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Sorry for not posting that much at the beginning of the month I had some internet problems then I lose like half of my patreon’s illustrations on Procreate yesterday and it really pissed me off because most of them was finished (Erza/Misty/Choccy requests)  😭

It‘s just making me annoyed to start everything from scratch I don’t even know where to start and it’s really makes me feel weak idk if I’ll be brave enough to redo it so I might just make new illustrations of the same characters (that I lose th d’illustrations of)  instead 😭




I know how that feels. It happened to me last week and I lost all progress on project I was working on. What matters Is not losing face and not losing hope. It just takes a sheer amount of determination to do. But I 100% believe in you to do it! And wonderful Robin drawing😍


It sucks so much when you lose progress on something, especially when you have put so much time into already. Sending you the strength to go on and nail the redraws/new drawings you are working on. This Robin is so damn beautiful, does she need a hand to put sunscreen on?