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Star Wars Rebels 2x05/2x06 Full Reaction

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I love so much that after so much building up of Hondo as someone who'll inevitably stab you in the back in Clone Wars, they can now make a big twist out of the fact that he's completely sincere about wanting to work with Ezra, and never betrays him. As for the other episodes, it's a bit hard to tell with how much of a character voice she's putting on, but that's Sarah Michelle Gellar as the Seventh Sister. Not quite the first villain she's played (of course there's Cruel Intentions, plus her dual role as the hero and villain in Ringer), but it is the only time she's done this kind of over the top cartoon villain rather than the smug types she did before, and it turns out she's really good at it.


Yes, nice that the show eases up some on the drama in these two episodes. I like the back and forth between Rex and Kanan. It’s great how they're on opposite ends of how to teach and train Ezra, yet you get a hint that they are on the same page on caring about Ezra’s well-being. Great to see more of the Fifth Brother. Now you’re introduced to the Seventh Sister voiced by Buffy herself, Sarah Michelle Gellar. Amusingly, she’s married to Freddie Prinze Jr, thus I imagine their kids had a fun time taking sides on who to root for. Kevin Kiner provides a suitably menacing motif for the Seventh Sister. I love how you highlight being ok with her combat prowess yet wanted her to not be touchy. I said, “No, yeah, there is a distinction to be made here. Being fabulous in combat, kicking ass and taking names, that’s one thing, that’s all right. Getting up close and personal and getting touchy touch with the caressing, that’s something else, and it will not stand. Not to mention the fact that Ezra’s underage, and the Seventh Sister is presumably not, which just raises further concerns.” Love seeing Zeb step up and save the day. He is very much like the unmarried uncle who gains, as you noted, a very brotherly bond with Ezra. Now onto the profit and hilarity of the second episode. God, Jess, did it warm the heart seeing you scream in joy upon seeing our beloved Hondo. Beyond fantastic that we got Jim Cummings to return to voice him and he continues to have a blast in the role. In this episode, I find Azmorigan started to grow on me. I was definitely happy finding out James Hong was playing a recurring character, leading me to say, “Oh, thank you!” The back and forth between Azmorigan and Hondo, by extension, Jim and James, was hysterical. The highlight being the crack about old relics, I LOVED your reaction to that one. Yes, you KNOW Chopper said, “Say hello to my little friend!” at that one part. When you commented on Hondo not giving off the most trustworthy vibes, I chimed in with, “Now, Jess, this is no time for flattery.” Oh, this was a FUN reaction, Jess, thank you so much!


You mentioned Ringer and my first thought was they made a remake of the film Dead Ringer, and I thought, “They made a remake of that? How did I not know that?” I looked it up, and saw it’s not a remake, though it has a somewhat similar set-up. I then got slightly disappointed as if they had made a remake of Dead Ringer with Sarah Michelle Gellar, I genuinely would have been curious to see it, though I would seriously doubt it would have surpassed the original film.


There actually is a Dead Ringers remake out now too, with Rachel Weisz.


That's a different film than what I was originally thinking of, but that miniseries remake does sound like it’s worth checking out, for Rachel Weisz alone if nothing else.


The Seventh Sister is my favourite Inquisitor, so cool and creepy, and voiced by Sarah Michelle Geller, who is Kanan/Freddie Prinze Jr's real wife, which is fun! We saw a medical station in Clone Wars, back in the early season 1 arc of Malevolance, in which Grievous and Dooku set out to destroy it in the process killing up to 60,000 clones. This one is a nod to that, and is a good way of showing just what has become of the galaxy now that it has been abandoned. I think Chopper does a chef's kiss when Zeb congratulates him at the end of the episode! Speaking of Zeb, I'm glad you are connecting so much with him Jess, when he can be seen as the dopey big grunt like Wrecker is, who can be a bit tiring. Zeb isn't like that though, he's the big fella with the big heart, and a very capable soldier in his own right. We get several Zeb development episodes this season, it will be interesting to hear your thoughts on them later Jess. Haha only the best most beloved characters get a 'hello there!', and Hondo is one of those! Love that Ezra recognises a fellow swindler when he sees one and calling himself Lando to add to the fun! The music he is listening to btw, is the same song as was played when we first met him in Clone Wars. Chopper throwing Ezra his lightsabre, reminiscent of R2 on the sail barge throwing Luke's. And that little psychotic droid gets one of his own great moments, grabbing those guns and chasing down Azmorigan - and he definitely says "say hello to my little friend!". You would not want Chopper chasing you down, he is terrifying when he wants to be - well he usually is anyway! In fact he'd make a great pirate droid, Hondo doesn't know what he's missing out on by not hiring Chop! I've said it in other places, if R2 and Chopper were in charge during the Clone Wars, they'd have took out Palpatine without much fuss. There would still be problems though as R2 would then have to try to deal with Chop, as he'd want all the subsequent power for himself! :D Kanan and Hera understand Chopper for various reasons, and though Sabine was the newest member of the crew before Ezra, she is very gifted with mechanics so wouldn't have any issue understanding him. Funnily, and I don't know if this is deliberate, and like Ezra with him beginning to understand him; Chopper gets slightly easier to understand as the series goes on, as if he too becomes part of our family, like the sourly ginger cat he is! :D Good point about Ezra though Jess; he could have easily been a scoundrel like Hondo and in fact would still make a great partner for that loveable rapscallion! However thats not the direction his parents would want for him, and he is on a path now instead, where he can make a lot of difference to many people; and thats something he can be proud of in himself, and for his parents, as well as his found family.


Trying to think of my favorite Inquisitor. Probably the Grand Inquisitor due to Jason Issacs, though the Second and Seventh Sisters are superb, and are up there high. I could see the Fourth Sister being high up there if she got more of a showcase. Yeah, Zeb’s my favorite of the bunch precisely because you think he’s just the grunt, yet shows a lot of heart, and proves himself craftier than you’d think. Palpatine would have had his work cut out for him if R2 and Chopper were calling shots during the war. Chopper would insist on all the fortune and glory. Always a pleasure to see a reprobate of Hondo’s caliber.


Oh yeah the Fourth Sister was cool, shame haven't seen her again. I also like Trilla though she dies a really dumb way which brings her down a notch. The Grand Inquisitor is also great, but its something about the female Inquisitors that are more dangerous and creepy to me. Yeah Zeb is an underrated character in the show, but he's very likeable and though he does daft things with Ezra at times, he can be very canny which we see in a particular episode especially in season 3. There is something about Steve Blum's voicing of him too, which immediately makes us like Zeb; you can see he's had trauma in the past, like the rest of our crew, but when push comes to shove, he'll always be there for them. Jim Cummings and James Hong as a combo though is just the icing on the cake in this episode too.


Yeah, I get what you mean about the female Inquisitors. I'd love to see the Fourth Sister again. Steve Blum is most impressive as Zeb. And yeah, love the combo of Jim Cummings and James Hong.