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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong held the newly designed formation diagram and sought out SloppyOld Daoist. Among their group, if we were to discuss formation skills, SloppyOld Daoist unquestionably stood at the pinnacle.

"Marvelous! The design of this formation diagram ranks among the top in the Three-Tier formations. I can't find a flaw in it at the moment," SloppyOld Daoist exclaimed after studying the diagram for a while.

Since even Old Chu doesn't see any issues, I'll entrust the task of setting up this mountain protection formation to you," Wang Hong casually delegated the responsibility to SloppyOld Daoist.

"Alright, I knew you had ulterior motives, pushing all the tiresome work onto me," SloppyOld Daoist grumbled aloud but inwardly felt pleased.

Although he was once a Golden Core Elder, he now had only reached the Foundation Building cultivation level. To restore himself to the Golden Core stage, he still needed many resources. He couldn't rely solely on past connections to get by. Being able to contribute and do some meaningful work would give him a sense of purpose.

Moreover, entrusting him with the task of arranging the mountain protection Large Formation was a sign of trust.

"Don't worry; I won't let you work in vain. That Rainbow Mountain Chicken laid an egg a few days ago that I haven't had a chance to eat yet. It's perfect for rewarding you," Wang Hong said with a smile.

SloppyOld Daoist heard this and naturally smiled. Both of them were food lovers, and he had long coveted that Three-Tier Rainbow Mountain Chicken. Since he couldn't have the chicken, having one of its eggs was still a treat. Eggs from Three-Tier Demonic Beasts, nurtured with life essence, were undoubtedly extraordinary.

Wang Hong handed over the formation task and numerous materials to SloppyOld Daoist before leaving.

With so many people under his command, he didn't need to handle every task personally.

After returning to his cave mansion, he once again entered the Space and thoroughly examined all the Qiu Long Tea. He discovered that there were no more mutated leaves.

He didn't know if it was just that one leaf that had mutated or the entire tree. If it was only a single leaf, it might not occur again after this use. But if the entire tree had mutated, there might be a chance to grow more of these mutated tea leaves in the future.

The effects of these mutated tea leaves were incredibly remarkable. After consuming them, he could clearly feel that his thinking had become extraordinarily sharp, agile, and his comprehension greatly improved.

In the Cultivation World, many things required a considerable amount of time and effort to comprehend, such as advanced cultivation techniques, divine arts, and the Runes he practiced. These all demanded a long period of contemplation and understanding.

Some individuals had poor comprehension in certain areas, leading to them requiring double the effort to learn. He had felt this when learning formations; he spent far more time than others.

If it weren't for the assistance of the mutated tea leaves this time, he estimated that he would have had to spend a lot more time inside the Space.

After searching through the Space and not finding any more mutated tea leaves, he exited the Space.

Once outside, he greeted the steward Xu Lun and then rode Little Peng out of Yunxia Mountain.

He took a meandering route, finally arriving at the foot of a mountain and stopping in front of a stone tablet.

Taking out a Transmission Talisman, he spoke a few words into it. Then, he waved it towards the stone tablet, creating ripples on its surface as the message passed through.

Soon after, the stone tablet rippled again, and a Daoist Master figure emerged from it.

"East Master, please come inside and let's talk!"

As soon as Liu Changsheng walked out of the stone tablet, he didn't have time to offer a greeting. Instead, he immediately invited Wang Hong inside.

This place was one of the new strongholds of the Immortal Way Trading Company, primarily responsible for providing intelligence services to Wang Hong. They had just moved here a few days ago, and currently, only Liu Changsheng and a dozen subordinates were stationed here.

After Wang Hong passed through the stone tablet, he found himself in a spacious mountain cave with visible signs of excavation on the walls. Inside, there was a large hall and several stone chambers.

The two of them entered one of the stone chambers, activated a formation, and then Liu Changsheng began to speak.

"East Master, we have already conducted a preliminary investigation of the surrounding area. In this vicinity, there are a total of thirteen Demonic Beast factions, of which only two factions possess Three-Tier Demonic Beasts. The remaining eleven factions have the strongest members at the Two-Tier Demonic Beast level."

Listening to Liu Changsheng's report, Wang Hong had a general idea. He had passed through this area before and knew that the spiritual energy was weak, so there wouldn't be many powerful Demonic Beast forces here.

"What is the specific situation of these two factions with Three-Tier Demonic Beasts?" Wang Hong inquired.

"The faction closest to Yunxia Mountain is a group of Red-Furred Demon Cows, and within this faction, there are two Three-Tier Demon Cows. However, we need further investigation for more detailed information. The other faction consists of Silver Moon Demon Wolves, and they have five Three-Tier Demonic Beasts, with the most powerful being a Three-Tier High-Quality Demonic Beast, a Wolf King. It is fierce and brutal, serving as the dominant force in this region, and the other Demon Clans are subject to its control. Among the remaining eleven Demonic Beast factions, there are variations in size and strength, with some weaker factions lacking any Two-Tier Demonic Beasts," Liu Changsheng reported.

In just a short amount of time, Liu Changsheng had gathered a wealth of information, which left Wang Hong secretly impressed.

"Excellent! Your efforts are much appreciated. With this firsthand information, I can rest a bit easier," Wang Hong said.

"This is all thanks to everyone's hard work," Liu Changsheng replied modestly.

"One more thing, where are the Four-Tier Demonic Beasts closest to Yunxia Mountain?" Wang Hong asked again. The aforementioned Demonic Beast factions didn't pose a threat to them, but accidentally provoking a Four-Tier Demonic Beast would be dangerous.

"In the vicinity, there are no Four-Tier Demonic Beasts. After all, the number of Four-Tier Demonic Beasts isn't very high. They have higher requirements for the cultivation environment, and they won't come here without sufficient Spirit Veins," Liu Changsheng explained. "If we're talking about the closest Four-Tier Demonic Beast, based on the current information we have, it would still be the Patriarch of the Qing Fox Clan. However, the Patriarch of the Qing Fox Clan is unlikely to leave in the short term. It is said that when it participated in a battle years ago, it suffered significant injuries and is currently recuperating at the old Qingxu Sect site."

Wang Hong hadn't expected that, even after traveling for several months, they were still within the influence of the Qing Fox Clan's territory. However, this area should be considered remote compared to the Qing Fox Clan's main territory. As long as they didn't cause too much commotion, they shouldn't attract too much attention.

Suddenly, Wang Hong remembered something and asked, "By the way, how are the Mortals in the surrounding area now?"

"The closest Mortal city to Yunxia Mountain is Jingnan City, which now lies in ruins and has long been deserted. The population inside was captured by the previous Demonic Beasts of Yunxia Mountain. Most of the Mortals currently gathered around Yunxia Mountain come from Jingnan City. Originally, there were several Mortal kingdoms in this area, but they have all been devastated by the Demonic Beasts. Only a few towns still have human inhabitants," Liu Changsheng replied with a sigh.

He then took out a map and marked the locations of the various Demonic Beast factions as well as the places where humans still survived.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 451: Visiting 


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