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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


As a powerful aura swept through the area once more after doubling back, it meticulously scoured every corner but yielded no results.

Only a few spots had experienced slight alterations in terrain due to the activities of small creatures, and these spots had drawn the focused attention of a fourth-tier Demonic Beast.

However, after the fourth-tier Demonic Beast completed its second inspection without discovering anything, it seemed to give up and gradually moved away.

Yet, Wang Hong remained motionless beneath the leaves. Several ants crawled up and down his body, seemingly searching for a more convenient place to bite.

They had attempted to bite into this pile of something that smelled tempting, like meat, but they couldn't find a way to do so.

They had taken a few big bites moments ago, nearly breaking their teeth in the process.

They weren't sure what kind of meat it was, but it smelled enticing, causing the ants to linger, unwilling to leave.

A day later, these ants finally found some weak points where they could start gnawing.

Indeed, it was a delicacy, tastier than any food they had ever consumed before. They dared to swear that it was the most delicious thing they had ever eaten.

Furthermore, taking a bite made them feel full of energy, as if they had become several days younger.

Two days later, more ants gathered around Wang Hong, and in some places, chunks of flesh had already been devoured by the ants.

Wang Hong remained completely still, as if he were truly dead, allowing the ants to gnaw on him.

And just at that moment, the powerful aura did not reappear, but the Divine Sense swept through this area once more, still failing to detect Wang Hong.

It turned out that this fourth-tier Demonic Beast had already obtained information from other Demonic Beasts before, covering the process from the appearance of the Fusang Divine Wood to its disappearance.

During this period, only a few Demonic Beasts had left the battlefield, and it had already located the rest. Now, only one had disappeared in this direction.

Now it speculated that the Fusang Divine Wood was most likely with this missing Demonic Beast.

After several fruitless searches, it concealed itself in the vicinity, suppressing its entire aura, hoping that this little demon would reveal itself.

When the Divine Sense swept over Wang Hong again, two Poisonous Bees, each larger than a thumb, suddenly appeared amidst the swarm of ants beneath the tree leaves.

Although Wang Hong's body had entered a state resembling feigned death, he had not lost consciousness, and all his senses were functioning normally.

He could distinctly feel the sensation of ants crawling and gnawing on his body, but he didn't dare to move, pretending to be lifeless.

Even the Poisonous Bees in his Space dared not be released easily, fearing discovery.

He endured for two days as expected, and when the Divine Sense passed over him again, providing a brief respite, he finally released two Poisonous Bees to help fend off the ants.

If he had allowed the ants to continue their feast, he would likely have been reduced to a skeleton.

With the assistance of two Poisonous Bees driving away the nearby insects and ants, he could finally lie down in peace.

So, he lay there for over two months, and the Divine Sense had not reappeared for more than ten days.

At this point, he sent out two Poisonous Bees that flew over a hundred feet away.

The two Poisonous Bees relentlessly rammed into a large tree, creating a significant commotion that even startled the surrounding wild beasts.

Wang Hong lay quietly in place for another whole day, and the Poisonous Bees had already knocked down several trees. Despite all the commotion, the Divine Sense remained unresponsive.

This suggested that the fourth-tier Demonic Beast had possibly truly left.

At this point, his heart rate and breathing slowly began to recover, and his aura gradually returned.


Brushing aside the dry leaves covering him, he sat up abruptly. After lying motionless for over two months, even a slight movement felt like a tremendous relief.

Back when he was still a Mortal, he had heard that people enjoyed endless rest after death. He couldn't believe such nonsense; lying for so long was truly unbearable, not even able to turn over.

After standing up, he only stretched his limbs slightly, making minor adjustments to his appearance, and immediately left the troubled area.

It took several more months for Wang Hong to finally return safely to Yunxia Mountain.

Upon returning to his cave mansion, he immediately announced that he would be going into seclusion. Mainly because he had been cautious and hadn't rested at all throughout the journey.

Right now, all he wanted was a peaceful sleep to dispel his various fatigue.

He slept for three whole days before waking up. Upon awakening, he entered his Space. He hadn't had time to do so before, but he had hastily planted the fragment of the Fusang Wood branch in the Space.

Now, over a hundred years had passed within the Space, and two tender shoots had grown from the Fusang Wood branch.

These two shoots, each over a foot long, grew side by side, their red color evident. Runes also appeared on their branches and leaves, different from the runes on the green sapling but equally mysterious.

As he prepared to pluck a leaf from them to test whether their shoots were as sturdy as the green sapling's, something unexpected happened.

As his hand made contact with the Fusang tree leaf, the runes on the leaf suddenly lit up.

Then, a small fireball appeared on the leaf, hurtling towards him. He had witnessed the destructive power of such fireballs before and quickly retreated, not daring to confront it head-on.

He then manipulated a Spiritual Weapon to strike one of the leaves. However, before the blade touched the leaf, another fireball appeared on the leaf, meeting the Spiritual Weapon.

Subsequently, the Spiritual Weapon was enveloped by the fireball, and the raging flames quickly consumed it, leaving nothing behind.

In truth, he had only wanted to test if the Fusang Wood was as resilient as the green sapling, difficult to harm with ordinary swords.

The result proved that regular blades couldn't even touch the Fusang Wood itself and were instantly incinerated.

Since it was currently inconvenient, he would have to take it slowly in the future. He already had the main material for Refinement Lifebound Magical Treasure in his possession, and the growth of the Fusang Wood would take a considerable amount of time.

After emerging from seclusion, Wang Hong sent a Message Transmission symbol to summon Xu Lun.

"How has everything been during my absence?" he inquired.

"East Master, everything has been progressing smoothly according to your previous plans," Xu Lun replied.

"I had Luo Zhongjie lead the newcomers to train against the Demon Wolves that were causing trouble. How are they doing?" He remembered arranging for Luo Zhongjie to train with the Demon Wolves.

"East Master, you might not be aware, but every time those Demon Wolves came to attack, Luo Zhongjie and his people killed some of them. It seems the Demon Wolves have grown fearful and haven't appeared in our area for a long time," Xu Lun said with a cheerful tone.

Demonic Beasts and wild beasts had similar temperaments. They both followed the law of the jungle, with the strong preying on the weak. However, they rarely fought to the death with opponents of equal strength.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 472: The Villagers


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