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Classic Who "The Robots of Death" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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James Gorman

Glad you’re enjoying the first two episodes of this excellent story. The Robots Of Death has a great Sci Fi concept with a murder mystery thriller.


Thanks for another great reaction. When I fondly remember TV that scared me as a child in the 1970’s, three pieces stand out ( in no particular order). The first was a British public information film intentionally designed to scare the hell out of Children and was about the dangers of electricity, demonstrating rather dramatically the consequences of kids breaking into an electric substation to retrieve a frisbee. The next thing was an episode of the second Sapphire & Steel story set in an abandoned railway station, a sci-Fi/Fantasy show with a horror theme. Weird and trippy as f**k! It was put on at Tea time when young Children could watch it & dealt with such family friendly themes as vivisection and possession by dark forces. The third was this story. There was something about it so claustrophobic and the robots looked super scary to me. There is something of a creepy and sinister vibe to it. My 5 year old mind felt they might climb through the TV and kill us all! Not something I’ve ever forgotten. Maybe not for some, but it remains one of my favourites. Clearly the Christmas story with David Tennant featuring Kyle Minogue (where we also meet Wilf for the first time) was heavily inspired by this story. See you next time!


Hey Jess, I joined the Early Access patreon tier but I can't access your movie reactions from before July 2021 (Contact is the earliest one I can access).

Darryl Gillikin

Fun Fact: Pamela Salem, the actress playing Toos, had previously been under consideration for the role of Leela before Louise Jameson won the part. :-)

Mark McKeown

I believe they were previously on a higher tier and then around that date moved in to the cheaper tier. It should tell you what tier/cost you need to be on in order to view them

Josef Schiltz

And, of course, the next Sapphire and Steel story after the railway station introduces David Collings - here playing Poul - as the time agent Silver. A shame we never actually saw David as the Doctor - although he is an alternative Doctor in the Big Finish Production's Doctor Who Unbound series, Full Fathom Five. I think Silver showed what a fantastic incarnation he would have been.


I'm not sure I understand the difference? I'm trying to access them through your Patreon page. @Mark McKeown That would make sense, annoying that it might mess up older vids. It says I need to pay £5 a month, though I'm on the £7 tier. EDIT: I didn't realise you had your own website too (really cool layout btw), but there are still some reactions missing that I was excited to see (Interstellar, Rocketman, Planet of the Apes trilogy, Lord of the Rings).


Indeed yes. I kind of think it's a shame that Sapphire and Steel fizzled out after a few stories as I think it had massive potential. Would love to see Jess react to that some day but I think she may find Steels character a bit insuffrable! David Collings would have made a great Doctor, I may have to look into getting that Big Finish series.

Nicole Mazza

Oooh, this is my fave Fourth Doctor story! Can't wait to see your reaction! <3

David Vandervliet

This was my first ever Doctor Who story. And I missed the beginning. I stumbled on it flipping though channels. I joined it about the the scene where The Doctor and Leela escape the lounge the first time. It has been a favorite ever since, I loved the design and portrayal of the Robots. In 2007, when they started making action figures of classic who and the made all three versions SV, V and D I bought everyone I could find. I must have 8-10 Vocs, 5-6 Dums and at least two SuperVocs. I discovered Doctor Who in NJ pbs, which aired the stories complete on Saturday nights. I saw the entire Tom Baker era that way, as a series of movies really. .

Henry Fuller

I watched mister rogers and sesamee street on there in the early to mid 80s

Nicole Mazza

Just jumping in to revel in the 'Sapphire and Steel' (especially for Silver) love! Such a great show! <3 P.S. And yes, I'd have loved to see David Collings as a TV Doctor -- he was awesome in Big Finish! (I love the Unbound series)

Nicole Mazza

BTW, I TOTALLY ship Leela and Toos. They get a bit touchy-feely in this story and I'm totally here for it!

Josef Schiltz

Would love to see Jess react to both Sapphire and Steel and Primeval. I wonder if she has seen either. They are both Whovian-type programmes. Sapphire and Steel has the surrealism of Doctor Who, time aspects and spookiness and Primeval has a superlative team cast, humour, romance and dinosaurs!


@Josef I've never seen Primeval myself, but yes, Sapphire & Steel is off the scale weird & incredibly dark in places. I refused to sleep with the light off for a long time after watching that second story as I swore I could visualise darkness spreading over the walls from the corner of my room, just like it did in the story. In an interview, P.J Hammond mentioned the show had underlying themes of guilt which were really subtly done. Am intrigued to check out Primevil now! I think Jess has such a heavy schedule it's difficult for her to react to all suggestions, but I would for sure watch her reactions to both of those shows.


Everything should be accessible on the five dollar tier for you. You're welcome to message me with exactly what issues you're running into and I can try to fix it for you.

Josef Schiltz

I know that with Sapphire and Steel we may get from Jess the "What am I watching?" vibe that we got when she started watching Doctor Who all those years ago - which, considering how she has so gotten into the series now, it is a joy to revisit those first few episodes. In few: "The frowny face! I remember that one!"


Yes, totally there would be plenty of 'What in the f**k?!' and frowny face moments & I suspect a fair few 'Are you f**king kidding me - they ACTUALLY let young children view this' bits. Even watching the DVD boxset all these years later I don't feel as though its creepiness has faded. I first came across Jess's channel when one of her reactions to a Hartnell story came up as a suggestion on Youtube. After then spending an entire weekend binge watching her classic Who reactions I looked through what she'd reacted up to that point & couldn't believe how close to my heart her choice of shows were. I think she'd also enjoy the 1981 Day of the Triffids 6 parter as it became a kind of blueprint/mastercopy for modern day survivalist horror shows which I know she loves. Nobody I've seen does reactions nearly as well as Jess!

David Vandervliet

no 13 WNET never aired Doctor Who, I watched on WNJM Channel 50, part of the NJ Network of PBS stations NJM-50 montclar, (there were 4 station in NJ that covered the state) I was also able to watch Doctor Who in episodic format later on WNYC (Channel 31) and WLIW (Channel 21 from Long Island)

Henry Fuller

Luckey we only got wnet 13 where i grew up. We picked that up with our antena in danbury ct. I got to watch those movie edits of tom baker stories when i visted my cousin in Massachusetts on WLVI 56. Late night fri or sat can't remember. We did get plenty of Star Trek on WPIX 11 out of New York, NY though. I did get into the black whites on vhs when i worked at the mall in the 90s. They had a whole isle of doctor who vhs at Saturday Matinee (movie store)

Henry Fuller

This is in my top 5 tom baker stories I think my favorite is the sun makers. (Beware the tax man, paying taxes is much more painful.

Josef Schiltz

Sapphire drew a breath and started to explain, "There is a corridor -- " Steel turned sharply to her. Unheard by the children, he mind-spoke, his 'voice' carrying no small amount of rage. - - "It can't be explained to him!" - - She looked him in the eye, responding warmly, - - "It can, in a way. But not by you, perhaps."- -

Henry Fuller

Sail off into the sunset togethet? I Never really got that shipping expression maybe because I'm gen X I dunno but I always thought Jamie and Victoria would end up together.

Nicole Mazza

It's cool. I'm Gen X, too, but have always around in fanfic oriented parts of fandom. Not sure Leela and Toos would 'sail off into the sunset' together, but they definitely had great chemistry, so who knows. Definitely better chemistry than some people I could name, at least (such as someone I won't mention due to spoilers). :)

Josef Schiltz

It's a catch phrase associated with an impressionist who did a popular impression of our Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time, Denis Healey and the tax man in question bore more of a passing resemblance to Denis!

Henry Fuller

Do you think they should explore the events of season 6B in the future seasons of new who?

Henry Fuller

Do you think they should explore the events of season 6B in the future seasons of new who?

Henry Fuller

I'M in the USA so missed that my grandmother was from England though. She was one of those who said Charles and Diana would be together forever. So dunno bout that

Josef Schiltz

Thing is, we do know the types of trickery that the Time Lords can get up to and we did see, on screen, several versions of the Second Doctor. So what if they calved off a few useful versions to use in the CIA's temporal chess game with the rest of the universe, maybe to tie up a few problems they foresaw with some of the more awkwardly behaving life forms. "Oh, and Doctor? . . . If you do happen to run into yourselves in past or future time . . . . Keep all this to yourself! We wouldn't want any nasty paradoxes occurring . . would we?" "Er . . hm! Yes, well . . . er . . Quite!" "Hey, what?" "Er . . . Never mind! Come along, Jamie!"


I know Terrance Dicks canonised this fan theory in order to explain some discrepencies but this whole theory started because the comics carried on producing material for the second Doctor after 2's arc had reached it's apparent conclusion and before the BBC had chosen the actor to play the 3rd. It was much later given some weight because of certain events in the series (which I won't spoil in case Jess is reading this). I have a huge amount of respect for the late Terrance Dicks but personally I was never all that keen on the theory. I have an alternative one for the first event and simply gloss over the second as a conversation that took place off screen between the Tardis crew at some point just prior to Victorias departure. It does leave one apparent discrepancy but that's easily explained as the Timelords messing about with the timeline slightly rather than a whole host of events it would be more difficult to explain. I guess if they addressed it well, it could work and even be interesting, but like I say I was never overly keen on it.Each to their own though, it's a fairly intriguing theory.


Lol, makes me laugh how he says that and then tries to explain it nonetheless! As if those poor kids weren't freaked out enough by that point!

Josef Schiltz

If I remember well enough, it was Sapphire who did an explanation of "There is a corridor . . " with some hand gestures, whilst a sceptical Steel looked on. Steel was always a very much down-to-business and left the poetics to Sapphire. I'm betting that Jess would be quite engaged with the series. She'd possibly label Steel in much the way she did the Time Lords. "These bundles of joy!"

Josef Schiltz

There is - supposedly - a haunted road in Australia where this applies. If you walk along it for long enough, you eventually meet 'yourself' coming from the opposite direction!


Big yes to the mug!