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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After leaving the Central State Trading Company, Wang Hong wandered aimlessly through the streets, his mind sorting through the information he had gathered today.

Back when he was in Hezhou, he had heard rumors about Soul Transformation Cultivators existing in this world, but he never actually witnessed one, even after the fall of East Zhou. This had led him to briefly doubt whether anyone could truly attain such a realm.

Now, it seemed that even a mere trading company possessed a Soul Transformation Cultivator, and this information was well-known even to the lowest-ranking maids. It was evident that these major powers having Soul Transformation Cultivators was a common occurrence.

However, what was visible on the surface often represented only the tip of the iceberg. There might be deeper, hidden forces at play.

It appeared that while his Great Chu Immortal Nation's strength might be considerable in Hezhou, it was insignificant compared to the powers on Fengwu Continent. For now, it was wise to quietly develop and accumulate strength.

Before leaving, the maid had also shared another piece of information. In three years, the Central State Trading Company in Lin Hai City would host a grand auction. Countless rare treasures would be up for auction, including fourth-tier Spiritual Objects.

Wang Hong was eager to participate, but his funds were currently limited. Purchasing higher-tier Spiritual Objects here required a substantial number of mid-grade Spirit Stones. Although he had acquired some Spirit Stones during his raid on the Demon Clan in Hezhou, he had significant expenses, and his spatial realm continuously consumed Spirit Stones. Consequently, he didn't have many left.

He possessed valuable items in his possession, such as the Ten Thousand-Year Spiritual Herbs from his spatial realm, which were priceless. However, he hesitated to take them out, fearing that a Soul Transformation Cultivator might obliterate him.

His spatial realm also contained a vast collection of Ten Thousand-Year Spiritual Wine for replenishing Spiritual Power and Profound Spirit Elixirs that could enhance Spiritual Roots' aptitude. Additionally, there were Fusang Wood and the impenetrable Jade Tree, both priceless treasures. Sadly, these couldn't be easily exchanged for Spirit Stones.

Having just moved to Qizhou Island, he wanted to establish himself securely and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Returning to the inn, he waited for the others to return, and they collectively shared their gathered information.

Of course, a day's worth of information was limited, and more time was needed for comprehensive understanding.

Over the next few weeks, they continued to explore the city daily, seeking out information.

A month later, after consolidating various pieces of information, they had a basic understanding of Lin Hai City.

Lin Hai City was under the jurisdiction of a power known as the Cloud Sea Sect. It was said that this faction boasted over a dozen Nascent Soul Cultivators and controlled several similar Cultivation Cities. On Fengwu Continent, such power could only be considered strong among second-tier forces.

As for the alliance between the Human Clan and Demon Clan, they had learned the purpose as well. It was a joint effort to combat the Demon Race and Abyss Clan. These two factions had been engaged in perpetual warfare for countless years, but the reasons behind their conflicts were beyond the knowledge of these lower-tier Cultivators.

Gathering this information wasn't particularly challenging, and almost every Cultivator they encountered had knowledge of it, often sharing their own opinions and ideas, speaking eloquently and offering strategies to show off their knowledge and expertise.

"Since we've gathered enough information here, it's time for us to temporarily leave this place. However, we'll need to leave a team behind to continue gathering information and be responsible for receiving messengers when we send them for trading in the future."

At this point, Wang Hong had made up his mind to depart and explore other regions of Fengwu Continent to gain a broader understanding.

In the end, he selected five individuals from the Golden Core Cultivators to stay in Lin Hai City.

"During your stay here, you can also start looking for suitable shops, preferably to purchase. There's a batch of third-tier Spirit Wine that has been aged for eight hundred years; you can use it as your operating funds when the opportunity arises."

Wang Hong had previously learned that this quality of Spirit Wine would undoubtedly be in high demand in Lin Hai City, ensuring it would sell well without attracting too much attention or unnecessary trouble.

"Understood, we will not disappoint Your Majesty's expectations," they replied.

After arranging the five individuals, Wang Hong, accompanied by Liu Changsheng and the remaining group, left Lin Hai City.

In the following days, they visited dozens of cities across Fengwu Continent, experiencing different local customs and cultures.

Whenever they arrived at a new city, Wang Hong would sell some special Spiritual Objects from his spatial realm and purchase the necessary supplies. Consequently, his spatial realm was now filled with many high-tier Spiritual Objects. These items were not easily obtained even through robbery in Hezhou, but now they were acquired by paying a slightly higher price.

At each major city they visited, they left a group of people behind to prepare for future business expansion.

As a result, when Wang Hong and Liu Changsheng returned to Lin Hai City, they had left behind dozens of Golden Core Cultivators.

At this point, the five subordinates Wang Hong had left behind had already purchased a shop in Lin Hai City. The size and scale of this shop were only considered average, making it quite ordinary in Lin Hai City's standards.

After purchasing the shop, they reluctantly opened it ahead of time to avoid wasting resources. They bought some Spiritual Objects from various loose cultivators and then sold them at a markup in the shop.

This unremarkable business was obviously not very profitable, but they lacked the necessary skills and had to make do.

"You should renovate and decorate this shop, get rid of the other items, and focus on selling pills from now on," Wang Hong instructed the five subordinates. Alchemy was not particularly difficult for him at this point. With his current Nascent Soul cultivation level and as a fourth-tier Alchemist, he could quickly refine second-tier pills, with a success rate that was quite high. He could refine a hundred at once.

He closed himself off in the shop's backyard for a month, refining pills that filled several Storage Bags.

During this time, the shop had been renovated, and the sign outside now read "Zhou's Alchemy Store."

Among the five subordinates, one of them was surnamed Zhou, and he was entrusted with managing the shop for the time being.

Wang Hong planned that all his shops in the future would have this inconspicuous and ordinary appearance. He would open many small shops in each city, such as pill shops, refining workshops, formation shops, spirit meal stores, spirit wine stalls, and talisman shops, among others.

These small shops would appear unrelated on the surface, each operating independently. This way, even if he expanded his presence significantly, he would not draw much attention.

He intended to establish a secret management department in each city to oversee and manipulate these shops covertly.

He estimated that even if his influence permeated the entire Fengwu Continent one day, and every city was filled with his shops, people would still not notice the enormous entity hiding right under their noses.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 583: The Grand Dao Rune


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