeheartedly, and especially favored, is me."

Angela slowly widened her eyes, staring at Bruce's face for nearly a minute before speaking:

"...No wonder he wants to go to jail."

Schiller: I'm tired, let's go for destruction.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1177 Who can make Schiller confess? (Part 1)


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