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Star Wars: Rebels 3x03/3x04 "The Holocrons of Fate"/"The Antilles Extraction" Reaction

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That imperial lady with the black hair and Bob hairstyle. Her name is Governor Arindha Pryce. Just going by the name of Governor Pryce :)


Thanks for a great reaction. It's interesting when you're talking about the characteristics of certain people within the Empire & I think what that last episode showcases particularly well is that there are some people in the Empire who may be good people. We see this with the pilots who jointhe rebellion via Sabine & also some potential in Callas. When the Republic became the Empire, there must have been several individuals who either retained their positions or got promoted - as with Tarkin. I think many are just too scared of defecting & the only way to progress is to be ruthless. So glad you're enjoying this series. See you next time!


When we first meet Luke, he's dying to go to the Imperial Academy just because it's the only option.