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The Mandalorian 3x04 Full Reaction

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Unlike certain people, it takes A LOT to get me to physically cry at a movie or show (though books can do it pretty easily, I guess because of making me do the work on what the scene actually looks like). But seeing Ahmed Best did it. After decades of the horrific bullshit we threw at him (and I do include myself in that), his finally getting this hero moment is long overdue, and I very much hope this isn't the last we see of the character (though the apparent lack of de-aging doesn't speak well to his prospects for appearing in the "present").


Oh, sorry to hear you had a rough morning. It's no bother. I confess I had a semi-rough night myself last night prior to sitting down to watch this episode myself, so I sympathize. This was a good episode; short but sweet. I like the comradery of the Watch when the kid gets taken. I like how Bo-Katan jumps to it pretty damn quick. The hell with differences in ideology, family is on the line, and she jumped to, and I respect her for that. I also like how Paz Vizsla extends genuine gratitude. The mythosaur is universal, hence why Boba Fett has one on his armor. That is an amusing idea of being petty about seeing someone without their helmet. I got a laugh about your question about the forge scene dredging up past traumas as I'm sort of curious about that myself. Now onto the flashback sequence, and once it clicked what we were seeing, I said, “Oh, shit.” Order 66 scenes are always emotional. It got me again hearing Temuera Morrison as the voice of the clones. So, it appears I was incorrect on half my theory as to how Grogu survived Order 66. The question of am I correct and/or incorrect on the other half of my theory, that remains to be seen, though I surmise I'm at least on the right track as to the basic principle of the idea. In any case, I am happy to be wrong if it meant that Grogu was saved by Kelleran Beq. Seeing Ahmed Best was highly emotional. It is truly SO GREAT seeing Ahmed be awesome as Kelleran, and already I'm hearing lovely things of the fandom embracing his return to the franchise. I've been upfront on when I was a kid, not having the strongest feelings one way or another about Jar Jar Binks, and not fully understanding why other mostly older fans had such a problem with him. Only around when I hit my twenties did I start to become annoyed with the character. However, antipathy towards the character notwithstanding, I made it clear that those feelings were not aimed personally at Ahmed as I still feel he was genuinely great as Jar Jar; that there was most impressive skill on his part bringing the character to life as he did. It was heartbreaking to learn he was almost driven to suicide over the backlash. I hate that the negative backlash towards actors in Star Wars continues amongst certain parts of the fandom such as the backlash aimed towards Kelly Marie Tran and Moses Ingram as Rose Tico and the Third Sister. And although, sure, I'm not the biggest fan of the individual characters, I draw the line at holding any ill will towards the performers. It is interesting the timing of you catching that video of Ahmed. I wholeheartedly appreciate everything you said about that. I've gone through depression bad enough to the point that suicide was a genuine consideration. I still contend with depression, that never really goes away. What happened in my head is not exactly something that has ever fully gotten better. So, as I say it means a lot, what you said, Jess. Thank you so much for the reaction.

Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry you're having such a rough day. Not being able to breathe is bad enough, but having a splitting headache on top of it is like rubbing salt in the wound. Yeah, negative backlash toward some Star Wars performers is ridiculous. They hounded Moses Ingram as Reva, mostly because of racism (Star Wars so white). It's unacceptable. I will have to look up that video of Ahmed. I have dealt with depression my whole life (I'm actually bipolar) so I know how suicidal ideation is and how difficult it can be to have a life with those kinds of thoughts running around in your head. Thank you for this reaction, as always,


Quick on the mark with this upload today. As Kanan says in an upcoming episode of Rebels : "I LOVE IT!!!" :D Good to see Ahmed Best back and be the Jedi to rescue Grogu. He actually played Mace Windu in a scene in Phantom Menace as well, so its not the first time he's played a Jedi Knight. I believe the Knight he is playing is from one of the young kids Star Wars shows (and I think he plays Master Kellerin in it too), which is awesome. Would love to see what became of Jar-Jar after the war; there is an old Legends story about him becoming a street entertainer for kids on Naboo, but thats not canon; and whilst the character was never my cup of tea; he had a pure heart, and so I hope he found some peace. Grogu's recollection of Order 66 happens as his chestpiece is being made, as you note, is similar to Din in season 1 when he was rescued by Death Watch and became a Foundling. His animatronic is really impressive, the way he stood up and picked up the crab was well done. No CGI there. Bo-Katan seems to be settling into life here, how long that will last we'll see. However she impresses with her natural leadership abilities and helps rescue Paz's son which he will be indebted to her in the future, as Din is. I would still prefer the Mythosaur to have been a vision of her's in the waters, though it could work either way for the eventual outcome of her story in this season, what ever that may be. This episode whilst short, told the story of what it wanted to well about all the foundlings (even the dragon babies, that Grogu will tame!) and was another enjoyable one this season. Carl Weathers directing once again too, nice! And Temuera Morrison back as the clones, all good stuff. Sorry to hear you are going through the wars currently Jess; however some fun Star Wars may lift your mood for a bit we hope!


I haven’t seen the youtube videos of Kelleran, but I am aware of them. Looked into it some and it is the same Jedi. I was under the impression that the one fate that was known about Jar Jar was in the new canon, though perhaps I’m simply remembering things wrong. Yeah, Bo-Katan feels like she’s still in a transitionary period. Like I said before, I’d be fine with the mythosaur either way. We'll see how it goes. Carl Weathers is proving himself a good director for Star Wars. Yeah, a short and sweet lighthearted episode is always great. I'm hoping that on my birthday we get a more dramatic episode, but I'll be fine with the short sweet lighthearted episode as well.


Yes I do remember seeing a screenshot of the show on a Star Wars news channel I sometimes peruse, and recognise Ahmed in the robes there; but didn't put the link together until afterwards tonight. I hope it is the same character as its a cool little fun link-up. You may be right Thomas about Jar-Jar, perhaps that is from a canon comic; I don't do the novels or books (though I do have A New Dawn there that I need to start, which is about how Kanan and Hera met and formed the Spectres with Chopper), and there is that much stuff that I lose track of it all, so let others go through all that and I can catch up when I can. Hence that may indeed be Jar-Jar's final fate. And if we are honest, its not a bad one, and perhaps he could bring a bit of happiness for some by performing, during a dark period for the galaxy. Bo is definitely thinking of a lot of things, about her past and her beliefs, and we'll see the conclusion she comes to before the season is out. Can't wait to see where they go with it. Agree about Carl Weathers, he directed that action heavy episode 4 in season 2 of Mando as well which was fun too. I do like when actors are given the chance to direct; it happened recently in another show that I love that finished last year in Better Call Saul and I was delighted to see one of the lead actors direct in that too. Happy upcoming birthday, if you don't get a heavy episode with Mando next week, I think you'll get one for Bad Batch thats for sure, as that wraps up season 2.


Weathers has decades of experience as a TV director, starting with the cop show Silk Stalkings in the '90s.


I've read a fair amount of expanded universe stuff. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of what was in the old and what was in the new, or how much carried over. Thought the street perfomer fate was, say within the last decade, though you’re saying it’s in the older expanded universe, so maybe I got it mixed up with something else. Bo-Katan's story has proved intriguing. Yeah, nice when actors can direct in the shows. God, I miss Better Call Saul. It was hard to say goodbye to that and the characters therein, Gus and Mike especially as they’re my favorites, also Howard. To clarify, my birthday’s in two weeks, though like I said, I’ll be fine with the tone of The Mandalorian that day either way; the preference is for it being more on the dramatic side. And like you noted, if it’s not, Bad Batch is definitely going to be dramatic the week prior. Can’t wait.


Oh I did not know that Ryan, so Carl has a fair bit of experience behind the camera! I just know him for his iconic roles in Rocky and Predator. He's always been so cool though and looks good on his years, so hopefully he'll be in Star Wars for as long as he wants to! :) Tbh even if Jar-Jar's stuff is canon to the comics, they can easily change it. Filoni has done several things to retcon certain scenes from the other media, for his screen stuff, and personally I'm fine with that, but would understand the frustration for some who follow everything. I hope one day he rewrites Dark Disciple so we could finish off Ventress's story properly at least, and not in the way that finished... I wonder if Jess here would react to Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul sometime? Two superb shows. I don't know if next week's Bad Batch will do two episodes to finish the season, they have been doing that a fair bit with the shows these days. Failing that then you'll see the finale for your birthday Thomas, and I'm sure Mando will be ramping up then too. Then around that time Celebration will be happening and we'll have a clearer idea of the schedule for the shows (and IF we are getting some films!), so I'm sure they'll have something exciting in the pipeline we've not heard about yet before Ahsoka starts up (and I'm actually hoping thats a bit later in the year now for Sesska to catch up as much as she can before then).


Same here with Carl Weathers in that you say his name and the first things that spring to mind are Rocky and Predator. Right, no guarantee that stuff would carry over from page to screen wholesale. Pretty sure Jess has seen Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul, I think she might have watched it for herself, if not, yes, they would make excellent reactions, provided she has the time, and she wished to do so, that’s up to her. Fairly positive both parts of the Bad Batch season finale are next week. Would be a nice treat, Mando and Bad Batch both on my birthday. Looking forward to a better picture on future shows, films(?), and seasons. Heard Ahsoka’s in the fall, thus, I think Jess might have to do like she did with Obi-Wan and delay reacting to Ahsoka, depending on where she’s at in Rebels reactions, though if the release of Ahsoka is late enough, shouldn’t be too long of a delay.


The street performer scene was in the same book that introduced Cobb Vanth.


Now the word is that the Daniels are following up their Oscar wins for Everything Everywhere All At Once with an episode of Skeleton Crew, which may lead to more Star Wars.