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Star Wars Rebels 2x15/2x16 Full Reaction

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It must piss James Cameron off so much that by the time he was finally able to make Way of Water, its entire thematic story had already been done in a Star Wars cartoon almost a decade earlier. The Purgill are a bit of a controversial addition to the canon, with a sizable contingent of fans saying the idea is ridiculous, but you certainly won't hear me saying that. Plus, knowing your feelings on dinosaurs, I had a feeling you'd be into them. In the next episode, it would have been so easy to make either side the obvious bad guy, but instead we fully understand how both of them have sympathetic causes that unfortunately just can't co-exist in this instance. And it's easily one of Vanessa Marshall's greatest moments as a voice actor how she plays Hera unconciously slippping into her childhood accent while talking with her father.


YES! Numa was indeed that little girl Waxer and Boil saved on Ryloth!


Yes you'll have to be VERY CAREFUL with the comments section to this reaction when its posted on Youtube Jess; not just about this but since you also brought up Bad Batch. I don't know why people spoil things when following a reactor - just because they've watched something its like they also have to tell you whats going to come. I'm not infallible myself when talking about certain shows, but I do try to be a bit vague if something important crops up, and I try my best to make sure that it won't spoil things for the reactors I follow. Clone Wars was a bit different as it was more about specific arcs generally, rather than centering on one group like we have here with Rebels. Hence spoilers not just affect one story with this series, but it can affect the whole thing. Hyperdriving space whales, gotta love Rebels! The hyperspace lanes that were established, were originally purgil routes to traverse the stars, hence Hera's lines about them messing up the lanes, it was theirs to begin with. Ezra is beginning to show he has a real talent for communicating with animals, so much so that even Kanan can't pick up on the purgil. And that purgil was telling Ezra it was needing the fuel for hyperspace. Some Jedi have unique abilities, and this may be Ezra's. Kanan's ability is insane force jumps. Some others like Quinlan Vos and Cal Kestis, are able to touch an object and recall a force moment with it. Some other have healing abilities too which we've seen. They were dealing with a mining guild I think, who had a contract to supply fuel to the Empire. I LOVE Freddie Prinze Jr's delivery of the line "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO LOSE TO THIS GUY!!!!", he couldn't sound any less Jedi-like, and perhaps more like Han or Lando (which he'd hate me stating!). Speaking of Kanan, he's once again going to be sleeping in the cargo hold for all the cheek he gave Hera this ep! :D Yeah we saw Cham multiple times during the Clone Wars, especially in the first season. I really like him, despite his questionable actions here. He is one heck of a warrior. You don't see Hera in TCW though, Cham picks up a boy in one of these episodes of Clone Wars, but we don't see a girl. And when his wife was also killed later, it strained his relationship with Hera further. You can see she is a lot like him at times, fearless a great leader and both have a temper on them! Hera isn't the little girl rescued by Waxer and Boil in the Ryloth arc. However Numa here is! I always remember one of the lines the clones say to her when leaving 'don't worry we'll be back' - well they did come back, as occupiers, and now she fights for her people, just as Hera now does for the galaxy. She has a memento of one of these clones on her pauldron. Great action scene with Ezra and Kanan teaming up to deal with the stormtroopers, not quite Anakin and Obi/Ahsoka standard, but impressive nevertheless! They are both pushing each other on, not just as Jedi, but as fighters too. Ezra's first mind trick is a hoot, but he nailed it! I love the ending, and Hera getting confirmation that her father loves her and who she has become. Great shot of our heroes as the episode closes along with a fantastic little theme.


I don't know how anything can be considered ridiculous in a fantastical setting such as the Star Wars galaxy, especially when we have characters that are able to shoot lightning from their hands.


Yes, two very beautiful episodes back-to-back. Since the season premiere of The Mandalorian, I was curious how the reaction to the first episode was going to be. It felt effective still, as you still weren’t aware of specifics. You did surmise about the hyperspace, but that was more due to our little green friend. It was nice to see Ezra take charge some and how he and the purggils save the day. Further evidence that I don’t feel your being spoiled about the purrgils is that your reactions to the purrgils getting you emotional, making it so that you’re feeling things, was most sweet, and got me in the heart a little bit. I like to imagine when working with Ezra, the purggils were singing, “Come one and all! Man, and mammal! Side by side in life’s great gene pool!” and upon their jump to lightspeed, they thought, “So long, and thanks for all the fish.” Curiously, if you look close enough, you can see they are followed by bowls of petunias, and the bowls of petunias are thinking, “Oh no, not again.” Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowls of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now. Now onto the second episode. Great to have another Hera-centric episode. Fantastic to have Robin Atkin Downes return as Cham, and he and Vanessa Marshall were most superb in their scenes. An especially great moment of Vanessa shifting her accent mid-scene. Good memory on Numa, by the way. I loved you getting defensive of Chopper, thing is, Cham calling Chopper a second-rate junk-pile likely got Chopper to say, “Why thank you, most sincerely for the flattery, Sir!” I love how though one’s sympathies are more towards the Shady Bunch in this scenario, Cham’s actions do make sense given what he’s been through. I mean you saw the liberation of Ryloth, and what that was like. As Hera mentioned, the early days of the Empire were particularly eventful. I would wager he’s still reeling heavily from a few years prior when the Emperor and Darth Vader paid a personal visit to Ryloth. But that’s a story for another time. A story, by the way, that hopefully gets adapted to the screen one day soon. Preferably, in the form of a live-action miniseries on Disney+ starring Ian and Hayden, and the AI of James being utilized. I was so moved, Jess, by your unwavering pride, support, and belief in Hera’s iconic leadership, particularly your assertion of Hera not needing to prove anything to her dad. It is a sweet moment when Cham helps her in the end, and I loved your reaction to that. I also loved your reaction to the scene of Kanan and Ezra in the corridor which led to flailing on your part. Most delightful. Again, Robin and Vanessa were fantastic in the final scene. And when you asserted that “I’m not going to cry! I’m strong!” I again grimly quote Red Skull in Infinity War, saying, “We all think that at first. We are all wrong.” Thank you so very much for a beautiful reaction to two beautiful reactions. It was most wonderful, Jess.


Yeah, it probably would piss James Cameron off that a Star Wars “cartoon” beat him to it, and presumably better than he would do. That’s actually hysterical, now I think about it.


I remember Jess has mentioned before speculation that some of the spoilery comments perhaps are an attempt to hype up what’s to come, not realizing the inherent spoilers therein. I do know that when Ahsoka is airing, I will be Shtum on that, that’s for goddamn sure. To be fair to Kanan, hilarious moment, by the way, I think even Obi-Wan, paragon of Jedihood though he is, would likely have a similar thought. I could also see Mace Windu saying, “Oh, HELL no! I am not getting killed by THIS motherfucker!!” I like to think at this point, Kanan’s got supplies in the cargo hold when Hera makes him sleep there. Few pillows. An air mattress. Perhaps a nice warm and comfortable quilt. That ending surely is beautiful.


It’s hilarious that Downes’ first really noticeable role was the universally hated Byron in Babylon 5, and seeing him grow beyond that to become such a beloved voice actor is really inspiring. I did a real double take at seeing he was Falcon Graves in Ducktales.


Yeah, he was great in that. I struggle to think when he's ever been bad. I mean, I haven't seen or heard everything he's in, but what I have seen and heard is fantastic.


Nice Douglas Adams reference Thomas! Did not know that was the same guy from Babylon 5 though, something I should have caught on by now the amount of times I've seen Rebels! Until Breaking Bad came along, Babylon 5 was my favourite ever tv series (and I believe they are doing some animations this year with the original cast - those that remain, not many at that!); however that season 5 with Byron was the poorest of the series by far, even if it did still have its moments.


Good, I was hoping someone would catch the Douglas Adams reference.


Maybe we can get to Zeb throwing the most important punch in history.


Two more great episodes! Find the call interesting for a number of reasons, as many above have stated, but is also interesting as think it's one of the first times Hera isn't the one trying to get others to see a different perspective or not make forgone conclusions, this time she is the one who has her views on something expanded. And homecoming is great, from Cham to Numa to Gobi (think we see him in Clone Wars but could be wrong) to Hera's accent coming out PLUS an awesome carrier the Quazar brought back from legends like the Hammerheads earlier in the season!