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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Brother! How did you turn green?" Wang Yi, still in the midst of battle, couldn't help but ask curiously.

"This is a long story, I'll explain later. Where are you planning to break through, and do you need my help?" Wang Hong inquired of Wang Yi.

"We're planning to break through to the north. How can you assist?"

Wang Yi asked with some confusion. After all, there was only his brother on the opposite side, and throwing him into the midst of the beastly horde wouldn't make a significant difference.

"I can poison them, just like you've seen before!"

Wang Yi remembered the invisible and insidious poison his brother had used back in the secret realm. It was a poison that was nearly impossible to guard against.

He recalled how Wang Hong had used it to persuade him, demonstrating its potency with a dose of poison.

Now that Wang Hong was inside the Demon Clan's camp, it was indeed convenient for him to poison these Demonic Beasts.

"Alright, go ahead and poison them, but be careful!"

"Sure, don't worry. Just wait for good news."

Wang Hong had two types of poison suitable for widespread use in such situations. One was the pollen from the Red Powder Skull Flower, which was hard to collect, and he had limited stock of it. The other was the Devouring Spirit Poison, a relatively inexpensive poison. However, he only used poison with a thousand-year age to enhance its effectiveness.

After informing Wang Yi, Wang Hong quietly retreated from the battlefield.

"Roar! No mercy for those who retreat!"

He hadn't retreated far when a three-tier Demonic Beast suddenly roared and bellowed at him.

Seeing this, Wang Hong could only take a few steps forward. In this battle, retreat was not an option.

Wang Hong pretended to advance, launching a few feigned attacks and communicating in secret with Wang Yi. Then, he moved back toward the same three-tier Demonic Beast.

The Demonic Beast, ready to roar again as the green Demonic Beast approached, suddenly detected a strange floral scent and fell into an illusion.

At that moment, a sword aura streaked like a white rainbow from a distance, directly piercing the Demonic Beast's head.

Taking advantage of the split-second distraction caused by the Demonic Beast's death, Wang Hong swiftly slipped away.

He continued to move through the Demonic Beast horde, stealthily spreading the Devouring Spirit Poison.

This poison now worked quickly on one-tier Demonic Beasts, almost guaranteeing their death. Two-tier Demonic Beasts, once poisoned, could hold on for a while. As for three-tier Demonic Beasts, given some time, they could expel the poison from their bodies.

In less than the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, the northern group of one-tier Demonic Beasts began dying inexplicably, while the strength of the two-tier Demonic Beasts gradually diminished without their awareness.

As these one-tier Demonic Beasts died in large numbers, the pressure on the Taihao Sword Sect cultivators breaking through the siege was significantly reduced, and their escape speed increased.

"Fellow sect members, seize this opportunity and break through the siege!" shouted a dark-faced cultivator, heavily wounded, as he rushed into the horde of Demonic Beasts and self-detonated his Golden Core.

With a deafening explosion, the self-detonation of the Golden Core cleared a substantial safe zone within the Demonic Beast horde. The following cultivators quickly rushed forward to fill the area devoid of Demonic Beasts.
As the Taihao Sect cultivators broke through the siege, the sounds of Golden Cores self-detonating frequently echoed, significantly increasing their speed of escape.

Hearing these blasts, Wang Hong couldn't help but feel that Taihao Sect truly lived up to its reputation as the top sect in the East Zhou Cultivation Realm. Their courage alone deserved everyone's admiration.

However, he worried about Wang Yi potentially doing something reckless. So, he returned to the vicinity to search for Wang Yi's presence.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief when he finally spotted Wang Yi in one piece, fiercely battling Demonic Beasts.

At this point, he stopped wandering around and stationed himself amidst the Demonic Beast horde opposite Wang Yi.

This way, it was safer. Wang Yi certainly wouldn't attack him, and the Demonic Beasts here paid him no mind.

In the midst of the horde, he could occasionally sneakily kill one or two Demonic Beasts, which was better than directly engaging in battle.

As the battle continued, the poisoned Demonic Beasts gradually weakened in strength. Combined with the valorous charge of the Taihao Sect cultivators, they slowly began to break free from the encirclement.

Wang Hong no longer needed to disguise himself as a Demonic Beast. After ambushing a three-tier Demonic Beast, he revealed his true form.

Several nearby Demonic Beasts, upon seeing Wang Hong's true form as a human, were momentarily puzzled. They immediately launched an attack, but by then, he had already escaped to the other side.

After Wang Hong returned to his human form, he rushed over to Wang Yi. Although others were somewhat puzzled, they noticed that he and Wang Yi appeared to be very familiar with each other and didn't inquire further. After all, they were still in the midst of battle.

The Taihao Sect cultivators formed several groups: an advance party that acted like a sharp blade, cutting a gap through the Demonic Beast encirclement during their breakout. Wang Yi was part of this advance party, and after breaking through, their primary task was to keep charging ahead.

In the rear, there were cultivators designated for rearguard duty. However, in this situation, only Nascent Soul cultivators had a chance of surviving, as others were at high risk of being killed. Sacrifices were unavoidable; otherwise, they would all perish.

As they charged forward, they heard the continuous rumble of battles behind them.

They continued to run for five days until the battles in the rear gradually subsided.

Exhausted, they all collapsed onto a grassy field, their survival instincts the only thing keeping them going, allowing them to overcome various challenges.

On this day, they finally managed to shake off the Demonic Beasts in the rear. When they learned that it was temporarily safe, they suddenly collapsed, as if they had lost all their strength.

Wang Yi lay on the ground, feeling every muscle in his body ache with fatigue.

All the cultivators lay sprawled on the grass, completely drained, except for Wang Hong, who stood upright as if he were not tired at all.

As for why he wasn't exhausted after such a long run, a glance at Little Peng lying on the grass like a dead dog explained it all.

While others only had to worry about themselves while fleeing, Little Peng had to carry a person on its back.

At this moment, Wang Hong walked over to Little Peng, took out a bottle of Spirit Wine, and poured a large gulp into its mouth.

Then, he approached Wang Yi and produced another bottle of Spirit Wine, giving Wang Yi a generous sip.

With a sip of Spirit Wine replenishing him, Wang Yi felt a thread of Spiritual Power rise within him, flowing through his limbs and dispelling the fatigue in his muscles.

Although his Spiritual Power had recovered, he still didn't want to move and didn't even want to lift a finger.

However, he only lay down for a short while before he forced himself to get up.

"Brother! Is there more Spirit Wine?" Wang Yi asked Wang Hong.

Wang Hong handed him another bottle of Spirit Wine.

Taking the bottle, he got up and walked over to Feng Ai, a female cultivator lying nearby like the rest.

"Sister Feng, have some Spirit Wine to replenish your energy," Wang Yi said as he helped her up and gave her a sip of Spirit Wine.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 434: Choices 


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