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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


The female cultivator named Feng Ai, after sipping from the Spirit Wine while leaning against Wang Yi, managed to regain some of her strength.

Noticing Wang Hong standing nearby, curiously sizing them up, her face turned red, and she moved away from Wang Yi's shoulder.

"Feng Ai greets Senior Brother Wang!" She said politely.

Wang Yi had often mentioned his brother in the past, and they used to have regular correspondences via letters when Wang Hong was still at Qingxu Sect.

Wang Hong took a look at Feng Ai, who was at the mid-stage of Foundation Building cultivation. She had a slightly plump figure, which could be described as curvaceous. Wang Yi seemed to have a preference for this type, perhaps due to his love for meat since childhood.

"Hahaha! No need to be so formal, my dear sister. Since it's our first meeting, consider these items a gift," Wang Hong said with a smile.

He pulled out a Storage Bag embroidered with golden thread and handed it to Feng Ai. Inside were a Resplendent Visage Elixir, a cask of Spirit Wine, and five ripe Green Spirit Peaches.

He had prepared these items while escaping on Little Peng's back. Since they were now one family, he felt obliged to make a gesture as the elder brother.

"Thank you, Senior Brother!" Feng Ai accepted the Storage Bag. Though Wang Hong had addressed her as "dear sister" directly, she blushed slightly. Feeling recognized and excited, she smiled, her cheeks reddening.

"Brother, how did you arrive here? What happened to Qingxu Sect?" Wang Yi interjected.

"Ah, Qingxu Sect has been gone for a long time. The cultivators who managed to break free have migrated to the Southern Region for development," Wang Hong explained, sharing the upheaval at Qingxu Sect and some of his own experiences.

Listening to Wang Hong's account, Wang Yi couldn't help but marvel. He had been worried about Wang Hong's lackluster talent for cultivation. Now, he saw that Wang Hong had reached the later stage of Foundation Building and had even developed his own formidable force.

Wang Yi then shared his own situation. He and Feng Ai had known each other since childhood. She was the daughter of his master, and they had been together for quite some time. Within Taihao Sect, he received significant attention from the senior members and was well cared for. As a Heavenly Spirit Root cultivator, he had formed his Golden Core over a month ago without taking any supplemental pills. However, due to the recent battles, his realm had not yet fully stabilized.

While they were chatting, four large Flying Boats and over ten medium-sized Flying Boats, all bearing the Taihao Sect insignia, flew in their direction.

"The rearguard team is back!" Wang Yi exclaimed happily. Meanwhile, the Taihao Sect members resting there turned to look in the direction of the approaching Flying Boats.

Most of these Flying Boats were already damaged, with some even showing signs of being heavily battered, making their flight somewhat unstable.

Before the Flying Boats arrived, a Golden Core cultivator leaped out and shouted to the group below, "We haven't escaped danger yet. The three Nascent Soul ancestors are risking their lives to hold back all the Demonic Beasts in the rear. Everyone, continue moving forward!"

Originally, everyone had relatives or friends participating in the rearguard, wanting to inquire about the situation. Now, however, they couldn't afford to wait and could only set off once again. They needed to get far away and not let the efforts of the three Nascent Soul ancestors go to waste.

They had only rested for two hours this time, and their bodies had only slightly recovered. Their fatigue had not been effectively alleviated, and they all looked listless. They could only reluctantly mobilize the little bit of Spiritual Power they had accumulated and continue their journey forward.

Wang Yi and Feng Ai had just replenished their Spiritual Power with the Spirit Wine, but their mental fatigue couldn't be relieved in a short time, no matter how much Spirit Wine they drank.

Seeing their somewhat distressed state, Wang Hong took out a Jade vial and tossed it to Wang Yi. "Inside the vial, there are pills that can eliminate fatigue and restore Divine Sense."

While flying, Wang Yi caught the Jade vial and poured out a green pill, following Wang Hong's instructions. As soon as the pill entered his mouth, it emitted a refreshing aroma of herbs and vegetation. Even his exhaled breath carried this fragrance. It made him feel refreshed and gradually eliminated the sense of weariness.

He immediately poured out another pill and handed it to Feng Ai. After she took the green pill, her eyes sparkled with a strange light.

This kind of pill was entirely new to her, as it seemed to function similarly to rejuvenating Divine Sense. Most cultivators typically had to rely on time to recover from excessive Divine Sense fatigue. If they had access to such pills during prolonged battles, it would make a significant difference.

This green pill was Wang Hong's latest creation, primarily made from Qiu Long Tea found in Space. Qiu Long Tea had excellent effects in dispelling Divine Sense fatigue, and its efficacy appeared to be improving recently.

While Qiu Long Tea was indeed effective in alleviating fatigue, in the midst of battle, there was hardly time to sit down and brew a pot of tea. Most enemies would not grant such a luxury.

One day, while enjoying his tea, Wang Hong had a sudden idea. Since that was the case, why not refine it into pills for more convenient use?

He conducted numerous experiments and faced multiple failures before finally succeeding in refining these pills from Qiu Long Tea. They were effective in refreshing the mind, eliminating fatigue, and were incredibly convenient to use.

The group continued to flee to the north for another three days. Finally, the three Nascent Soul ancestors of Taihao Sect caught up with them.

However, only two of the three returned, and even they seemed to be in poor condition, indicating they had been heavily injured. Still, the three ancestors had paid a great price, but they had managed to repel the pursuit of the Demon Clan. For the time being, they were safe.

After they stopped, Wang Yi and Feng Ai rushed to the Flying Boat without a moment's rest. Wang Hong had heard that Wang Yi's master was among the rearguard team, and their fate was still unknown.

Previously, during their escape, there was no opportunity to board the Flying Boat and find people. Now that they had finally stopped, many others had the same idea. They all hurried toward the docked Flying Boat.

Wang Yi took a long time to return, looking somewhat anxious. "Brother, do you have any healing pills left, like the ones you gave me last time?"

"What happened? Have you used up all the ones I gave you last time? How badly are you injured?"

Wang Hong asked. He had entrusted Zhang Chunfeng to bring a substantial number of pills, including healing pills like the Hanyu Pill and Jade Marrow Pill, as a precaution.

Hearing Wang Hong's inquiry, Wang Yi felt a bit embarrassed and replied, "Well, there have been quite a few battles recently!"

Then, with determination in his tone, he continued, "We sword cultivators must forge ahead courageously, challenge formidable enemies, and keep moving forward in battle. It's natural to sustain some injuries along the way!"

Hearing Wang Yi speak with such determination, Wang Hong couldn't help but worry deeply. He was concerned that one day, Wang Yi might push himself too far and put his life in danger.

It was clear that Wang Yi had experienced countless brutal battles over the years. Achieving his current cultivation level required overcoming numerous challenges. However, Wang Hong, no longer the impulsive youth he once was, understood that these were the methods of a sword cultivator. Without enduring numerous hardships, how could they reach the pinnacle of sword cultivation, becoming unparalleled warriors?

Despite his concerns, Wang Hong realized that these were Wang Yi's choices. As his closest family member, he had no right to interfere. Everyone had their own path and choices to make. All he could do was provide assistance when needed.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 435: Healing Pill 


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