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Classic Who - "The Invasion of Time" Part 3/4 Full Reaction

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Great that after the big twist of The Sontaran Experiment was ruined by giving it that title, the show was finally able to make them a legit twist here.

Steven Cooper

It's fun to spot the young actress Gai Smith, playing Presta in these two episodes, who soon afterwards returned to her native Australia and gave up her acting career to become a leading trainer of Thoroughbred racehorses. She now has a considerably higher profile as Gai Waterhouse, the First Lady of Australian racing and one of the most famous women in the country.

Joe Crammond

i had a feeling the cliffhanger at the end of these two parts would make you scream, Robert Holmes suggested dividing this six parter up by having the first four feature the Vardans only to reveal the Sontarans as the masterminds at the end, a nice way of making a six parter without too much padding of characters being held prisoner