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Star Wars Rebels 1x15 Full Reaction

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To understand the full impact of that final reveal, you need to remember that at this time, we'd only seen Clone Wars through Season 5 and thought that would be the end of it. And while Ahsoka quitting the Jedi at the end of that season gave some hope that she survived Order 66, it hadn't been officially confirmed until she came down that ladder. She'd been a popular speculation for Fulcrum's identity throughout the whole season, especially when some fans familiar with voice changing technology reported that the original voice was definitely female, and the show even cheats a bit in this episode as during the scene where Chopper contacts Fulcrum, her hood is clearly drawn as resting on a regular human head rather than being poked up by her horns. But that's much less annoying than it would usually be since the reveal comes a few minutes later anyway. You might also notice that Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka has head appendages like she did in Clone Wars rather than the adult ones seen in this show, which is an unfortunate necessity of moving the character into live action, as giving Dawson a headpiece that size would make it much harder to do fight scenes than the continuity issue is worth (this is also why you almost never saw Togruta in live action until now).


I never really asked, because I assumed it was self evident, but you do know that the Grand Inquisitor is the same one from Obi-Wan Kenobi, right? Just asking because I don't think it's ever really stated in a video that you're aware of it. Being a different voice/actor, and slightly different design, even though he's the same species I could see one not understanding that. I always assumed you knew, but if left unsaid confirmation is ambiguous. The NEXT two reactions videos, two episodes each, are JUST GOING TO BE SO FUN TO WATCH. I can't wait for you to find out why.


I’m hoping that whatever Reva pops up in next shows her finding out about his death, because I have no idea what her reaction would be.


Love this episode. Many resolutions and starting of new plots. Ok the Ahsoka stuff first. We have to remember when this aired, Clone Wars was cancelled and the last anyone saw of Ahsoka was her leaving Anakin and the Jedi Order. The fanbase didn't know if she survived, so to see her turn up her was a wonderful surprise; and for her to be an important member of the early Rebellion, as an intelligence agent who helps seed rebel cells and gives them missions, is fitting for her character. Hera calls her Fulcrum here and she responds with her name, so yes its mentioned. Now you know Jess that she gave her name as Fulcrum in season 7 of Clone Wars when she contacted Obi-Wan and Anakin with Bo-Katan, and there are several clues its her dotted throuhgout Rebels in this season, notably the episode with Sabine and Hera fending off the beasties; one of the crates has Ahsoka's markings on them. And obviously with Tales Of The Jedi out last year, you saw she went off with Bail Organa to get back in the fight, as she was done hiding. Anyway, each time she steps down the ladder, it gets me, its like seeing an old friend thats very welcome. Her voice is a lot more calm and restrained now, signifying her maturity as she is Snips no more! At the start of the episode, Sabine is diving around the Imperial ship facility causing chaos, and there are references throughout, she's done it before. In fact we have seen this, though not on the main series. Before Rebels started, there were 4 shorts made to introduce our crew, and one focussed on Sabine doing her art and blowing up ships. I'd link it, but youtube recommendations being what they are, may have spoilers for the rest of the show when you next visit there Jess. Also note the shape the ship trails make, its reminiscent of one of her logo's; and isn't too dissimilar to the actual Rebel Alliance logo down the line. Nice call back to the Fighter Flight episode too about the TIE Ezra and Zeb stole, and it being important for the rescue. Also the Path Of The Jedi episode shows Ezra running at the start and he tells Kanan when he gets back that he was with Sabine, well the two of them were painting the ship! Also the colours and markings represent each member of the crew in some way, which is cool. The GI is riling up Kanan to unbalance him by speaking about Order 66. You are correct in your sentiments about it Jess, and there was nothing Kanan could do, and he would have been killed had he interjected. He feels survivors guilt though. Yes the Grand Inquisitor is gone now (which was the source of some confusion in the Obi-Wan series when he got stabbed since we knew his fate here), and he'd rather face death, than the wrath of Vader, which we saw in the Kenobi series. You can't blame him! Oh and speaking of Vader, I love that all the shenanigans our crew have got up to, have irked the Empire so much that they keep going higher up to the big guns. First we have those two low-level officers, then Agent Kallus, then The Grand Inquisitor, then Grand Moff Tarkin, and finally Vader himself. Very bad news now for our rebels! Its a great bookend to the first season; the first scene of the first episode starts with Vader, and it finishes in the last scene with him too. Finally, seeing Chopper getting a guard of honour back on the Ghost is awesome, and the way he strutted up before delivering Bail's message was him saying 'yep I deserve this, bow to me my minions!' :D The next four episodes are bangers I'm sure you'll love, and watching this episode and going back to the 2-ep schedule for season 2 and on is perfect actually. You'll be able to see all the two-parters in one sitting, apart from one in season 3; and though there is 15 eps too in season 4, the last part is a double episode, so it will all work out fine with this setup.


Yes her lekku are longer here than in live, and tbh them being shorter in live-action looks better than what Shaak-Ti did in the movies. I believe they have a new way of modelling the lekku for the upcoming Ahsoka series, so we'll see how it goes with them there.


I'm not sure we will see Reva again after all the abhorrent abuse the actress got. I hate this fanbase at times.

Thomas Corp

Yes, I do believe you are correct about this being the only single episode reaction. I love that you had a lovely time with this episode and its triumphant feelings. Yes, nice that Sabine has made a name for herself. That TIE fighter sure did look pretty. I had suspected you would be taken with it. You are correct about Kanan not being a coward. He would most likely feel that way given his presumable age when Order 66 happened. Given the pieces of information that you picked up here, with Kanan revealing that Depa’s last words to him were to run, you’ve surmised that it sounds very much a situation of a mother protecting her son. Not to say Depa’s literally Kanan’s mother. But that leaves survivor's guilt. It reads more like the Grand Inquisitor knows that Kanan feels such guilt and twists the knife through his taunting, expertly portrayed by Jason Issacs. The fight between the Grand Inquisitor versus Kanan and Ezra is most outstanding. I loved your reaction when Kanan disarms the Grand Inquisitor. I think my favorite part of the reaction was when you encouraged Kanan to “Embrace your inner Scar!” to which I laughed, and said, “Now Jess, that’s not the Jedi way. Then again, I'm all about the Sith and the Dark Side, so Kanan, you heard Jess! Embrace your inner Scar, goddamn it!” You are of course right to be uncertain of the Grand Inquisitor being dead. Dark Side, pathway to many abilities and all that. Not to mention the Grand Inquisitor’s miraculous survival in the Obi-Wan show complete with that badass line, “Revenge does WONDERS for the will to live. Don’t you think?” In this case, no worries, as he is consumed by the flames, thus perishes the Grand Inquisitor, which is a shame as it means we have to say goodbye to Jason. Chopper came through. Hera and Kanan are together, evidence of this is they’ve had the energy of an old married couple throughout the season. It does start to become a touch more blatant starting with this episode. I continue to love your love for Bail Organa. Then there’s your beautiful reaction to Ahsoka. And I love it how even though you knew she would appear at some point, her reveal as Fulcrum was a surprise. As has been commented already, and will doubtlessly be commented heavily on youtube, when this first came out, there was no Mandalorian, there was no Book of Boba Fett, there was no season seventh and final season of Clone Wars The last time we saw her, brief vision aside, was when she left the order in the season five finale of The Clone Wars. To see she survived to this point was emotional. And again, Jess, your reaction to that was beautiful. Which brings us to the final scene that reveals Darth Vader is now becoming personally involved. I got SO excited seeing that for the first time, especially when his appearance is accompanied by a particularly great blaring of The Imperial March. This was such a lovely reaction for your Birthday Eve, Jess, thank you so much.

Thomas Corp

I would be agreeable to the idea of seeing the Third Sister again. Looking back on it, the greater issue I had which I've overcome was that it felt like the writers were trying to make her a combination of Asajj Ventress, the Second Sister, and Kylo Ren, and though Moses Ingram was quite good, the writing provided her kept her from being as iconic as Ventress and/or the Second Sister. Where she’s at at the end of the Obi-Wan show, that has my greater attention to see how she’d grow and evolve, and I’d love to see what Moses could do with the character, thus, like I say, I'd be happy to see the Third Sister again. Even if it doesn’t happen in any show or film, I could still see it happening in books or comics.

Thomas Corp

Good note you make on Ahsoka’s voice. I've heard some complaints about Rosario Dawson as her voice is noticeably a touch different, specifically deeper. I think that works though as it’s great narrative shorthand for she is older. The shorts you mentioned are on Disney+ albeit separately from the episodes of Rebels. You're right about the Grand Inquisitor preferring death rather than face Vader’s wrath. Hell, that scene in Obi-Wan where Vader bellowed at the top of what’s left of his lungs, “YOU WERE WARNED...WHAT DEFEAT...WOULD BRING!!!!” I damn near shit my pants. You see the Fifth Brother and the Fourth Sister looked like they were about to do the same, and I don’t blame them. Not to mention the BEAUTIFUL scene of Vader utterly trouncing the Third Sister in single combat. It is quite the honor of our heroes are troublesome enough that Darth Vader himself is getting personally involved. Yeah, good comment on Chopper.


I do hope at some point we get an explanation of what Ahsoka was up to during Episodes 4-6. Because it really seems weird that there was this super powerful Jedi, still so much in her prime that she's still kicking ass ten years after the fall of the Empire, but apparently wasn't involved in any of the major events of the Empire's downfall.


No one really minds Matt Lanter sounds nothing like Hayden Christensen and accept it; so these voicing stuff have never really bothered me as they are just different takes on the same character, much in the same way the likes of Batman, the Joker, Superman all look and sound a bit different with different actors, yet they all add to those characters in some way - if done well. And I personally have no issue with Rosario Dawson's voice for Ahsoka; I don't really think she is a different character because she isn't Ashley Eckstein. In fact I was bowled over with Rosario's performance of the character in Mando; she softened her voice, had just the right cadence and tempo, that it felt like a more mature Ahsoka. And her mannerisms were spot on too. Ashley here though does a wonderful job ageing her voice up; there is less uncertainty and need to prove herself and you can see that she has developed into a truly balanced force user looking to help people and get this rebellion going. I did love the urgency and fearsome rage Vader had in the Kenobi series; they (and Hayden) did a tremendous job with the character, adding to his legend in the story.


That "revenge" line from Rupert Friend was fabulous in the Kenobi series; that was one bit which even surpassed Jason Isaacs version of the GI; and its interesting to think that he thought it be too much of a hassle now trying to stay alive, just to go back to Vader empty-handed and face a terrible fate.

Thomas Corp

That line from the Obi-Wan show is definitely one of the best moments of the Grand Inquisitor.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, same here with not having many issues with the different voices so long as the spirit of the character remains intact. Sure, when it comes to characters like the Joker or Batman, I have my preferences when it comes to portrayals of them, but as I say, if the spirit of the character is captured, it’s all good. Yes, Rosario was excellent in her debut as Ahsoka. You're right she got the cadence and tempo down pat. And you’re right that here in Rebels, Ashley delivers with the greater certainty thus showcasing the maturity and growth Ahsoka’s gone through. Darth Vader in the Obi-Wan show was a wonderful gift. Hard to believe that was almost a year ago now.