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After thinking about how to do something like this, with the input that you gave me on the post asking about something like this, I have decided to do a concert... with you being the entertainment! It is simple, sign up here and you will get a time slot on a zoom concert. 

  • We will have two times to accommodate people all over the world, you are free to attend both but can only perform at one
  • You can play any song you want, you just have to play the ukulele.
  • You can invite other musicians and they can play other instruments.
  • You do not have to use music that you learned with tenthumbs, you are free to play any song that you learned anywhere. 
  • If you do use tenthumbs it would be great if you could link the tutorial in your sign up so people could learn the song and play along with you. 
  • You will be the only mic on during your performance, so other people will be allowed to strum along and play along with you as they will not be making any noise. 
  • Originals are welcome for sure!  

Any questions? Sign up here, you do not need to know what song you want to play at this exact time. 

The concert will be September the 30th (the idea for future concerts will be the last Friday of the month.)


Brooks More

If it's not too late, please add me to the list.

Annette Walsh

is there a confirmed date and time please?

Tyler Austenfeld

What time zone are you in? I want to announce to them for this Friday, I’ve been going back forth