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The plan original plan was to do this concert the 11th, but this will help build some momentum and excitement. As always you are welcome to attend both, everyone gets to sing 1 song and then we will chat about music some. We are running the #WomenInMusic Challenge over in the 10 Thumbs Challenge group and if you have a favorite song by a favorite female artist it is a good month to share it! 

Here is the zoom link the 7pm London concert 

Join Zoom Meeting

7 p.m. London - 2 p.m. New York City - 11 AM Los Angeles

Meeting ID: 894 9511 0824
Passcode: TenThumbs

Here is the zoom link to the 6 pm N.Y.C. Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 1747 1916
Passcode: TenThumbs

7 p.m. London - 2 p.m. New York City - 11 AM Los Angeles

Rules - 

  • 1. Keep language to a radio edit please
  • 2. Must include an Ukulele, but you can play with other musicians who play other instruments if they are physically with you
  • 3. This is a place for only positive feedback. Constructive criticism and feedback towards the weak areas of a players playing are vital to their growth, but a group jam that is all about having fun and sharing with each other is not the place for such things. Here it is just good pointing out the good stuff and staying positive. 
  • 4. Please try to sign up, but know it isn't necessary but it helps organization and when you do if you could let us know (if you want to, you can surprise us) the song and maybe like a tutorial to it so we can strum along while we are muted. 


Barbara Tigler

May I play the good old "Meckie Messer" aka "Mack the Knife" at the London Concert? As I am a woman, does it count? #WomenInMusic

Barbara Tigler

Thank you very much for our beautiful concert today. We had wonderful contributions and lots of fun! The Japanese guitarist I was talking about is Kiyoshi Kobayashi. He has published a number of fantastic ukulele fingerstyle books. Mack The Knife is from his book "Modern Jazz". I'm looking forward to the next concert. With hopefully a lot of participants!