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Here is the live from the #TenThumbsBluesChallenge, we discuss day 8 and 9 so I uploaded the tabs here so you can get them easily if you don't have them. 


Live - #TenThumbsBluesChallenge - Timing, Foot Tapping, Practice


Patrice Leguy

Back Home, looking at the replay. Here is my thoughts : I liked much the replay because we can take time to go deeper in things. Sometimes, in our busy lifes, we don’t take enough time to analysis and really unterstand well all the stuff implied in your lessons may be. Even in 2 days, we got a lot to do : - memorising each component of 12 bar. Memorizing a lick with muscle memory take some time. - tackle (or not) with the timing. Yes for me also Timing is a big issue that I know I must work on much more. Difficult at the beginning to count And play at the same time but there is no other way if we want move on - putting all this together and practice, pratice, pratice … - finally played the full 12 bar a few (numerous?) times for recording (not obvious to stay relax in front of a camera) - and then publishing May be 2 days are not enough to manage all of these informations very well, but, for a Challenge it’s may be not easy to do otherwise (maybe a Workshop or even a full course ?). This Challenge value more than 30 days and for me I’ll, for sure, review again all these lessons to improve. Thank's again Tyler for your dedication to make us growing up with music !