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Turning Red (2022)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.


Jenny Chalek

OMG I'm so excited by this! I can't wait to watch after work!


Maybe not your cup of tea but might i recommend A show Called Helluva Boss on Youtube by a creator called Vivziepop? A lot of Big no, no words but also ALOT of lovable characters and heart.


I’d have to give more thought to precise ranking, but I'd say this film would be around the middle in terms of list of Pixar films. The plot felt very much like A Goofy Movie meets Everything Everywhere All at Once, with some shades of The Wolf Man. Objectively, the film is, I would say, quite good. I don’t know, I had mixed feelings towards it. I know part of it was I was distracted by, I guess sensory overload from the time in which it was set, combined with the age of the main character matching thereabouts how old I was at that time. There's bad memories and some potent trauma from the early two-thousands that I never, I mean never, EVER like revisiting. The film did a good job of recreating that time, thus dredging up stuff that hampered my enjoyment. My fault. I'm sorry if anyone is bothered by that. I will say that I can see this being great for kids today and future generations, especially for the message which I think was a great message. I'm torn with both the mom and daughter in that I'm sympathetic to both, yet both needed to sort some things out. The mom especially, it made sense her actions. I'm not saying they were all right, but when you learn about her past, it made sense, though again, she didn’t go about things as well as perhaps she could have. I did enjoy Sandra Oh in the role. This was another movie that just filled me with dread thinking about what kind of a nightmare I'd be like if by some miracle I ever have kids of my own. My favorite character was between the dad who was delightful and Mr. Gao. The latter, being played by James Hong, helps. That man is a treasure. Yeah, I'm with you on I never much went through the obsession as portrayed in the film, at least not to the level that was shown in the film. I know in high school lots of people probably thought I was gay because of it. Which, if I am, fine, that’s what I am, no problem. As it is, I'm not, but I assume that was a thought people had and probably still have. That is an amusing coincidence with the Def Leppard tank top. Concerning how you talked about being a dead inside kid, I suppose that was me as well, or, well, I internalized a lot of shit back then, which aids the kind of siding a smidge more with the mom. There's also the panic of they said strong emotions would cause the panda to erupt, leading me to note, “Right, I’m an Aries, so I'd be COMPLETELY fucked.” I'm in agreement with you on the perfectionist thing being more the pressure you subject yourself to rather than others piling shit on you. Fuels the depression a lot of the time. I laughed way too hard at the gag of the second-place spelling bee trophy, which yes, that’s triggering. About 4*Town, first with the ticket prices. Two things to consider, one, this is set in 2002 so after looking up inflation, it comes to about $325 in today’s money, and two, in Canadian dollars, again after looking it up, that’s closer to $450 today. I’ve barely gone to anything of that nature, so I can’t speak with any real degree of confidence on the subject. There is the question of the name, which led me to quote Kill Bill by saying, “I don’t know. I guess they thought it sounded cool.” The more pressing question with this movie is how every kid has a cell phone in 2002, not to mention how expensive their parents’ phone bill would be from all the texting without an unlimited data plan. To talk about the topic of periods, first, though I'm of course no expert on the subject, I agree with you on eighth grade being about normal for that to start. Second, yeah, there is a weird thing about nobody wants to talk about the subject, and it is baffling. Similarly baffling is how men are put off/disgusted by it, and it makes zero sense. I’m not saying that to be congratulatory/pat myself on the back, I'm saying that because I genuinely don’t get why men get grossed out by it, thus, though of course, obviously, I can’t relate, but when you discussed that in the reaction, I found myself sympathizing. Or maybe I'm saying completely the wrong things, if so, I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. Overall, I liked the film well enough, I'm happy to see you liked it well enough, and I very much enjoyed the reaction, Jess, thank you.


But why aren’t they talking about September 11th?


That's a reference to a very, shall we say, controversial Youtube reviewer who recently became especially infamous for his Turning Red review where he got bizarrely hung up on how the characters should supposedly be constantly talking about it.

Jenny Chalek

The whole reason it was "controversial" is because of discussing periods. There are certain people who think they shouldn't be talked about EVER. Especially not in front of kids! Better let them be totally surprised and unprepared when it happens. It's the kind of bullshit you were talking about with men who can't bear to hear about periods.


And this movie really seemed to, if you'll pardon the expression, open the floodgates, because suddenly the topic is all over Disney cartoons. Big Hero 6, The Ghost and Molly McGee, I'm sure some others.