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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Although Wang Hong was unaware of his exposure, everything he did was aimed at strengthening his own forces.

At this moment, Wang Hong held a red pearl in his hand, about the size of a chicken egg.

This object appeared completely devoid of Spirit Qi fluctuations, and there was no apparent aura of power. It looked rather ordinary, the kind that no one would bother picking up if it fell to the ground.

Wang Hong gazed at the pearl with a pleased expression, finally having refined his first disposable Magic weapon.

Although he hadn't tested its power yet, just the fact that it didn't emit any Spirit Qi made him quite satisfied.

Such an ordinary-looking object was perfect for covert actions.

He put away the pearl and took out a piece of Fusang Wood to continue the refinement.

He had already chopped down two Fusang Wood trees and used only the core for refining two Flying Swords. There was still a significant amount of wood and branches left.

These Fusang Wood materials couldn't be easily discarded, and leaving them as they were would be wasteful. Transforming them into disposable Magic weapons was a good idea.

As piece after piece of wood disappeared, the number of pearls in the large wooden box in the Cultivation Room gradually increased.

This process took two years. While Wang Hong was fully engrossed in the refinement, a Transmission Talisman suddenly flew into his cave mansion.

Wang Hong received the talisman, and Liu Changsheng's voice emanated from it, informing him of an urgent matter.

Once he was out of the seclusion, he flew towards Liu Changsheng's mountain cave. Liu Changsheng was responsible for intelligence, and if he claimed there was an important matter, it must be crucial news.

He quickly arrived at their hidden mountain cave.

"East Master! Yunxia Mountain has been exposed. We just received the news that various Demon Clan forces have sent representatives to Qingxu Mountain to discuss jointly attacking Yunxia Mountain," Liu Changsheng said urgently.

"Is there any more specific information, like when the enemy is coming or how many people they will deploy?" Wang Hong asked, not entirely surprised by the news. They couldn't hide forever.

"These details haven't been finalized yet. These Demon Clan forces are currently in dispute and can't come to an agreement. It might take some time to resolve this matter. We only recently discovered a large number of Demonic Beasts from other forces entering Qing Fox Clan territory. We captured one for interrogation, and that's how we obtained this information."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Wang Hong instructed Liu Changsheng to continue monitoring the situation closely and report any new information immediately.

"Very well! Keep a close eye on this matter. As soon as there are updates, inform me right away," Wang Hong ordered. He also shared some Ink Jade Pills with Liu Changsheng before leaving.

Now, he had to return to Yunxia Mountain to make arrangements. First, he needed to gather all the loose personnel back.

Then, he had to set up some defense measures in advance. Simply sitting on Yunxia Mountain and allowing the Demonic Beasts to attack was not an option. After all, the Large Formation of the Qingxu Sect, which had been operating for tens of thousands of years, had also been breached.

He issued a series of urgent orders, and the cultivators of Yunxia Mountain quickly mobilized.

Some were responsible for building defensive structures, some set up traps, and others prepared ambush circles.

A month later, after much deliberation among the Demon Clan forces, they finally reached a decision through heated arguments. Soon, Wang Hong also received firsthand information.

Yunxia Mountain Council Chamber.

"Xu Lun, please report on the current strength and the quantity of various resources we possess at Yunxia Mountain," Wang Hong said.

"We currently have a total of 105 Golden Core Cultivators and 2,000 Foundation Building cultivators. We have two main combat teams: the East Zhou team, which consists of 500 members, including 65 Golden Core Cultivators, and it commands a mortal force of 2,000. The Revival Battle Team has a total of 1,000 members, including 40 Golden Core Cultivators, and it commands a mortal force of 14,000. Additionally, we have ten medium-sized Flying Boats and one hundred Spirit Energy Cannons. We also possess 1,300 Spiritual Weapons, 5,200 Magical Weapons, eight Tier-3 Pills, 3,000 Tier-2 Pills, and thirty jin of Tier-3 Spirit Wine," Xu Lun reported, detailing Yunxia Mountain's resources and personnel.

"Thank you for the report, Xu Lun. I believe everyone now has a clear understanding of our current capabilities. Next, I will provide you with an overview of the overall strength of the Demon Clan in this situation," Wang Hong continued.

He proceeded to detail the Demon Clan's forces currently assembled on Qingxu Mountain, which included at least a hundred Tier-3 Demonic Beasts, two thousand Tier-2 Demonic Beasts, and at least ten thousand Tier-1 Demonic Beasts. Specific clans within the Demon Clan had contributed their own beasts to the alliance.

The assembled crowd hadn't expected Wang Hong to have such precise information about the Demon Clan's forces. As it stood, both sides were evenly matched, with roughly equal chances of success in the upcoming battle. A battle where neither side could afford heavy losses.

The Demon Clan, being a coalition of various factions, could absorb significant casualties without affecting their overall strength. However, Wang Hong's group couldn't afford such losses, as they lacked the means to replenish their forces quickly.

"East Master, I have an idea. Currently, our strength is quite evenly matched with the Demon Clan at the Golden Core and Foundation Building levels. Our key to survival and victory may lie in dispersing their forces..." Zhang Chunfeng suggested.

The idea gained unanimous approval, and several additional suggestions were put forth. The plan was quickly finalized, and they discussed various strategies before Wang Hong made the ultimate decision.

With the meeting concluded, everyone departed to carry out their respective tasks.

Two months passed, and the various Demon Clan factions involved in the Qingxu Mountain deliberations had returned to their homes. They had organized their respective expeditionary forces, which had gradually set out for Azure Void City to regroup.

In a mountainous region, a group of Demonic Beasts were leisurely making their way forward. These Demonic Beasts were from a medium-sized faction, and they had dispatched three Tier-3 Demonic Beasts and over twenty Tier-2 Demonic Beasts for this campaign.

As they advanced, they suddenly encountered ten colorful rainbow lights ahead. When these ten rainbow lights descended in front of the group, they revealed ten figures.

Upon seeing these figures clearly, the leader among the Tier-3 Demonic Beasts turned pale and roared, ready to charge forward. The remaining Tier-2 Demonic Beasts, despite their fear, reluctantly gathered around.

Among the ten-person team, two individuals raised their shields to protect the group, while three others unleashed rope-like Magic weapons, attempting to ensnare the three Tier-3 Demonic Beasts. The remaining five brandished Flying Swords and attacked the Demonic Beasts.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 485: Taking Them Down One by One


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