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Celebrating the new blues challenge coming up on the July 1st, here is a fun and flashy blues shuffle in G! (I also drew that picture of R.L. Burnside)

It is time that we as ukulele players rethink rhythm, what it is and how to get the most out of our ukuleles. 

Today we are going to learn how to play a really flashy blues shuffle in the key of G. The Blues shuffle is one of the most iconic sounds in all of the blues, if you don't know what it is by name you would still recognize it immediately if you heard it. It is a play on the 5th and 6th interval of the blues bouncing back and forth between the two of them. We take that concept to a whole new level with a fun and exciting shuffle in G that will have you bouncing around and shredding, and just having some fun with the ukulele.   

The G shuffle has the classic minor 3rd to major 3rd sound that is oh so bluesy. From there we go do the fretboard with a massive slide into a G shape for a little fingerpicking. The shuffle last two measures then finally off to the C7 where we do this really cool arpeggio starting with the open string, then a tirplet with the major and minor 3rd, up to the flat 7th back to the 5th up to the root and lands right in a cool C7 way up the neck. A very flashy shuffle as well.   

Then we finish the whole thing with a really nice piedmont style turnaround that bounces all around with these nice 6th intervals before finally coming around to half step above the V7 and then sliding down.   

This classic blues shuffle with its classic turnaround would also sound great if you mixed in the G minor pentatonic scale and the G blues scale to really shred this piece, you could do a lot of things with it!

Will improve

  • Swing vibe
  • Shuffle 
  • Minor 3rd to major 3rd
  • Triplet timing
  • Complex arpeggios
  • Chromatic 6th intervals

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Blues Fancy Turnaround in G Ukulele

New Ukulele Tutorials every Wednesday and Saturday, subscribe and learn! July 1st is the new blues challenge! It is time that we as ukulele players rethink rhythm, what it is and how to get the most out of our ukuleles. Today we are going to learn how to play a really flashy blues shuffle in the key of G. The Blues shuffle is one of the most iconic sounds in all of the blues, if you don't know what it is by name you would still recognize it immediately if you heard it. It is a play on the 5th and 6th interval of the blues bouncing back and forth between the two of them. We take that concept to a whole new level with a fun and exciting shuffle in G that will have you bouncing around and shredding, and just having some fun with the ukulele. The G shuffle has the classic minor 3rd to major 3rd sound that is oh so bluesy. From there we go do the fretboard with a massive slide into a G shape for a little fingerpicking. The shuffle last two measures then finally off to the C7 where we do this really cool arpeggio starting with the open string, then a tirplet with the major and minor 3rd, up to the flat 7th back to the 5th up to the root and lands right in a cool C7 way up the neck. A very flashy shuffle as well. Then we finish the whole thing with a really nice piedmont style turnaround that bounces all around with these nice 6th intervals before finally coming around to half step above the V7 and then sliding down. This classic blues shuffle with its classic turnaround would also sound great if you mixed in the G minor pentatonic scale and the G blues scale to really shred this piece, you could do a lot of things with it! Tabs - https://www.patreon.com/TenThumbsPro Lessons - tenthumbsproductions@gmail.com. IG - https://www.instagram.com/tenthumbspro/?hl=en Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/tenthumbsproductions Related Lessons Easy Strummer in G - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_vq5D6oH5s Fingerpicking in G - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TK0FeQAGL4&t=233s Jamming in G - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtvtk3KEg54 5 Old School Turnarounds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ70w6kZpSw #Tenthumbs #BluesUkulele #TenthumbsBlues


Deadair Dennis

Come on, dude. Blueskulele. You’re welcome.

Nathanael Horne

nice, have a hard time with the counting, but nice, esp the turnaround