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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong noticed that Li Nong mentioned his ancestors' preserved scriptures, which piqued his interest.

"I wonder what kind of scriptures your ancestors left behind. Would you be willing to show them to me? Of course, I won't let Fellow Daoist suffer any losses, and I can offer equivalent items in exchange," Wang Hong inquired.

After contemplating for a moment, Li Nong seemed to make a decision and said, "Elder, I can give you all of the scriptures left by my ancestors. I have only one request – when you leave, please take me with you."

"Only you?" Wang Hong was somewhat surprised. He hadn't expected such a request, but it didn't pose any difficulty for him.

"Yes, only me," Li Nong replied after a brief pause, indicating that there were others he couldn't easily part with. Nevertheless, he eventually agreed, saying, "Very well, I can agree to your request."

Wang Hong didn't press for further details regarding Li Nong's reasons for leaving. That was not his concern.

Subsequently, Li Nong led Wang Hong and a few others to his residence.

In the center of the island, there were numerous low stone houses, with a few taller buildings positioned in the middle.

Though the residents here didn't appear to have a high level of Spiritual Energy cultivation, they possessed significant strength, comparable to the martial artists under Wang Hong's command. The exact extent of their strength wasn't discernible from their appearances alone, as it required actual combat to gauge.

Li Nong led Wang Hong straight to a three-story stone palace at the center.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman with a strong physique, thick eyebrows, and large eyes emerged from the palace. Upon spotting Li Nong, her eyes widened, and she immediately began berating him, paying no heed to the presence of outsiders.

"Li Nong, where on earth have you been the whole day? I haven't seen you all day! What about the Winged Fish you promised to hunt yesterday? Mrs. Shibidao's husband manages to catch a Winged Fish every day! Why did I have the misfortune to marry such a useless man?!"

The woman vented her frustration at Li Nong without any regard for Wang Hong's presence.

From her tirade, Wang Hong gathered some basic information. The "Winged Fish" she referred to was a rare and delicious delicacy from the Spirit Realm's sea, extremely challenging to capture. Li Nong had set out in the morning with a group to hunt these creatures but likely encountered Wang Hong's subordinates, causing a delay.

Li Nong's position as the leader probably came from marrying this woman, inheriting it from her father. As a result, Li Nong had always been subordinate to her in their daily life, enduring her frequent scolding.

Wang Hong had no interest in their marital affairs. His dealings with Li Nong were purely a business transaction, and he stood silently beside them, waiting without uttering a word.

Only when Li Nong could bear it no longer, he cast a deep glance at the woman and quietly passed by her, ignoring her scolding. He had made up his mind that from now on, he would have no connection to this island.

Entering the stone palace, he emerged after a while carrying a pile of books and presented them to Wang Hong.

"Elder, all the scriptures left by my ancestors are here. I hope you will honor your promise," Li Nong said.

Skinny Monkey, who was standing beside Wang Hong, took the books from Li Nong. "Rest assured, the deal is sealed. His Majesty will undoubtedly help you escape your predicament."

"Li Nong! Why are you taking everything out? Who are you people, and what do you want with this island?" the woman demanded, still perplexed by the situation.

"This is the scriptures left by my ancestors, and it has nothing to do with you!" Li Nong showed an unusual display of determination.

Wang Hong, not wanting to be involved in their domestic issues, swiftly departed with his subordinates after obtaining the items.

Back in his own tent, he entered the Space and began reading the books. With over three hundred times the normal flow of time inside the Space, he expected to finish reading these books in just one day.

The following morning, Wang Hong emerged from the Space having completed all the books.

It turned out that in the Spirit Realm's Sea, many islands were inhabited by humans. Some of these inhabitants were natives, while many were people who had drifted here from the outside world. Due to the unique environment of the Spirit Realm's Sea, when Cultivators from the outside world arrived, their Spirit Qi gradually leaked away, leaving them trapped with no chance of leaving.

Li Nong's ancestors were among these Cultivators who had become stranded here. After taking root and living here, they eventually passed away. Although Li Nong's ancestors lost their cultivation levels, they left behind a considerable number of books for their descendants to gain knowledge.

Among these books was one that documented various Medicinal Herbs found in the Spirit Realm's Sea. These Medicinal Herbs were initially discovered by Cultivators who had drifted here. Despite lacking Spirit Qi, these unique plants were still referred to as Spiritual Herbs, mostly due to the habit of the Cultivators from the outside world who had originally named them. Over time, they had even forgotten the original names, and the term "Spiritual Herb" had persisted.

Through this book, Wang Hong finally recognized two-thirds of the Spiritual Herbs in the savage beast medicine garden, all of which were extremely rare.

As for the fruit tree, it was indeed famous in the Spirit Realm's Sea. The tree was called the Primordial Fruit, and it was said that consuming one fruit would instantly boost one's strength, even reaching a level similar to a fourth-tier savage beast. Due to the inability of the Spirit Realm's Sea to absorb Spirit Qi, the indigenous people here had developed a unique cultivation method. This method was somewhat similar to Wang Hong's martial artists but imitated the savage beasts.

With this newfound knowledge, Wang Hong's interest surged. Since entering the Golden Core Stage, the effectiveness of the Essence Core Pill had diminished considerably. And now, having reached the Nascent Soul Stage, the pill was entirely useless. The Primordial Fruit seemed like it could provide him with some assistance, but it wasn't the right time to consume it yet.

As Wang Hong exited his tent, several of his subordinates were waiting outside.

"Your Majesty, here is the casualty report from this operation," Xu Lun said with a heavy tone as he handed over a Jade Scroll to Wang Hong.

Wang Hong accepted the Jade Scroll and perused it, his mood shifting from satisfaction to disappointment. In this operation, over five hundred Flying Boats had been destroyed, and more than one hundred and eighty thousand people had been injured or killed. The remaining personnel already exceeded the carrying capacity of the Flying Boats.

"Your Majesty, we are facing a severe shortage of Flying Boats. With so many extra people, it's going to be nearly impossible to accommodate them all, even if we pack them in," Xu Lun fretted.

"How many people can't be accommodated at the moment?"

"At least eighty thousand, or if we want to give them some breathing room, it's eighteen thousand remaining."

Wang Hong was now confronted with a dilemma. He still had some materials on hand, and he could Refine a few more Flying Boats to transport everyone. However, Cultivators couldn't linger in the Spirit Realm's Sea for too long, as their Spirit Qi would likely dissipate, reducing them to ordinary people. If that happened, the entire expedition might face significant setbacks, and there was even a possibility of total annihilation within the Spirit Realm's Sea.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 576: Qizhou Island


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