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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Fusang Wood had the capability to unleash the Golden Crow Fire, a scorching flame of ultimate Yang that could incinerate all things in the world.

What he needed to do now was to refine these Fusang Wood into a one-time-use magical weapon, fully unleashing the power of the Golden Crow Fire.

However, he didn't have a ready-made method for this; it required numerous experiments and repeated attempts.

After a month of seclusion, he had a rough design concept in mind.

Coming out of seclusion, he went to the warehouse to gather some auxiliary materials for refining tools and then began another extended period of seclusion.

While he was in seclusion, the individuals from Yunxia Mountain were busy with their tasks.

Luo Zhongjie had personally trained these mortals, and he assigned them to guard the territories of the original Demon Bull and Demon Wolves. This time, he even allowed them to bring their families to reside there.

Once they had moved in, Luo Zhongjie conveyed East Master's instructions to them.

East Master instructed them to guard this place with their families and, at the same time, cultivate the barren land into spirit fields.

The cultivated spirit fields would grant each of their family members an acre of first-tier spirit fields, and all the Spiritual Objects they planted would belong to them.

This move greatly excited the mortals. They used to be ordinary mortals and had never experienced the benefits of Immortal Cultivators and Spiritual Objects. Now, having their own spirit fields and planting their own Spiritual Objects was something they had never even dreamed of.

The most commonly planted Spiritual Objects by these mortals were first-tier Spirit Grain, followed by various first-tier Spiritual Herbs, especially the auxiliary Spiritual Herbs for refining Essence Core Pills, which were highly welcomed by everyone.

These Spiritual Objects could be harvested in just a few years and provided the most significant help to them at their current tier.

While Wang Hong's subordinates were vigorously cultivating spirit fields and planting Spiritual Objects, on Qingxu Mountain Range, at the former location of Qingxu Sect, atop the Heavenly Authority Peak, there was a majestic grand hall.

Inside the hall, a dozen enormous and formidable Qing Foxes were seated in a circle.

They were all elders of the Qing Fox clan, each a third-tier Demonic Beast.

The Qing Fox clan had two fourth-tier ancestors and dozens of third-tier Qing Foxes.

As the victors in the recent battle against the Human Clan, they had taken over the former site of Qingxu Sect.

As a result, the Qing Fox clan was now split in two, with half of their strength remaining in the West Zhou Demon Realm, and the other half occupying the Qingxu Mountain Range.

At this moment, the foremost Qing Fox spoke, "Do you all remember the group of Human Clan Treasure Hunters that suddenly appeared some time ago?"

"Oh? Has there been any news about them? Where are they now?" one of the Qing Foxes asked.

The attention of the other Qing Foxes also shifted, their ears perked up as they focused on the leading Qing Fox.

The leading Qing Fox continued, "Within our territory, there was a Demon Wolves tribe, not particularly strong but by no means weak. Not long ago, this Demon Wolves tribe was wiped out."

"I'm familiar with that Demon Wolves tribe, their strength was quite impressive, especially the leader of the wolf clan. I couldn't match up to him!" One of the Qing Foxes had once fought against this Demon Wolves tribe and knew of their prowess.

"However, not only the Demon Wolves tribe but also a Demon Bull tribe were annihilated, all by the forces of Yunxia Mountain."

What's most crucial is that in this battle, Yunxia Mountain only deployed Human Clan members, not a single Demon Clan member was among them."

This situation has raised my suspicions, so I dispatched some Human Clan slaves to investigate. While there is currently no concrete evidence, it seems highly likely."

"So, what's the strength of this faction? In the previous group of treasure hunters, there were dozens of Golden Core Cultivators."

"The spies I sent could only gather information on the periphery. We couldn't penetrate their inner circle, so I don't have precise numbers. However, during their conflict with the Demon Wolves, this faction fielded dozens of Golden Core Cultivators."

Hearing this news, the Qing Foxes were taken aback. A sizable Human Clan force had been hidden within their territory, and they had been unaware of it. If this force continued to grow, it would pose a significant threat to the Qing Fox clan in the future.

"We must eliminate them as soon as possible. But currently, our strength alone may not be sufficient. Even if we manage to defeat them in the end, our losses will likely be substantial," one Qing Fox voiced their concern.

"I've gathered everyone here today to discuss this matter. Currently, we have three options. First, we can assemble all our forces and sweep Yunxia Mountain. We have many Demon Clan forces within our territory, and uniting them should make victory achievable, but it will come at a cost."

"Second, we can request the intervention of our ancestors. With their power, crushing Yunxia Mountain is a trivial matter. However, our ancestors' injuries have not fully healed, and participating in a battle between equals may worsen their condition. Moreover, such battles between tier equals should not involve our ancestors; otherwise, what purpose do we serve?"

"Third, we can invite other forces to join us in a collaborative effort to besiege this Human Clan faction. However, this approach will involve a broader range of participants, necessitating a longer coordination period and increasing the risk of information leaks, giving the Human Clan time to prepare. What do you all think?"

The leading Qing Fox laid out the available options, their advantages and disadvantages, allowing the others to make their choice. Although it seemed like they were considering all three options, the Qing Foxes were actually hoping for the third one.

The first two options, while seemingly viable, would harm the interests of the Qing Fox clan itself, and they would never willingly make such sacrifices. As for the third option, despite its drawbacks, even if the opposing force was prepared, the Qing Foxes believed they could drive them out of their territory as long as they operated outside their domain. It would then become someone else's problem.

After a thorough discussion, all the Qing Foxes chose the third option: inviting other forces to collaborate and besiege the Human Clan faction.

After the meeting concluded, they sent numerous messengers to contact various Demon Clan factions, inviting them to Qingxu Mountain Range to discuss the plan for the joint siege.

Since only the upper echelons of the Qing Fox clan were aware of this meeting, they managed to maintain a high level of secrecy. The spies sent by Liu Changsheng remained completely unaware of these developments.

Meanwhile, the members of Yunxia Mountain continued to celebrate the successful cultivation of their newly reclaimed spirit fields. However, even without knowledge of the looming threat, they were tirelessly working to enhance their own strength. Living in a world surrounded by countless demonic entities, they had no sense of security and knew that only by improving themselves could they ease their anxieties.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 484: Assassination


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