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Fear the Walking Dead 8x05 Full Reaction

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Start by talking about how you said that despite the copious tears and crying, it wasn’t that painful for you this time. I’m glad to hear that, Jess. Like you say, that’s progress. Sure, you note you’re still contending with congestion, but it is progress, nonetheless. Yeah, another tremendously emotional episode. I had a similar thought of pondering the effectiveness of the cure. The thought crossed my mind at the end of the last episode, the thought that the cure, so called, was only temporary. Specifically, it brought to mind the situation of the character played by Boris Karloff in The Invisible Ray, and how the character played by Bela Lugosi could only create a suppressant for Boris, and Bela describes it thusly, “Nothing can ever cure you. At best, your state of poisoning can only be checked, suspended. And now that a counteractive has gone into your bloodstream, you can only live if you use a small amount of it at regular intervals each day all the days of your life.” The revelations in this episode show I was on the right track as we see Finch becoming sick again. Now onto Grace. All throughout the episode, I felt dread and heartbreak. You described how it was simultaneously warming and breaking your heart. Me, I mostly felt the latter as I could not see Grace surviving the episode. I do agree with you that it spoke to Mo’s drive to save her mom being very strong if she fought so hard. It hurt the whole episode seeing what happened to Grace. And seeing your reaction tore at my heart many times, up to and including Grace’s death. Strapping Grace down probably would have been a wise course of action. Once again, you and I are in agreement on complete hatred for PADRE in general, and Shrike in particular. And I reiterate, you know of my STRONG, passionate love for villains, and I find Shrike abhorrent. It’s like when I talk with my brother about shows, books, or films, and if I ever express vehement hatred for a villainous character, my brother makes note of the significance of my saying that, usually by commenting, “And that’s coming from you. YOU’RE saying that.” When Shrike began espousing PADRE’s aims and goals, my patience ran out. Specifically, when she speaks of sparing people “that kind of pain” I’m yelling, “That kind of pain would happen in a world that hasn’t gone to shit! Your cultish and hypocritical horseshit won’t stop or change that!” And again, Shrike hits the raw nerve by saying that she knows the pain Mo is presently going through, and I yelled, “Yeah? Me too! I’m not going out abducting scores of children, forcibly pouring a shitload of Kool-Aid and/or blood of Kali down their throats in some absurdly delusional method of protection like you, you psychotic bitch!” Though Mo is going through it, I’m with you on thinking she has something up her sleeve. I LOVED it when you yelled at Shrike, “Do you know about Morgan? He doesn’t! Fucking! Die!” and then when Morgan said much the same, your reaction was most excellent. Now going into the final episode of the first half and what I would like to see. First, seeing Strand would be nice. Second, I'm most agreeable to how you described the idea of Shrike’s tongue getting ripped out of her head, so she stops yapping. The idea has merit. This was another terrific Fear reaction, Jess, it was very, very good.