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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Jia Liang and his two companions engaged in a fierce battle against the savage beast. Even though they could hold their own when fighting together, the current situation made it difficult for them to strike effectively. Their strength seemed wasted.

Wang Hong, witnessing this scene, couldn't help but secretly feel fortunate. It was a stroke of luck that he had managed to trap one of these two savage beasts earlier when they had lost their rationality due to anger.

With this in mind, he intensified the attacks of the formation. If they could finish this quickly, he could then assist in dealing with the other savage beast.

Inside the sword formation, the savage beast put up a fierce resistance, but gradually, various illusions and anomalies overwhelmed it.

The savage beast outside the formation seemed to realize that its companion was trapped within. It would intermittently appear, launching attacks at Wang Hong or the sword formation, but Wang Hong managed to fend them off with great effort.

At that moment, Wang Hong was fully focused on operating the formation. Suddenly, the savage beast appeared beside the sword formation and struck it with its wing, causing the formation to momentarily stall.

Seizing this opportunity, the savage beast lunged at Wang Hong and, in a split second, bit down, swallowing one of Wang Hong's Flying Swords whole.

The connection between Wang Hong and the Flying Sword was instantly severed. He hadn't expected this demonic beast to possess such an ability. Normally, in combat, it was impossible to directly retrieve an opponent's magic weapon.

If he forcefully tried to retrieve it and the beast controlled it, he would be in trouble. Typically, only high-tier cultivators, leveraging their powerful divine sense and spiritual power advantage, could forcefully control a low-tier cultivator's magic weapon.

Now, with his Flying Sword swallowed, Wang Hong was unable to control it and could only sense a faint, tenuous connection.

As the Flying Sword was consumed, the Four Symbols Sword Formation instantly collapsed, revealing the savage beast within that had already lost consciousness.

Taking advantage of the moment when this savage beast pounced on him in an attempt to rescue its companion, Wang Hong swiftly beheaded it with his sword.

The savage beast let out a piercing howl, its eyes filled with madness and resentment, as it once again lunged at Wang Hong, intent on tearing him apart.

At this moment, Jia Liang and his two companions arrived. This was a rare opportunity, and all four of them launched a powerful joint attack against the savage beast.

All their combined efforts landed on the savage beast, which seemed oblivious to the other three and remained fixated on Wang Hong. It rammed into him with tremendous force, sending him flying over a mile away. The impact stripped the spiritual light from the leaves surrounding Wang Hong, causing them to flutter down like ordinary leaves.

He reached out and grabbed thirty-six of the fallen leaves, wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth. Then, he charged at the savage beast once more.

During the earlier intense attack from all four of them, the savage beast had sustained significant injuries.

Wang Hong, now consumed by a ferocious determination, faced the savage beast with his bare hands. In comparison to the colossal savage beast, he was like an ant challenging an elephant.

When the savage beast's wing came crashing down, Wang Hong responded with a powerful punch. The collision between the two created a deafening roar, sending seawater rushing into the sky below.

Wang Hong was thrown back more than ten yards by the force of the impact, and blood once again trickled from the corner of his mouth. The massive savage beast also staggered backward slightly.

At the same time, Jia Liang and his companions continued their relentless assault on the savage beast. However, the savage beast paid no heed to their attacks and remained resolutely focused on Wang Hong, seeking vengeance for its comrade.

Wang Hong was undaunted by the situation; it provided an opportunity to keep the savage beast engaged while giving his companions a chance. He clenched his fists and leaped into action once more.

In this manner, the human and the beast clashed repeatedly, exchanging blows more than ten times. Wang Hong was certainly injured, but the savage beast bore its fair share of wounds as well.

Just when they believed that a few more strikes would surely finish the savage beast, it suddenly seemed to change its mind, no longer willing to fight to the death. Its figure blurred, and it vanished from its original position.

When it reappeared, it was beside the corpse of the savage beast that Wang Hong had beheaded earlier. It swiftly picked up the corpse and disappeared once more.

After a considerable time passed without its reappearance, it became clear that the savage beast had escaped. Pursuing it was no longer certain, even though they had been on the verge of defeating it.

Unfortunately, it had swallowed Wang Hong's Flying Sword earlier, his Lifebound Magical Treasure. He certainly wouldn't give up on retrieving it easily.

Thankfully, he still had a faint connection with the Flying Sword, and following this connection, he should be able to locate the savage beast.

"You three, return to the team and help stabilize the situation, preventing any further danger. I will go and investigate," Wang Hong instructed his companions.

After they had left, he consumed a Tier Four Jade Marrow Pill and proceeded alone, following the connection. He flew over the sea, winding his way for a while until he finally spotted a large island ahead.

He cautiously landed on the island without encountering any danger. The vegetation here was lush, and many of the trees were unfamiliar to him.

As for whether there were valuable Medicinal Herbs among the weeds on the ground, he couldn't be sure. After all, he had only studied Spiritual Herbs, and the Land of Desolate Spirits lacked Spiritual Qi, making all the plants devoid of Spiritual Energy.

He searched the island meticulously, guided by the connection. Eventually, he discovered a massive mountain cave on the island, likely the lair of the savage beast.

Suppressing his aura, he quietly entered the cave. After a short distance, he heard faint mournful cries from inside.

Turning a corner, he saw the savage beast grieving in front of the corpse of its fellow savage beast, appearing deeply saddened.

Based on the creature's behavior, it seemed to possess high intelligence as well. Wang Hong speculated that these three savage beasts might be a family, once living a peaceful life on this small island.

All of this had changed when their offspring attacked the Flying Boat and killed his subordinates. Regardless of the circumstances, he would seek vengeance.

After stepping around the corner, Wang Hong swiftly sent his remaining three Flying Swords slashing toward the grieving savage beast.

The savage beast appeared to have lost its will to fight and didn't put up much resistance against Wang Hong's fierce attacks. It didn't take long for Wang Hong to slay it.

Afterward, he stashed the corpses of the two savage beasts into his spatial storage and began searching the mountain cave.

Considering the age and strength of these two savage beasts, they should have hidden some valuable items. Wang Hong meticulously scoured the cave, tapping here and feeling there. Anything suspicious he discovered was collected, to be examined later when he had more time.

As he ventured deeper into the mountain cave, he noticed a source of light ahead, which he initially thought might be another exit.

Approaching cautiously, he discovered a medicinal garden there. It was surprising that creatures like savage beasts would possess the knowledge of planting.

The garden was not large, covering just over an acre of land, and it contained several unknown plant species. Wang Hong, unfortunately, couldn't identify any of them.

In one corner of the garden, there was a fruit tree with just over a dozen fruits hanging from its branches. One of them was almost ripe, and its fragrance could be smelled from a distance.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 574: Natives



Poor dude

Black Sheep

A happy family gone