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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"I'm done with my story, now let's talk about you guys." Lady Loki snuffed out her cigarette and took another sip of water. "Actually, I still don't understand what you do, what is the so-called Space Timeline?"

Mobius paused for a moment, looked up at Lady Loki, and then said, "There are some common sense things I can tell you, but you'd better not try to trick me..."

Lady Loki leaned back, propped her elbows on the armrest, and supported her head with her hands, making a very relaxed gesture and said, "Come on, I know more about the future of each Timeline than you do, maybe you have something to ask me?"

Suddenly, Mobius' expression froze, and he was really moved by what Lady Loki said, so he turned his head to look at the door, found that the guard post was far from the door, and no one else came over, he lowered his voice and said:

"You have to understand that there are many things that we are responsible for that are beyond our control. I hope you don't ask for trouble, and don't make trouble for us..."

"Don't worry, I understand." Lady Loki leaned forward and lowered her voice, "Even better than you."

Mobius glanced to the side again and said, "If you were really different from those ignorant prank gods, I would never have talked to you for so long..."

Mobius sighed, took a sip of water, and continued, "The so-called Space Timeline is actually the Timeline, but the development directions of different Spaces are different, and the Timelines they have are also different."

"Most Spaces have three Timelines: past, present, and future, or rather, they are actually different points on a line, but for the sake of easy management, what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen will be classified and recorded."

"To put it bluntly, the crime you committed is that every time you travel back to the past, you will add a point to the past Timeline, and this point will be classified as something that has happened, thus creating a separate possibility."

"But I didn't do anything on the past Timeline." Lady Loki said with some doubt.

"It has nothing to do with whether you did something." Mobius shook his head and said, "Let alone if you traveled back in time, even if you just ascended above the Space and glanced at the past Timeline, it would create a new possibility."

"Your behavior may cause changes in what is happening, or it may cause changes in what will happen in the future, or even lead to the birth of a new Space..."

"Most of the Monocosms in the Multiverse are born in this way. The same person makes different choices at the present time, which will give birth to different Spaces and different Timelines. The Infinity Timeline represents the Infinity possible Spaces..."

"However, the Space Timeline did not exist at the beginning." Mobius shook his head again and began to explain in detail:

"At the beginning, all Spaces had only one Timeline, which we called the 'Sacred Timeline', or simply 'Timeline', and because the Sacred Timeline was broken, the Multiverse Timeline was created. In order to distinguish it from the Sacred Timeline, we now call the Timeline 'Space Timeline'."

"And the so-called Sacred Timeline is actually a single possibility, everything develops in an orderly manner, any behavior that jumps out of the Sacred Timeline and creates other possibilities is considered a crime, which is the original definition of 'temporal offender'."

"And the Ragnarok footage I showed you before is what should have happened in the Sacred Timeline, and it is also what should have happened in the MajoritySpace, which is now classified as the Space Timeline."

Lady Loki nodded, indicating that she had understood this part, and she looked at Mobius and asked, "So now, what is the Time Variance Authority responsible for managing?"

"Still managing the Timeline," Mobius took a sip of water and said, "but now our job is not to eliminate the generation of other Timelines, but to ensure that the Space Timeline remains in a stable state of balanced income and expenditure."

"You can understand Space as a water tank, and the Timelines that Space can accommodate are like water."

"The capacity of the water tank is limited. In certain Spaces, due to different reasons, they head towards destruction, which is equivalent to emptying the water out of the tank. And in certain Spaces, different individuals make different choices, giving rise to new Spaces, which is equivalent to pouring water into it."

"What we need to do is ensure that the rate at which water is emptied and the rate at which water is poured into the tank are roughly the same. We cannot let the water run dry, nor let it overflow. That is our mission now."

"And the main reason we arrested you is because your intense temporal retrogression within a short period of time is equivalent to continuously pouring water into the tank. If we don't stop you and let you continue like this, how many Spaces would have to be destroyed in order to empty the water?"

"Wait! I have a very important question!" Lady Loki interrupted his words and asked, "If you don't intervene, is the rate at which water is poured and emptied in Space originally balanced?"

Mobius's expression froze again. He remained silent for a long time and only after a while, he awkwardly wiped his mouth and said, "Very well, you've hit the nail on the head. The answer is... we don't know either."

Seeing Lady Loki staring at him with eye contact, Mobius lowered his head and said, "I'm just an employee. My company told me that if we don't maintain it, Space will face destruction. So we go, but whether it will really be destroyed or not, no one knows."

Lady Loki sighed. She had already guessed this result. In order to obtain more information from Mobius, she revealed a little important information, "Has there been any changes in Space recently?"

Once again, Mobius showed a shocked expression. This time, he stared directly at Lady Loki as if he didn't recognize her. Lady Loki pretended to be profound and said, "I've told you before, I know more than you do."

"In that case..." Mobius's face showed a very conflicted expression. He gritted his teeth, exhaled, and said, "In fact, I will tell you so much because it's related to this matter."

He took a deep breath, looked at Lady Loki, and said, "Before, I swore to you that I wouldn't let what you told me leave this room. Now, you must also promise me..."

"You have no other choice." Lady Loki refused to engage with his words and simply said, "I'm sure you won't find another Loki who knows more than I do."

Mobius remained silent for a while before slowly speaking, "The key lies with the boss of this company."

"Before you came, you should have seen that there are statues of him everywhere here. We don't know his name, only that he is the director of the Time Variance Authority, our immediate superior?"

"A long time ago, when the Sacred Timeline had not yet collapsed, the Time Variance Authority was directly managed by the director. During that time, our methods were much more cruel than they are now."

"But one day, the Sacred Timeline suddenly collapsed, and that Timeline split into countless Timelines, and the Time Variance Authority also became numerous, with directors and employees alike."

"No, perhaps only employees can be considered as split, while the director..." Mobius shook his head and said, "Well, this is just our speculation, but Lavona and I both guessed that the director might have always been numerous..."

"Anyway, after the split of the Time Variance Authority, each Multiverse has its own Time Variance Authority and its own director. These directors may be the same person, but they could also be completely different. However, what can be confirmed is that their styles of operation are not the same..."

Mobius's fingertips suddenly started trembling, and he said, "You should be grateful that you weren't arrested when the Sacred Timeline had just collapsed. At that time, the methods our director demanded us to use were much more cruel than they are now..."

"He asked us to proactively organize the Timeline, ensuring that the amount of water poured in and scooped out is exactly the same. If there are any discrepancies, it would affect the people in Space, creating new possibilities or directly causing destruction in Space..."

"Can you do it?" Lady Loki asked.

"All I can say is that his power is much stronger than you imagine," Mobius shook his head and said, "We ourselves cannot do it, but he will provide us with various equipment, some of which even surpass your imagination."

"Such as?" Lady Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Have you seen the staff that B15 is holding?" Mobius lowered his voice, "That is specifically designed to deal with you Asgard Gods. It's not actually a staff, and what it unleashes is not magic. The golden Light you see is Ragnarok."

"What does that mean?" Lady Loki's expression finally became serious.

The Director will bring Ragnarok to a certain Space and imprison it within the staff. It can easily kill all the Gods of Asgard. In fact, many crazed Loki who came here and didn't comply with discipline were killed in this way." Mobius's eye contact seemed a bit distant, obviously unwilling to bring up that period of time.

"Even being killed is already a good outcome..." Mobius lowered his head, his voice becoming somewhat dry, "Before that, we would resort to torture, which is the main point of contention between us and the Director..."

"One day, we arrested a Loki from one of the Spaces, who was also a female." Mobius's tone became more and more trembling as he continued, "She was just a little girl, similar to your daughter. The Director said she was important and wanted us to torture her..."

Lady Loki's pupils contracted slightly while Mobius kept his head down and continued, "We didn't want to do that. Me, B15, Lavona, and many employees who had contact with this case, we all didn't want to do it."

"You've already met Judge Lavona before. She is a very serious person and hates time criminals, which is related to her personal experience. So, she always advocates for strict and severe judgments..."

"But that time, even she hesitated. We couldn't bring ourselves to harm such a young girl, let alone torture her."

A struggle appeared in Mobius's eyes. He took a sip of water and continued, "So, for the first time ever, we came up with a solution and let her go..."

"And then, didn't the Director give you trouble?" Lady Loki asked.

"That's exactly what I wanted to ask you," Mobius raised his head and looked at Lady Loki with a puzzled eye contact, asking, "What happened in the Space we are in? Why did the Director say he went on a business trip to another Space and never came back?"

"Um..." Lady Loki showed a strange expression, and Mobius gestured for him to continue.

Lady Loki's lips slowly curled up, as if holding back a laugh. After a while, under Mobius's gaze, she finally spoke slowly, "Could it be... his house was demolished?"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1084 Father and Son (Thirteen) 


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