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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After the Immortal Nation Flying Boat crossed the sea for self-preservation, fearing pursuit by the Demon Clan, it continued to fly non-stop.

More than ten days had passed by now, and both Wang Hong and Jia Liang had successfully advanced to the mid Nascent Soul stage, gaining a bit more confidence.

During their journey, they stumbled upon a desolate island, so they decided to temporarily dock the Flying Boat and let everyone disembark for a rest.

For the past ten-plus days, everyone had been crammed inside, going through the entire routine of eating, drinking, sleeping, and other necessities on the Flying Boat.

These days were undoubtedly a painful ordeal, and now that they could finally leave the Flying Boat, almost everyone was stretching their limbs with joy.

Fortunately, during the battles of the past year, they had accumulated a considerable amount of Demonic Beast meat, which had been processed into Spirit Meals by the Ministry of Works and stored. Now, during the sea crossing, they could take out these stored Spirit Meals for consumption.

Otherwise, with so many people in this narrow space, it would have been quite a challenge to handle the situation.

The group only stayed on the desolate island for a day before continuing their journey, and this time, things became even more crowded.

Ten of the Flying Boats had been set aside for the Ministry of Works to use for refining tools during the sea crossing, allowing them to continue working on the refinement of Flying Boats.

This time, Wang Hong had raided four Demon Clan strongholds, yielding numerous materials for Spiritual Objects. He had cut down all the spirit wood in the space, some of which were hundreds of years old, and mixed them with these materials, handing them over to Xu Lun for management.

Now, the Ministry of Works could refine some of the Flying Boats with these materials, addressing the urgent need.

At the Ministry of Works' current pace, they could refine a transport Flying Boat in about three days.

As a result, as they set out once again, the group could add a new Flying Boat to their fleet every few days.

During their journey, they encountered many islands, some large, some small, and a few of them even had medium-sized Spirit Veins, but most were just desolate islands.

"Your Majesty, after one more day of travel, we will officially leave Hezhou and need to pass through the Land of Desolate Spirits in the Desolate Spirit Sea. In this region, there is no trace of Spirit Qi, and if one stays here for an extended period, their internal Spirit Qi will slowly deplete until their cultivation level is entirely lost. Moreover, this sea area is fraught with various other dangers. The isolation of the Desolate Spirit Sea is the main reason why Hezhou rarely has interactions with other states."

Sloppy Old Daoist had crossed the Desolate Spirit Sea last time, and the process had been extremely arduous. Therefore, when reporting to Wang Hong, he still wore a worried expression.

"Pass the word down, instruct everyone not to go into seclusion temporarily, be prepared to respond to crises at any time, and make sure each Flying Boat is well-stocked with Spirit Stones."

Before the Flying Boat entered the Land of Desolate Spirits in the Desolate Spirit Sea, it found a desolate island for a brief rest and thorough preparations. Then, it plunged into the Desolate Spirit Sea.

As soon as the Flying Boat entered the legendary Land of Desolate Spirits, Wang Hong felt his body tighten, and the surrounding air seemed to become much denser. He could no longer absorb the slightest bit of Spirit Qi, and he could feel that the Spirit Qi in all the surrounding Spiritual Objects was slowly dissipating.

Even the Spiritual Energy within his body was gradually leaking away, and if this continued for too long, his cultivation level would undoubtedly decline.

If exposed to these conditions for an extended period, he feared that his Spiritual Energy would eventually be depleted, rendering him an ordinary mortal.

He attempted to use a Magical Art and found that its power had also decreased significantly.

However, he also noticed that martial artists seemed to adapt better to this environment, experiencing fewer adverse effects. Relying solely on their physical strength, they appeared to be more suited to the surroundings.

"Order all Flying Boats to activate their defensive shields! Those with Golden Cores or below the third grade are not allowed to leave," Wang Hong commanded. He observed that the Spiritual Energy on the Flying Boat was slowly dissipating, and if this continued for too long, the Flying Boat might become useless, potentially trapping most of the people.

Subsequently, all the Flying Boats opened their defensive formations to prevent the loss of Spirit Qi from both the Flying Boat itself and the items on board. Once these protective shields were activated, Spirit Stones were consumed at a rate several times higher than usual.

All the Flying Boats accelerated their speed; in this place, nobody wanted to linger any longer.

As the Flying Boats swiftly traveled through the Land of Desolate Spirits, they suddenly encountered darkness ahead, a darkness that was encroaching towards them.

"Your Majesty, this is the peculiar Black Wind of the Land of Desolate Spirits. I encountered it last time as well, but it seems to be on a larger scale this time. Moreover, these Black Winds often harbor savage beasts," Sloppy Old Daoist explained.

The term "savage beast" had been mentioned in the information provided by Sloppy Old Daoist to Wang Hong. These creatures were distinct from the Human Clan or Demon Clan, as they didn't need to absorb Spirit Qi and solely inhabited the Desolate Spirit Sea. However, Sloppy Old Daoist had limited knowledge about these savage beasts, and there were not many records.

Just as Sloppy Old Daoist finished speaking, a fierce wind swept in, plunging the entire world into darkness. Visibility was limited to only a few feet ahead, and even Divine Sense was greatly impaired, reduced to less than a tenth of its usual range.

Wang Hong quickly summoned several Nascent Soul Cultivators and ordered everyone else to remain on the Flying Boat and not venture outside. The four Nascent Soul Cultivators flew outside the Flying Boat, extending their Divine Senses to envelop all the Flying Boats, preventing them from getting lost in the darkness. They also used Divine Sense Message Transmission to guide the Flying Boats in the right direction.

Suddenly, one of the transport Flying Boats in the group shattered, and the people on board fell with terrified screams, dropping like dumplings. Only a few managed to maintain levitation.

At that moment, they discovered that an enormous creature had appeared where the Flying Boat had broken, and it was devouring the fallen people.

This unidentified creature had appeared silently, and even the Divine Senses of the four people present had failed to detect it.

"Monster, you seek death!" Wang Hong roared, and four crimson Flying Swords materialized, slashing toward the massive savage beast. However, before Wang Hong's four Flying Swords could reach it, the creature disappeared once again.

Wang Hong and his companions searched carefully with their Divine Senses but found nothing. They could only send Third-Grade Martial Artists and Golden Core Cultivators to rescue those who had fallen into the sea.

At that moment, ripples appeared near another Flying Boat, and the savage beast revealed itself again.

As the four of them attacked, the savage beast vanished once more, but not before destroying another transport Flying Boat. These Flying Boats were weak in terms of defense, as they were primarily designed for transport, and their protective barriers were barely effective.

"We four will each be responsible for a designated area. Be prepared in advance, and as soon as the savage beast appears, launch an immediate attack," Wang Hong communicated to the others and assigned each person their area of responsibility.

After allocating their areas, Wang Hong arranged his four Flying Swords in a Four Symbols Sword Formation, enveloping the region he was responsible for, waiting for the creature to reappear. However, after a long wait, what he saw was a sudden burst of lightning from Jia Liang's direction.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 572: Blood Crystal


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