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Star Wars Rebels 2x11/2x12 Full Reaction

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And now you have the full context for Vader's line to Leia, "You weren't on any mercy mission this time." Unlike the other OT guest stars, they didn't get the original actor this time, likely because Carrie Fisher's voice had become so husky from all the booze and drugs that she couldn't convincingly play a young Leia anymore. Instead she's voiced by Julie Dolan, following her voicing Leia in the revamped Star Tours. And Ryder has the unmistakable voice of Clancy Brown, this time tasked with a role requiring much more subtle work than Savage Opress, and he pulls it off beautifully, reminding us just how good an actor he can be despite his tendency to play hammy villains.

Jenny Chalek

I hope you will react to the OT. But more importantly, I hope when you get to it you will react to Rogue One, which is the absolute best Star Wars movie in my opinion. I know you've seen them before, but it would be worth it in my opinion.


Love the music in Rebels, but these two are especially great. Getting to hear Leia's theme when she speaks to Ezra is wonderful and Twin Moons (the music that plays when Ezra is sitting on the rock after getting the news from Ryder) is sad yet still so beautiful, has some interesting parallels with Luke and binary sunset too.


And Rogue One has some extremely subtle nods to Rebels that are impossible to pick up on if you haven't seen it, so that will be worth a rewatch.


All the times I've seen this episode, I think it just clicked with me, when Ezra has his vision and says to his parents that he 'can't see them', perhaps indicates that they have moved into the beyond now. A very moving episode in the final act as Ezra hears about his parents fate, and yes he has been guarded this whole time, but finally lets it down as he has hope; and to see him hear the news is heartbreaking for him. Kanan being so supportive of him too; showing how close they are becoming, not just as master and padawan, but almost father and son. And Chopper tapping Ezra on the knee as he breaks down into tears, shows even he can feel empathy for his crew when one of them is in emotional pain. I love the dynamic of the relationship between them; its a Jedi relationship we haven't seen before. Usually you have the master being the all-knowing wise tutor, even with Anakin and Ahsoka, as Anakin was further along in his (supposed) development as a Jedi, than Kanan got to be. Here though, both are learning from each other, and though Kanan isn't faultless as we've seen and going through his own stuff, he is exactly what Ezra needs for his development; and is one of the reasons its my favourite and most developed master/padawan relationship we've seen in Star Wars. Beautiful music at the end too and as Ezra deals like a boss against the stormtroopers and Kallus again showing him becoming stronger as a fighter as he is mastering some of his force ablities. Again showing just how great the music is in this show too. While it is horrible that Ezra's parents didn't make it, from a story point of view this probably had to happen, as you are right Jess, the Ghost Crew have become his family now, having his parents back would change the dynamic greatly; and of course he is training to be a Jedi, and all that brings to attachment etc. Ryder Azadi is played by the great Clancy Brown, who was in Clone Wars and Mandalorian too. He played Savage Opress in TCW and the red Devaronian who is nearly invincible in the prison episode of season 1 of Mando. He's also done many memorable turns in films, the Kurgan in Highlander, the tall sadistic prison guard in Shawshank Redemption and is superb in Starship Troopers; of course for younger people, he played Mr Krabs in SpongeBob. Man is a legend! Onto episode 12, we have to remember that there is literally only days in age between Ezra and Leia (and Ezra being the older, and both are 16 as this is 3 years out now from A New Hope remember), yet Leia already feels like a leader the Rebel Alliance needs, the way she pushes on our Ghost crew to somehow get the ships, when even they are stumped about what to do; and also the way she handles poor Lt. Lyste! Chopper sitting silently next to Ezra as he is grieving, reminds me of when a pet you have knows when something is up with you, and comes over to help comfort you. (Even when he is one of the 'delinquents' of the family!!) Using Leia's Theme as she speaks to Ezra is just so emotional, the developers knew exactly what they were doing there!! Kanan being awesome taking down that AT-AT and Ezra not being quite the same with whipping the guns away from the stormtroopers, while trying to impress Leia! Its also fun to remember that as a Skywalker, she'll have more force potential than either of them when it awakens in her! She also sort-of quotes a line from her true father "impressive, well mostly"... Seeing the freighters alongside the rest of Phoenix Squadron at the end, shows this rebel cell is getting bigger, perhaps suggesting other rebel cells are doing so too, and it won't be far off that the Rebel Alliance is formed. Those freighters play a pivotal part in the fight, in Rogue One when our crew get onto Scarif to find the Death Star plans, but can't get off the surface, and the planetary shield is stopping them from transmitting the plans; one of these freighters here crashes into a disabled Star Destroyer to take down the shield and they are then able to transmit the plans back to the fleet in orbit. Rogue One was in development as Rebels was being made, so this is a great tie-in between here and the film! Speaking of the films, yes I'm sure we'd all enjoy watching along with you Jess revisiting the original trilogy. Its been about a decade since I last watched them too; I spend most of my Star Wars viewing rewatching Clone Wars, Rebels here (especially Rebels!) and the other Disney+ SW series; and seeing reactors watch them like yourself and having chats about them, is what I mainly enjoy these days. I rewatched the prequels recently independently of your own rewatches of them - though I have seen your Episode III reaction - and its time to check out the original trilogy once more and watch through them for the hundredth time! I wore out my VHS tapes of them back in the day! Perhaps around Christmas if you think would be good, as you'll probably be finished Rebels by then and Ahsoka, so can get around to the films before starting Bad Batch in the New Year if you think that may be a viable option. :)


I believe this is the only time in media outside of Star Tours, that Julie has voiced Leia. Its an excellent impression of a young Leia, certainly.


Yeah, about halfway through the season. Amazing how fast something flies by when you’re enjoying it so much. As you said, what a double-header of an episode. I like how the Inquisitors throw shade toward the Imperials, and how Kallus gets a dig in response, and how Konstantine of all people gets one in as well. Yes, the major plotline of Ezra’s parents in this first episode is heartbreaking. You spoke quite well on Ezra’s defense mechanism. The thing was I thought they were already dead. To hear their death was recent is a bit of a gut-punch. Taylor Gray did great in his delivery of Ezra’s lines when he learns the truth, particularly how his voice cracks. You know it’s serious when Chopper goes quiet and even goes so far as to pat Ezra on the leg. Ryder Azadi is an impressive character played by the always great Clancy Brown. He even looks a little like Clancy. It’s a great moment when Kanan freely agrees with Ezra that he doesn’t know what Ezra’s feeling or going through. Kevin Kiner was fantastic with his music during the scene of Ezra envisioning his parents. Now onto the second episode. Lovely to see our dear Princess Leia. This was my first time seeing the episode since seeing the Obi-Wan show, and it’s remarkable how Julie Dolan, not only is excellent in the role of Leia, but also, in revisiting the episode, it stands out how the performance perfectly feels like a continuation of Vivien Lyra Blair’s performance of little Leia in Obi-Wan, and how it leads perfectly to Carrie in the original trilogy. I recall how you mentioned kind of hating how John went so hard with The Imperial March. I have a similar feeling with Leia’s Theme. I seriously cannot hear it anymore without breaking down crying. In this episode, it’s great how Kevin utilizes different sections of Leia’s Theme such as distinct melodies from the theme that are played by the winds. And then there’s the moment when Leia has her scene with Ezra and Kevin has the score play the primary motif of Leia’s Theme as performed by the french horn, and it makes me weep my fucking eyes out. That's a good point you made of the second episode being a great reprieve for Ezra and his feelings about his parents. And watching Leia say Ezra’s only mostly impressive with the Force makes even more sense following seeing the Obi-Wan show when you realize she had a front row seat to see one of the best Jedi who ever lived in action. All in all, fantastic reactions, Jess, and I thank you for them. As to the original trilogy, I would LOVE to see you film rewatches of them. You express doubt that they may not be the most dramatic of videos, you’d be surprised. Having gone through Clone Wars, Obi-Wan, and now you’re going through Rebels, that will dramatically change how you see somethings from the holy trilogy. If you were to have those videos, I will watch them with GREAT interest. I’d especially be down for watching you watch the scenes of C-3PO throughout the trilogy. I KNOW that you’d be like me whenever I watch the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. Your watching 3PO in the trilogy is no doubt going to be at that same level, and I will be here for every single second of it. If nothing else, I’d watch the videos for the 3PO love as your joy whenever you see 3PO is infectious and beautiful to behold. If you want to do those videos, I say go for it, Jess.


I think too this one of the few times Clancy Brown uses his normal speaking voice in an animated project. Or at least the performance he gives as Ryder sounds very much like his natural voice.


Rogue One I’m particularly interested in revisiting since seeing the first season of Andor. I’ll take any and all excuses to rewatch the original trilogy. Return of the Jedi especially as that’s my favorite of the saga and it remains in my top ten favorite films of all time. But I would particularly relish the opportunity to revisit the trilogy with Jess. It would be so great.


For one thing, our now knowing EXACTLY what Vader is talking about when he says “I sense something. A presence I’ve not felt since…” adds a ton to how he then storms off.


That might be about Ezra’s parents moving into the beyond. I love how Kanan is there for Ezra. How he acknowledges Ezra’s going through a pain he can never understand. It’s something that always bugged me with Anakin in that he never quite gets that understanding with his mom. Even Obi-Wan, compassionate man that he is, never quite recognizes Anakin’s need for that specific support. Of course, Obi-Wan and the Jedi probably don’t think it would be necessary but given Anakin’s unique background of becoming a Jedi at an older age, combined with the bond he has with his mom, you think they would at least try to think a little outside the box with that. Not that it’s their fault, rather as I said, it’s simply something that doesn’t occur to them. I also doubt it would have prevented everything that happened, but it would have been one less thing that dear old Palpy could have preyed upon. That is a touching moment of Chopper offering emotional support. My introduction to Clancy Brown was through Flubber and Mr. Krabs in SpongeBob. I've since seen lots of his work. My default image of him anymore is probably Shawshank, but there remains the soft spot for his performance as the crustaceous cheapskate. Yeah, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing with Leia’s theme. Most enjoyable seeing Leia intimidate Lieutenant Lyste, particularly when she threatens to report him to the Senate, the whole Senate. Those freighters were great to see. Took me back to playing Knights of the Old Republic. Yes, the sharing of thoughts and opinions of the trilogy would be great. I caught Return of the Jedi last year shortly after completing the Obi-Wan show; that’s my most recent time of seeing it start to finish. Been a while since seeing A New Hope and Empire beginning to end. Still have the VHS tapes. How I never burned out the tape for Jedi is a mystery given how many times I watched that one as a kid.


Yeah, my brother and I discussed how that line will hit different upon seeing the Obi-Wan show along with his line, “A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.” And my brother and I both used those lines to defend the Obi-Wan show by highlighting that Vader never explicitly said Mustafar was his and Obi-Wan's last meeting, as it was proof that Lucas hadn’t quite ironed everything out just yet, thus we had no problem with their encounters in the Obi-Wan show.


He also used it as George Stacy in The Spectacular Spider-Man.


I rewatched Rogue One a few months back after Andor. Its still pretty good and ties up well with the series.


Kanan can understand to an extent, as his master would have been a parental guide for him; and losing the Jedi Order would have felt like he lost a family; however you are right, he can't totally understand what Ezra is going through as he lived with his parents for 7 years before they got taken away from him, which is even less time than what Anakin (who I won't go into as I'll only annoy myself! :D ) got with Shmi. Kanan can be there for him though come what may for Ezra, and if he hears the worst news, which he does, then he can make sure Ezra doesn't go through it alone, unlike what happened to him with Order 66 - and Chopper helps him too in his own way. "I got something to say... its better to burn out, than fade away!!!" - that was my introduction to the great Clancy Brown. :D I almost feel sorry for Lt. Lyste here. He was in the pilot episode last time we saw him if I remember, and he's had a promotion since then; but Leia makes sure to bring him down a peg or two, and his bosses will not be happy with what happened here! He's not a bad imperial, but a gullible one that's always getting his pants pulled down by the rebels! Oh yes I have a fondness for the old freighters too, and do remember them from KOTOR. Man I'd love to revisit that game sometime. Been thinking about trying out The Old Republic mmo, but aside from trialling it when it came out, I never have gotten round to playing it, and it seems to be a lot like my old beloved Star Wars : Galaxies in feel too. I think Return Of The Jedi was my favourite as a kid too, though I'd now place Empire and ANH way above it these days. I'd need to get a fresh look on it to see where it would stand, as though it has some brilliant stuff in it, it is a bit all over the place if I remember. Mind you so is Rogue One until it settles down. I need to revisit the sequels again soon before all this though, to see what I'd think of them now.


So many great musical nods in these episodes, Ezra's Theme when the crew back him to find out where his parents are, the way he heroically takes out the troopers and Kallus impressively, the final quiet theme to see the episode out as Kanan comforts him, the Leia leitmotifs, and of course her theme is always a tearjerker. I'm with you in that it always brings tears to my eyes, in a way that not even Yoda's Theme does. I was really emotional watching these episodes today, and I've seen them through dozens of times now; and Leia's Theme, especially with Carrie now gone - who is still much missed - pangs greatly. I know Leia has seen the best being around Obi-Wan as a kid, but that was 6 years ago at this point, and Kanan does impress her too with his awesomeness at taking down the AT-AT; Ezra tries to imitate his idol and only partially succeeds, but he's getting there! :D The Vader v Obi-Wan final duel on the Death Star does have even more weight behind it with the Obi-Wan series; despite what the moaners and nitpickers go on about. Having a few drams tonight as I got a new whisky delivered today, man I'm tempted to bite the bullet and watch ANH tonight too now haha! ;)


Yes, Kevin’s original music for Ezra is great. There’s just such a beauty to Leia’s Theme that’s always got to me. Carrie’s death has increased the tears upon hearing the theme. I still vividly remember the day she died; it felt like a blur the whole day. She is sorely missed. The feeling emotional watching the episodes, that was me as well watching them again. They got me particularly bad this time round. Hope you enjoy the whiskey, as well as the rewatch of A New Hope if you do rewatch it tonight.


Right, through the loss of the Jedi, and Depa especially, Kanan knows some of what Ezra’s feeling. When it comes to losing one’s parents, Kanan can’t understand fully. Thus, as I said, I like how he acknowledges that. And like you note, despite that, he still sticks by Ezra come what may. Clancy is surely great as the Kurgan. Good point on Lyste. Oh yeah, I’d love to revisit Knights of the Old Republic. Lots of fond memories of that game. Never did play the mmo myself. It’s what I love about the original trilogy, one can make a case for any of the films being their favorite. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on Return of the Jedi if you were to give it a fresh look. Been a while since I’ve watched the sequel trilogy too.


I didn't even mention hearing Kanan's Theme in all its glory too when he takes down the walker! Kevin Kiner and his crew are worthy successors to John Williams in the franchise. He goes full on synth in some of the heavier Bad Batch stuff these days too, they can do all genre's! I believe (and knowing Dave Filoni) he's been given the Ahsoka series to compose too, and since he came up with Ahsoka's Theme its only appropriate anyway. Yes Carrie is one of those celebs deaths that really have really hit me, like Freddie Mercury or David Bowie; people who were larger than life and appeared superhuman, though you could clearly see Carrie looked unwell in The Force Awakens. Her mother Debbie Reynolds died the following day too due to the grief. Just horrible all round. I did have a few drams yes, but decided to watch more of season 2 here of Rebels tonight instead for the umpteenth time. ANH can wait, I'll do the sequels next before then I reckon! :D


Yes, Kevin Kiner is set to compose for the Ahsoka show. I’m looking forward to his presentations of Ahsoka’s Theme in the show, as well as certain...other...themes for certain characters, one in particular. Yeah, Debbie Reynolds’s death got to me as well. They put Singin’ in the Rain in the theater the month after, I went to go see it. It was most emotional. As you say, just horrible all round. Nothing wrong with catching more Rebels again.


Oh yes that theme is always great, looking forward to hearing it again.