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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After listening to Xu Lun's report, Wang Hong decided to personally investigate the surrounding area.

He concealed his presence and suppressed his cultivation level, appearing entirely unremarkable, like an ordinary mortal.

In this guise, he walked into the nearby village, not arousing any suspicions. After all, there was frequent interaction between these villages around Yunxia Mountain.

The demon-hunting trees planted in these villages had grown significantly taller through cultivation. They were no longer small saplings as they once were.

Each tree bore several large cocoons, and with his divine sense, Wang Hong discovered that these cocoons contained the flesh and blood of at least ferocious beasts, with some even containing the corpses of demonic beasts.

The overall strength of the villagers had improved.

In the village, Wang Hong spotted a few children, aged around five or six, playing with marbles. These marbles were meticulously crafted from stones and were unusually large, the size of an adult's fist. Yet, these children effortlessly flicked them, sending them rolling several yards away.

This left Wang Hong astonished. Could marbles be played like this? Judging by how effortlessly these children handled them, they must possess the strength of at least two or three hundred catties!

At that moment, he noticed an elderly woman carrying a millstone weighing several hundred catties on her shoulder, briskly heading to a nearby stream to clean it.

This strength wasn't unique to a single individual but seemed to be a common trait among these people.

Now, these ordinary villagers seemed to possess the strength of acquired martial artists.

It appeared that ordinary mortals, as long as they had sufficient resources, weren't inferior to the Demon Clan.

Other resources might be scarce, but the Demonic Beasts that now roamed throughout East Zhou were the most valuable resource.

What he saw were the elderly, the weak, and the children. The true young and strong had been incorporated into the teams, with each village having a group of them.

Wang Hong left the village and, several hundred li away, came across a group of villagers who were hunting.

They had already prepared a massive trap, and above the trap, there was a flowering Spirit Herb.

This was a type of lure weed that had a strong attraction for low-tier Demonic Beasts.

With his powerful divine sense, Wang Hong quickly detected two first-tier Demonic Beasts approaching from a distance. These were two Demonic Beasts covered in sharp spines, not belonging to any nearby major power. Their strongest member seemed to be at the upper echelons of the first-tier.

In the area surrounding Yunxia Mountain, these weaker Demon Clan groups had become their targets for hunting.

However, the team of villagers had no idea that they had attracted two Demonic Beasts simultaneously and were anxiously waiting there.

With their combined strength, they could deal with one first-tier Demonic Beast at a time.

Soon, the two Demonic Beasts arrived near the trap. The village team only realized that there were two Demonic Beasts, which exceeded their capabilities.

Now, they all held their breath, waiting for the Demonic Beasts to approach.

As the Demonic Beasts neared the trap, they were initially cautious, scanning their surroundings.

Then, the two Demonic Beasts circled the trap a few times, finding no immediate danger. One of them approached the Spirit Herb, while the other continued to keep watch in the vicinity.

Suddenly, the Demonic Beast that had been going for the Spirit Herb plunged into the trap with a resounding thud. Beneath the trap, numerous spears thrust upward, instantly piercing the Demonic Beast's body. It wasn't dead yet, still howling in agony within the trap.

The remaining Demonic Beast, witnessing this, circled around the edge of the trap and roared twice, intending to rescue its companion.

At this moment, a group of farmers who had been lurking in the shadows burst out and closed in on the Demonic Beast.

"Roar! Roar!"

The Demonic Beast, now confronted by these seemingly weaker opponents, bellowed in anger and charged toward the group of villagers.

There were ten people in this team, each armed with a long spear. When they saw the Demonic Beast charging at them, they stood resolutely together, all their long spears aimed at the approaching threat. They accelerated toward the Demonic Beast.

In the face of this formidable and savage Demonic Beast, each villager remained steadfast, gripping their long spears tightly. They didn't show any signs of backing down; instead, they roared and charged forward.

Soon, both sides collided, and all ten long spears pierced the Demonic Beast's body. Although the Demonic Beast didn't die immediately, it fared no better than its trapped counterpart.

All ten people simultaneously exerted their strength, lifting the Demonic Beast with their long spears, suspending it in the air, waiting for the Demonic Beast to meet its demise while howling.

Wang Hong, seeing that the villagers had successfully hunted and killed two Demonic Beasts at once, quietly left the scene.

At this point, the villagers were capable of independently hunting Demonic Beasts and strengthening themselves using the resources obtained. As long as there were no major disruptions, this would become a self-sustaining cycle.

Wang Hong had taught the villagers two methods to utilize the Demonic Beasts: one was to feed them to the demon-hunting trees, which produced Essence Core Pills from their seeds.

The other method involved turning Demonic Beast meat into Spirit Meals, which could also enhance their physical strength.

Currently, both of these methods appeared to be effective, with tangible results. However, they both required a small amount of Spiritual Herbs.

If they were to continue expanding externally, their current cultivation of Spiritual Herbs would be insufficient. It wasn't that Wang Hong didn't want to cultivate more; it was because these Spiritual Herbs, although low-tier, still required Spiritual Qi for growth.

Currently, each village had planted some Spiritual Herbs, but they lacked sufficient Spiritual Qi within the villages to cultivate Spirit Fields. Instead, they relied on Spirit Stones as their source of Spiritual Qi, which wasn't suitable for large-scale cultivation.

Furthermore, with an increasing number of Golden Core Cultivators on Yunxia Mountain, the Spiritual Qi on the mountain was becoming severely inadequate. It couldn't support the cultivation needs of so many people. It seemed that acquiring more Spirit Veins was necessary.

Wang Hong had previously learned a simplified version of the Spirit Vein migration technique from the Sloppy Old Daoist. However, due to his insufficient strength at the time, the migration process often resulted in significant losses.

Now, with the Sloppy Old Daoist present and having recently restored his cultivation to the Golden Core level, he appeared to be in better spirits and less sloppy.

When Wang Hong arrived at the Old Daoist's cave mansion, the Old Daoist was busy preparing a delicious meal. He had marinated a relatively small Demonic Beast and placed it in a large pot without water. He was slow-roasting it over a small fire.

"Senior Brother Chu! What delectable delight are you concocting this time? It seems my timing is impeccable!"

Wang Hong expertly joined him to assist with the meal.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 473: Relocating the Spirit Vein


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