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Star Trek 3x19 Full Reaction

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The original script had Flint claiming to have been Moses, Jesus, and Picasso. That was changed out of worry for offending religious groups, plus Picasso was notoriously cantankerous and unpredictable, and could well have sued them.


I just want to say I'm sorry if this reaction isn't my best. I was suffering from a lot of anxiety that hit me like a wave when recording it (it's all good now, I promise) and I probably should've postponed filming it. I'm not sure if you can even tell but I was trying my best to avoid my anxious feelings and still film? lol It was weird. But again sorry if I seem off.

Thomas Corp

I'll be sure to keep an eye and ear open for your chat about the future of the tier going forward. And since you say that if it doesn’t happen, and you ask us to nicely yell at you about it, rest assured, Jess, if it comes to that, I’ll be sure to let out a kindly and gentle squawk to remind you. As to this episode, again an episode that I don’t recall having seen prior to this week. A most bizarre episode as you said. Yeah, there are issues galore with this one. As you say, intriguing elements in the episode. Again, we have an episode where the Kirk romance plotline drags it down. You asked, “Is Spock just as tired as me?” I was tired as well, and if I were Spock, I'd have said, “Oh, goddamn it. AGAIN, with this horseshit!? You know what? That tears it. I’m going to call in a vet and get Kirk fixed.” You expressed concern over the crew and the epidemic, I was the same, and when I noticed Sulu was absent from the bridge, I took that to mean “Wait, so Sulu’s life is in peril? Then why are they putzing around for?! Let's get the lead out, fellas!” I do agree with you on it would have been better had Rayna simply been infatuated with Kirk and mistook that for love. Alas, I too was flabbergasted, chagrined that they were insistent in the writing that it was love. I also yelled at Flint some in that he was saying how he was a deeply, deeply lonely, lonely man. I said, “Yeah? Me too. It's probably going to remain that way my entire goddamn fucking life. You don’t see me going out building a robot woman in a cave with a box of scraps.” Likewise, tiresome when Kirk is “above violence” when he and Flint were tumbling about. I also had issues with Bones saying what he did to Spock at the end, one, as you said, Spock has feelings too. Two, I felt personally attacked by some of it, and I said, “Ok, Bones, you don’t got to call out Spock and guys like me like that. That's not nice.” Concerning the ending, one of course can argue the moral conundrum about it. I assume it was because Kirk was in pain and said he wishes he could forget; Spock took that to mean that by wiping Kirk’s mind, logically, he is doing Kirk a kindness. I'm with you on having mixed feelings about it. That is, however, my thought as to Spock’s reasoning for what he did. Favorite moment of the episode is when Spock had the line “It does appear to defy the male logic, as I understand it.” I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that one, and I'm pleased that you got a laugh out of it as well. All in all, a fun reaction to a not-so-great episode. In any case the reaction was wonderful, Jess, thanks.

Thomas Corp

Oh, no worries at all, Jess. The reaction was most enjoyable. I'd say that your anxiety didn’t show, and I didn’t notice. Then again, as a fellow sufferer of anxiety, there are times when we can bury it deep, or at least give the appearance we’re doing better than we are. This is to say I sympathize and empathize with you. And as I said, the reaction was most enjoyable.

Thomas Corp

Probably for the best that they didn't go that far with the idea, yeah.

Josef Schiltz

Same here, Jess. Anxiety is my constant. My siege wall is always well buttressed and has taken a lot of knocks and tremors over the years. Being a Whovian for decades has been a help. It's like a spirit guide that is a fellow traveller - That and Spock! A certain degree of Spock always has it's place methinks. Hm. Interesting! Plus Surrealist drawings that are set up somewhere in the Tunnard-Kandinsky-Miro camp that I retreat to with pencil, brush and paper or I delve into my books. One day, I may even publish a book of paintings and drawings. We all have our idiosyncracies that help us get through the days! Take care, Jess!

Josef Schiltz

“It does appear to defy the male logic, as I understand it.” Anthropologically speaking, of course!

Vanessa J McNamara

I know I shouldn’t laugh, but I think this is the best thumbnail you’ve done. I haven’t watched this one yet. I don’t know even remember which one it is. But I can already tell it’s going to be one of those. I remember you watching The Gunfighters (sorry, Doctor Who reference) and your reaction every time the singing came on. I was on the floor, I was laughing so hard. Not sure if I’ll go there this time. We’ll see

Vanessa J McNamara

Okay, so yeah, this one is awful. I’m sorry you had anxiety, your reaction was fine, please don’t worry about it. I didn’t know that was an issue when I watched it, or I certainly wouldn’t have been laughing. I think part of the problem is that the writers were just writing lazy scripts putting the romance in there because you know, plot, or for filler. It was never really an issue for me until we got to this last season. It’s just such a shame. But hey, we got the spin-offs and the movies. The movies are great, I don’t know if you’ve seen them. 1 and 5 are the weakest of the 6, but I like all of them. Looking forward to what you decide to do next

Henry Fuller

Hey Jess after you watch the TOS you should watch Star Trek Of gods and men (2008) it gives a proper final mission for uhura. Directed by Tim Russ. And has alot of actors from all over the trek universe