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I want to give a personal thanks to Judy for bringing up something to my attention that I wasn't aware of. Youtube change its studio, which is the upload feature, and they changed they way you choose your ads. In doing so there was a new box that wasn't there before giving youtube permission to run ads mid video, as it was new and buried deep in a lot of new text I didn't see it, as result the videos were running too many ads, something I was unaware of. I found the box, I am going through the videos eliminating them as we speak so you should only have ads at the start of the video, I will have to do it one by one so please allow about 24 hours for me to get this task done. 

If you see a video with ads mid video will you please send me a message and let me know so I can eliminate them. 

Thank you again Judy, I never watch my own videos once uploaded and I never would have caught this if you didn't bring it to my attention. 



Charles Snyder

I pay YouTube to remove the ads. Some people think I'm wasting my money but I hate commercials and I hate ads.

Robie Sprouse

If you use Chrome there are some adblocker extensions (most are free) that keep ads from running on Youtube, I've blocked ads for so long that when we stayed in a hotel a couple years ago and my kids were watching TV they didn't understand what was happening as they watched Spongebob and suddenly a toy commercial appeared :)

Charles Snyder

Do a ZeroAd Blocker on Chrome too. Its not free. Small fee.