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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


In Lin Hai City, the Central State Trading Company's grand auction, held once every thirty years, was just a month away. At this moment, Lin Hai City was bustling with activity, as Cultivators from various nearby cities flocked to the event.

Wang Hong, naturally, did not want to miss such a rare auction, where he expected to find many treasures he needed. Even if he didn't need them personally, he had plenty of subordinates who could make use of them.

Over the past two years, he had been traveling through the Fengwu Continent, quietly exchanging some Spiritual Objects for Spirit Stones, all in preparation for the upcoming auction.

This auction also allowed consignments, and a long queue had formed at the side entrance of the Central State Trading Company. These were people hoping to consign their treasures for auction.

At this moment, Wang Hong suppressed his cultivation level to the Golden Core Stage and transformed his appearance into that of an old woman with wrinkled skin and sparse, white hair. For added security, he wore a cloak made from savage beast hide, which could shield against Divine Sense. Unless someone of the Soul Transformation stage got close, no one would be able to see through his disguise.

He moved slowly along with the queue, observing that most of the returning Cultivators appeared dejected, clearly not having caught the eye of the appraisers.

This auction held by the East Zhou Trading Company occurred only once every thirty years, and not just any treasure could make it into the event. They had to possess a certain level of quality.

When it was Wang Hong's turn, he entered through the side entrance and was guided into a secluded room.

Inside the room, he was surprised to find that the appraiser was someone he knew – Wei Shixing, the same person who had appraised a pill for him last time. However, Wei Shixing would not recognize Wang Hong in his current disguise.

"What treasures do you have? Hurry and show them to me, my time is limited," Wei Shixing said, his expression somewhat arrogant. After a full day of appraisals, he had found fewer than ten items worthy of his attention.

"I have only two items, both passed down from my ancestors: a Magic weapon and a cask of Spirit Wine," Wang Hong replied, producing a wooden box and two casks with red silk ribbons tied around them. Before presenting them, Wang Hong had taken some measures to make them appear more valuable.

Wei Shixing's gaze first landed on the two casks of Spirit Wine, and with his discerning eye, he could tell that these casks had some age to them.

"Fellow Daoist, in order to appraise this Spirit Wine, we'll need to open the cask. Have you thought it through? It will end the aging process," Wei Shixing cautioned. Normally, aged Spirit Wine couldn't be easily opened. Once opened, the aging process would stop.

"I've made up my mind. Please proceed," Wang Hong replied.

These two casks of Spirit Wine were brewed by him using three-tier Dragon Scale Fruit and aged for over six thousand years in his spatial storage. He was confident that the auction would accept this Spirit Wine.

Wei Shixing carefully opened the seal on one of the casks, and as soon as it was unsealed, a rich aroma wafted out.

Wei Shixing took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing slightly as he displayed an expression of pure enjoyment. He used his Spiritual Power to extract a small amount of Spirit Wine and tasted it slowly.

"This Spirit Wine originally had a three-tier quality, but after aging for over six thousand years in a place with rich Spirit Qi, it has undoubtedly reached a four-tier quality. Moreover, its aroma is rich and smooth, making it a rare find among four-tier Spirit Wines," Wei Shixing commented after savoring the Spirit Wine.

For Spiritual Objects of this quality, the Central State Trading Company was naturally eager to acquire as many as possible.

Wei Shixing then opened the other cask of Spirit Wine and appraised it, finding it to be of the same quality as the first, likely from the same batch.

In the grand hall of the Central State Trading Company, a bearded old man entered. As he was passing through the hall on his way upstairs, his nose suddenly twitched.

He felt a waft of a captivating fragrance in the air. It was a scent that was both elusive and incredibly rich, making him feel a sense of relaxation throughout his entire body.

The old man twitched his nose and began to follow the scent slowly, trying to pinpoint its source.

However, just as he was about to reach a certain door, a servant stopped him, informing him that he couldn't proceed further.

The old man was reluctant to leave and remained standing in place, deeply inhaling the aroma of the fragrance. It was so enticing that it made him forget the purpose of his visit.

"This fragrance is exquisite! Even through these restrictions, I can smell it. If I could have a sip or two, I'd be willing to do anything," the old man muttered to himself as he stood there.

Unbeknownst to him, inside the sealed chamber, two individuals continued with their activities.

At this moment, Wei Shixing had already begun appraising the items inside the wooden box. After the previous encounter with the Spirit Wine, he had developed a newfound appreciation for Wang Hong.

He carefully lifted the lid of the box and peered inside.

As soon as he saw what was inside, his gaze became fixed, and he gingerly picked up the contents, examining them closely.

Inside the wooden box lay a verdant leaf with a Rune engraved on it, appearing as if it had naturally grown there.

Wei Shixing carefully extracted the leaf-shaped Magic weapon from the box, handling it with utmost care, as if afraid of dropping and damaging it.

He employed various appraisal techniques and focused on deciphering the Rune inscribed on the leaf.

"This... This seems to be a Dao Rune!" Wei Shixing's tone had become somewhat disjointed as he spoke.

"May I ask, sir, what is a Dao Rune?" Wang Hong had brought these two Spiritual Objects to the auction with the intention of preparing some Spirit Stones and also to have the appraisers shed some light on their true nature. He had always been in the dark about the type of tree the Jade Tree was and the origin of the Rune on it.

In an organization like the Central State Trading Company, their appraisers were undoubtedly well-versed and experienced, capable of providing valuable insights.

"Dao Runes are naturally formed Runes that exist between heaven and earth. They contain the power of principles, and you should know that grasping the power of principles requires reaching the Soul Transformation stage to have even a superficial understanding. Each Dao Rune typically possesses an extremely potent ability," Wei Shixing explained. With this explanation, Wang Hong realized that the Jade Tree possessed incredible power, and now he was beginning to regret putting it up for auction. While he had many of these trees, he didn't really want to sell such a valuable item.

Sensing Wang Hong's hesitation, Wei Shixing added, "However, there is only one Dao Rune on this leaf, and it's challenging to comprehend. This will significantly reduce its value."

In the end, Wang Hong decided to entrust this Magic weapon for auction. Since he had already brought it here, taking it back now might attract unwanted attention.

After reaching an agreement, Wei Shixing arranged the auction paperwork for Wang Hong, allowing him to collect the Spirit Stones after the auction concluded.

As Wang Hong completed the consignment process and walked out of the sealed chamber, a voice called out to him.

"Fellow Daoist, please wait!"

A certain old man had approached him.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 584: Stirring Trouble


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