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today I packaged the development preview for SJX (D/L for Beta Testers / VIP who registered on Discord Channel). 

Contains the sandbox for ship, star system and spacedock as well as intro quest(s) and modules for trading, mining and maintenance.

The next two weeks I will add the "naughty scenes" to the world.

Release schedule for V0.2 looks OK:

  • 16.01. VIP Tier Early Access 
  • 23.01. All-Access Tier Early Access
  • 30.01. Official Patreon Release (if no major issues coming up in Early Access)





What role does the tiny robot play? he could have some accessories, Goth could enjoy. btw, it's not too late to give her a new name is it?


The robot (BB-2) is encountered as sole survivor on the ship our characters find themselves in. It refuses to to elaborate what happened, but assures everyone that "all is safe now". He generally causes problems through his eagerness to assist. Whether he is more active otherwise is still tbd.


If you have a name proposal for Goth (the Hacker Girl) let me know. The character will not appear until V0.3, so there is still some time.


I'll give it some thought. I just ant to share if I may?, that I just got some great feedback on my series pitch I entered in a pitch contest.


I will come up with a couple names, but maybe have a poll and ask your supporters to vote on her name?


As we know from the Boaty McBoatface incident, a free vote might not be ideal... I'll come up with a few name proposals, finalize the appearance and then make a small poll.


here are 3 name ideas. Rasha, Narin, Nimh. Again I think it would be great to vote on 5-6 different names for her.

Old Salt

Awesome dude!


Nimh is great, I'll consider that. Just the right bit offworldly. Always liked the character but hated the hacker girl name Mollie in Neuromancer, so that's out. Lisbeth and Trinity are too cliche by now as well... ;)


To use the name Lilith I would have to change the character from cyberpunk to full on goth, not sure about that. For a fantasy setting cool name though