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Thoughts and Prayers for my comment section today. 


Classic Who "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" Parts 5&6 Reaction

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Josef Schiltz

It's one of those things. All we can say is that with increasing wisdom there can be hope. We should never allow it to decrease. There lies chaos. As Tom Baker used to say, "Happy times and places!" If we hang onto that, maybe we'll get somewhere. Blessings Jess!

Daniel Davies

Thus ends the Golden Era of ‘Doctor Who’. Philip Hinchcliffe would leave his role as producer, due to the numerous complaints from Mary Whitehouse about the violence, and would be replaced by Graham Williams, in order to try and lighten things up again. Bob Holmes would remain as Script Editor, but he too will leave partway through Season 15 and return to just writing for the show.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling bad. Not being able to breathe must be scary as hell. And I can imagine suffering with it for this long must be so frustrating. You hang in there, Jess. You’re doing everything you can at the moment.

Josef Schiltz

Additionally, regarding your sinus issues, mine have dropped away sharply since adding Kimchi to my diet. I'm able to obtain mine from a local supplier here in the UK. I don't know if there is a specialist in those types of foods in the US. You may be able to sample a small jar before leaping into getting a large amount. Cutting inflammatory foods may also aid in clearing it. I started on a Ketogenic diet a while back, things have well improved. Sugar and high carbs are a villain when it comes to problems like this. I've learnt the hard way. As Leela said, "My tribe has a saying. If you're bleeding, look for a man with scars." Thing is, if you're fond of baking, that could be where your problems stem from and you may have to make the cakes, etc, but you just might have to give up eating any of it! There's a YouTube video I've just found on the subject. 'The Best Foods For Chronic Sinus Issues'.


And as for comment section 😬You have my prayers, good luck 😊


That's really interesting because I genuinely really enjoyed watching the next story.


I actually filmed this a bit ago and theres been progression in the tales of my congestion. It's actually an anatomical issue and that means surgery to fix it.

Josef Schiltz

That's a good one. My own view on this adventure is that it was well written, but unfortunate. Robert Holmes was probably brought up on the tales of Sax Rohmer and the films with Christopher Lee were shown in classic film reruns in the 70s. David Carradine was also doing his Kung Fu bit. Many of us still had monochrome television and the real awfulness got past many of us.


Kind of cosmic you get to this story right when EEAAO becomes the most awarded movie ever even before the Oscars.

Azmat Mahmood

The first three stories were holdovers from the previous era and were still script edited by Robert Holmes, so you may not notice any difference in the tone or quality for at least two of them (the 2nd story of the next season was by far the most effected by the tonal shift that was about to happen). That's not to say the show becomes bad after Holmes leaves, far from it! It's just that the period of time when Robert Holmes was script editor and Phillip Hinchliffe was producer is considered a high point in DW history and stands out due to the consistency in both quality and tone. What came after they both left is drastically different in tone and style (and many would also say the quality is more up and down as well, but that's for you to decide), so it's easily separated and distinguishable as an entirely separate era.

Josef Schiltz

Ouch! Some of my family have smaller sinuses that normal which doesn't help. I hope everything works out okay. It pains us to see you in distress. Take good care Jess.

Jenny Chalek

Here's hoping the comment section will play nice.


Thanks once again for a great reaction to a story which was clearly difficult to enjoy in places. Personally anybody who verbally attacks you in the comments for giving us a full review of this story is being incredibly disingenuous to your channel and the group of people who enjoy your reactions as a whole and possibly shouldn't be there if they feel like they have to behave in that way. It's one thing to politely disagree with the views of a content creator, quite another to insult. That said, uncomfortable elements aside, I really enjoy this story. Fun fact - the makers of Doctor Who at the time felt that the pairing of Jago and Lightfoot was so successful, they were seriously considering giving them both their own spin off series where they'd pair up as sleuths. However, they felt that nothing would compare to their adventure with the Doctor so the idea was canned. If they'd done it, it would have been the first ever Doctor Who spin off. In a weird way I kind of liken them to the pairing of the Silurian and Sontaran in New Who - can't recall their names, but I loved their dynamic (as it's also set during the same time period). Other kind of fun fact, Before the days of the Internet and way before New Who, when Doctor Who fans could only really get vocal about the series in Fanzines and the official Doctor Who Magazine, this story was widely regarded as the last story of the Golden age of Doctor Who (classed as 1963 -1977). Not sure I necessarily agree, but I guess it was an interesting take from fans of the time. I pray for your congestion issues to sort themselves out and hope your Doctor finds a fix as I know how debilitating breathing issues are. WHO knows, maybe you'll go in one day to find your Doctor is on leave and temporarily replaced by THE Doctor. Then you'd get a cure in no time! See you next time!

Josef Schiltz

It's taken off a bit for parts one and two on the YouTube channel. I took a look, but avoided making any comment.

Josef Schiltz

It's taken off a bit for parts one and two on the YouTube channel. I took a look, but avoided making any comment.

Ian Smith

Anyway,that's that one reacted to. Next week's will be free of awkwardness. :)

David Vandervliet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-04 22:53:12 Speaking of the partnership of Jago & Litefoot - the actors reunited on Big Finish and did a whole series of audio plays, which included runins with the Doctor again a few times.
2023-03-17 23:35:58 Speaking of the partnership of Jago & Litefoot - the actors reunited on Big Finish and did a whole series of audio plays, which included runins with the Doctor again a few times.

Speaking of the partnership of Jago & Litefoot - the actors reunited on Big Finish and did a whole series of audio plays, which included runins with the Doctor again a few times.

Azmat Mahmood

Just taken a look at the comments for the reaction to parts one and two on YT and I really, really hoped the DW fandom wouldn't disappoint me and show some common decency and not chastise a women for being justifiably offended and uncomfortable by an unfortunate casting choice. Alas, I was wrong. As I've made clear in comments I've posted both on here and on YT, I love this story and can personally look past all the icky stuff because of the time it was made in, but can completely understand if someone else isn't able to do the same as that's a perfectly valid response to have in 2023. Why certain other people aren't able to do this and instead choose to attempt to force their opinions on such a sensitive subject on to another person is beyond me. It's a real shame and I'm sorry that you're having to deal with all those idiots. Hopefully they find something better to do over the next two weeks.


These guys are the experts, not me. Part of the big draw was, of course, the 4th Doctor and Sarah. The scripts quality was consistent and many love the horror elements. The first story I ever saw was Pyramids of Mars, in this era. But there is some great stuff to come and my favorite companion has yet to make their appearance. Also, one of my favorite seasons has yet to happen. You know how it goes. We love what we love.


Ow wow! My husband had sinus surgery. I don't want to pry, so I'll just leave it there. Just be careful with the pain meds. Sorry, mom habit.


Well, like she said, she can handle it. I haven't been over there, thanks for the warning.


Well, if her preference for the 1st Doctor stays, she may have a different take. My favorite companion hasn't even shown up yet, so I'm not sure I agree with the assessment, although I do understand why.


Yeah, beyond my own comments that I left on youtube, I've been avoiding the comments section for these videos on youtube myself. I still do hope there’s at least some comments of a more positive nature that are standing behind Jess and all she said. The situation is disappointing and I'm also sorry it’s something Jess has to deal with. As you say, the people forcing their own opinions on such a sensitive subject, hopefully they find something better to do over the next two weeks. I will drink to that.


Thank you so much for saying this. I haven't gone in myself but that doesn't sound positive. In all honesty, I have been feeling a bit on edge all day but that's probably because I know the comments might become a warzone even if I haven't looked at them myself. Truly, I think what upsets me is that I really do sincerely try to make my channel a place where people can feel like it's a relatively positive atmosphere. That doesn't mean I'm going to love everything or that I won't ever be negative about something. But it's important to me to try to make my videos somewhat comforting for people. And I just know it's going to be three weeks of people picking me or each other apart. However, I did want to say thank you genuinely for putting so much effort into your comments throughout this story, explaining yourself and why you love the story while also being insanely respectful to me. I think the first two parts will be the brunt of it, as I don't believe I talk too much in depth about the problematics elements in the other two parts but yes, it's going to be a long three fridays in a row.

Azmat Mahmood

If it's any comfort Jess, the number of people posting positive comments far outnumber the negative people. It's really only a few people that are spamming the comments attacking you and anybody else that acknowledges the problematic aspects of this story. It's the usual suspects too, some of them you'd recognise from the shitstorm that started in one of the reaction videos for The Brain of Morbius a while back. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the Horror of Fang Rock next week, which is another all time classic and I'm glad to hear you really enjoyed that one!

Josef Schiltz

I've avoided the comments on YouTube as well. I did post a couple, saw what was kicking off, then deleted. Two, in particular, I really didn't want to engage with and putting in, frankly, the most aggressive and complete absurdities. A quick scan down saw who they are. Absolutely ludicrous. No sense of perspective whatsoever. One even comparing a Broadway production around the time, with a complete Asian company! Any production from the BBC is going to locate cast members in a rush, within a strict budget and they have to be able to be totally reliable and not unknowns to the production crew and have the priceless equity card. The rules at the time, agreed with Equity, were - if I'm recalling correctly - one initial showing of the material and the possibility of one repeat showing. Then consigned to archives or/and eventually or even immediately wiped. There was some possibility of overseas sales for dramas and documentaries. For Talons there were some refusals. There were BBC Yearbooks published around the time and I have one from the Baker era. I was college age at the time. Those of us who were interested in television production hunted out and bought these kind of things. We were intrigued as to how television production worked, and especially if you were arts trained, then you never knew what possibilities could await! Nobody, but nobody, at the time, expected that this material would be showing on an international scale, on a medium the magnitude of the internet, in 2023. If they were told that, they would be rolling on the floor and laughing their asses off! We were as localized within our own time period back then as we are today. As the saying goes, "Foresight is 20/20". I was going to suggest 'The Feathered Serpent' featuring Patrick Troughton might be reaction worthy. Set in Mexico, Pat plays an evil priest. However, seeing all this tat taking off, it's probably going to be far too stressful a journey to undertake. The Box of Delights - with Pat - would be a better suggestion. A warm-hearted tale around Christmas - but, be warned! "The Wolves are running!" We'll meet, perhaps, at The Drop Of Dew!

Ian Smith

I tentatively started reading them, but quickly stopped. The atmosphere (not uncommon for YT comment sections these days,it must be said) is a little too charged.

Josef Schiltz

My own term for the YT comments is Anthropochaotic! The spellcheck doesn't like it. I'll keep saying it until it gets in the dictionary!

Ian Smith

Lol! For me,the term I'd use would be "Chibnall-era expressions of vexation". :D Anyway,a few weeks down the line it will ALL fade into the distance.


I didn't realize they had done that. I know they were going to do a live action series but it was shelved. Is it the same actors?

Josef Schiltz

Bliss . . oh sweet bliss! And . . I know it! . . . There will be jam for tea! Lol!

Josef Schiltz

Some of us have been around for simply ages. Some were reincarnations before we were even born. Didn't you see me as Dali in a diving suit? That diving suit had no eyebrows! . . What's more . . . No air!