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Dear all,

As an artist, I would like to kindly ask you to refrain from sharing any paywalled exclusive content with third parties. This content is my only source of income, and it is essential for me to maintain a stable livelihood.

It is not easy for artists to find a reliable source of income, and we struggle every day to make ends meet. Sharing paywalled content with others not only affects my motivation but can also lead to a reduction in the amount of content I create. This, in turn, may result in an interruption of my activities and a negative impact on my ability to provide the content that you enjoy.

I understand that you may want to share this content with others, but I urge you to consider the harm it can cause. You may not realize it, but by sharing paywalled content, you are not helping the artist that you want to support. Instead, you are inadvertently harming them by affecting their ability to make a living.

I appreciate your support and understanding in this matter. Please respect my work and my livelihood by refraining from sharing paywalled exclusive content with third parties.

Thank you for your cooperation and for reading this.


Lady Shin ♡



I'm so sorry this is happening to you💔 ( *´・ω)/(;д; )


It sucks that shit like this can happen so easily and there is no laws or punishments or anything. I'm sorry this I s happening to you. I still love your art and I will happily keep paying to see all the lovely goodness you make on the regular. Sending you the best ❤️❤️❤️