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Star Trek 3x16 Full Reaction

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Ah yes, the episode where an uncontrollable pandemic is a happy ending. What more can you really say?


Oh, please, feel free to express your true reaction (good or bad) in all things -- but esp. in TOS-S3. There was a lot of behind-the-scenes turnover and drama going on both during the season and between S2 and S3. In fact, TOS was cancelled after S2 and brought back because of fan mail deluge demanding its return. Yes, it s the writing. And producing, and new showrunner. Here's an article that can give more details: https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/star-trek-season-3-what-went-wrong/ Don't get me wrong. There are still some good episodes mixed in. But, there are some really bad ones too. In fact, one of my favorite "bad" episodes is coming in the next month or so. Can't wait for your reaction to that one! Btw, what's following TOS? TNG? P.S.: I don't there is a lot of Sulu left in the series. There is some good scenes left for Chekov and Uhura though.


No, it’s not just you, Jess, because I have a similar feeling with this third season of Star Trek. In fairness, it’s practically universally agreed that the third season is the weakest. If it helps, Leonard Nimoy, when he was interviewed around 2005, I believe it was, he talked about it some, saying, “By the time we finished the third season, I was anxious to be finished. Because the third season, we, we were adrift. The scripts were not good. The uh, the uh, the stories were, were not good. We had... a few, occasionally, a decent script, but we had a lot of clinkers.” And he freely admitted that it pained him as he was quite proud of the work that had been done with Star Trek prior, namely about the midway point of the first season through to the end of the second season, Leonard stated that he was proud of the work that was done. Thus, no I do not believe you are being too negative. I understand how it can be distressing given how you always strive to be positive. In this situation, I believe that what you’re feeling is valid, and you’re honest about how you feel, rather than lie and try to appease people, and as always, Jess, I appreciate your honesty. By the way, concerning your Walking Dead joke/observation, that was a good voice you did; I got a kick out of that, particularly because it is accurate. And yes, a Sulu episode would be most lovely. Now onto this episode. And I'm going to be honest and say that this was an episode that prior to this week, I had never seen before. Or I don’t know, maybe I had, and I just didn’t remember seeing it before. Regardless, hours later, my continuous thought was, “What the fuck did I just watch?!” Thus, Jess, I began to heavily anticipate your reaction, and with it, your thoughts and insights. Ultimately, I’m happy you liked the episode relatively well for how dark and bizarre it was. A highlight of the episode was Spock being so fed-up with having to deal with the mountainous piles of bureaucratic obfuscation and diplomatic palaver. Likewise, your being so done with the head guy on the planet was a tremendous highlight of the reaction. I'm most agreeable to the idea you brought up of the crew taking turns beaming down, getting a good hit in, then beaming back up. Similarly, I’m with you on it would have been most amusing if the head guy on the planet wasn’t behind the fuckery and was simply an officious and unpleasant dick. Yeah, many questions about the overall set-up with the plot of the episode. You're absolutely right about the planet being so overpopulated and everyone knowing what a can of sardines feels like being an introvert’s nightmare. I concur with that statement. Your note about the lack of follow-up is a bone of contention, I feel the same. This episode, I thought, “What did we learn? I mean, I guess we learned the moral and/or lesson of the episode. I’m fucked if I know what that was.” I loved you calling out the hypocrisy of Kirk “being above violence” that gave me a real good laugh. I love too your being so done with the Kirk “romance” plots, particularly your reaction to Kirk being called a gentleman. Yeah, Kirk is fairly touchy with the women in a way that he’s not with men. It's really the incessant reptation of the Kirk “romance” that is so tiresome at this point. Sidenote, throughout the episode, I found myself laughing over how obvious it is about Shatner’s hair, and I kept thinking that the remasters and hd transfers have not done him any favors as the seams on his hair are now much more apparent. All in all, I'm glad to see you liked the episode well enough, I enjoyed this reaction, and I have to say your thoughts and insights are going a long way in helping me sort out my own thoughts and feelings on the episode. Still unclear as to the entirety of my perceptions of the episode, but as I say your thoughts and insights are proving most helpful in sorting out how I feel about the episode, and I thank you for that, Jess. Again, a most enjoyable reaction. Thank you.


Quite a lot of Kirk's more mocked aspects really only come from this season, most of all Shatner's...very...distinctwayoftalking, which is pretty clearly a result of the lesser material he has to work with.

Josef Schiltz

Interesting how empty the Enterprise is in season 3. Somewhere the circuits were a fried burger. As for the main topic of this story, I suppose that, rather than wiping out a sizable proportion of the population, colony planets were out of the question?


In regards to you having a negative view on the season, that is understandable. It really is the weakest season (for me, I think there are only 4 or 5 episodes from this season that I like). However, I also agree that in some places you went a bit 'too negative'. Just a couple of examples: Whom Gods Destroy- you have to consider the historical context. That episode was written back in the late 60s. De-institutionalization was a new development, as well as the dawn of effective psychoactive medications. At that time, it would not be much of a reach to think maybe there would be a medication in the future that could cure mental illness completely. We know it doesn't work like that, but we have 50+ more years of research and experience in the mental health field to draw from. It should be seen as a positive in that we have come so far versus that era. Last Battlefield- the destruct sequence codes. I think you overlooked that the computer is not just verifying the code, it is verifying their voice as well. Two factor authentication: something you know (the code) and something you are (biometrics, in this case their voice print). The code doesn't have to be complex because without the biometrics it is useless.

Josef Schiltz

Of course, in the BBC series 'Survivors' - created by Terry Nation in 1975 - we in the UK had the 'antidote' to this episode. Also it has some real life political parallels!


Oh gosh, Star Trek Season 3. A big step down, so don't feel bad. The great script editor, Dorothy Fontana and Producer Gene L Coon were gone. Back in those days, there definitely was some uncomfortable stuff going on, but it wasn't all bad. I cannot even watch the episode where Kirk and Uhura kiss, but it was groundbreaking. Even simply putting Nichelle Nichols in the role of Uhura made a huge difference to women of color. Martin Luther King pretty much told her that. So she stayed in the role, even when they weren't treating her as well as they should have. We all knew why the short skirts where there, but it was also the age of the mini-skirt, so there's that, lol. But big picture, they shattered some societal norms even though they couldn't get rid of all of them. It was a message of hope. That's why I love the show


I wonder if classic who might have given misconceptions about the era these things were filmed in. I dunno if its season3 specifically. I took a big break between watching at about halfway through s2 but you always seem to get triggered by stuff in the show. While Doctor Who was always treating women like the helpless damsel in distress Trek was for the most part treating women like eye candy and sexual conquests. And yea a lot of the episodes the women are naive or actual slaves and then theres mind control moments making the sexual conduction non consensual for both parties. Its odd that Trek has always been known for being more progressive like how bad was other shows back in that era if that is the case? But really surprised you got through the whole series without learning to just relax and not get so heated over things. Like you knew going in that the world was a different place when this was filmed. Writing wasnt as good etc.. I feel bad but I started skipping most outros to save some time because in a lot of the episodes you seem triggered when its like.... this is nothing new at this point. Ive seen a lot of people shrug it off as "it was a different time" because it was. But obviously when it comes to sexism you clearly take that very personally like the show is directly attacking you. Similarly with the blackface klingons... I dont know if its right to try and make excuses for bad choices back then. I dont know if it was lack of being able to find enough black actors to play the role and they thought black face would be less offensive than having half the klingons be black and the other half black faced. I view black face as being a "context matters" kind of thing. It wasnt done in trek to mock black people or be racist in any way. Like black face in community was literally black face due to role playing a dark elf or drow from D&D which literally has black skin not brown... but they pull that off streaming because some white SJW wanted to earn a badge of honor by making a stink about something they didnt know the context to. While we dont have green or blue skinned people today I kind of view how you find some of the stuff triggering in these old episodes to be similar to someone in the future watching trek being trigger by actors doing blue face or green face. Maybe not exactly a fair comparison because those skin tones literally dont exist for us today. But I think part of why they didnt think it was a big deal in this show was the klingons werent supposed to be human so they were trying to make this alien race have darker skin and the unfortunate thing there is that meant black face. but its a black alien not a black human so not offensive right? sadly other than facial hair and eyebrows old klingons didnt look different than humans. Like TNG klingons doing black face probably wouldnt have seemed as bad because they look proper alien with the head ridges and stuff. Think this went a bit long but it crossed multiple episodes of seeing you get worked up over stuff which I kept wondering "why hes she kept going if it clearly bothers her so much" I guess its a clear example of there being more good than bad. And I hope my post isnt mistaken as being negative toward you... assuming you even read these. but its not meant to be. I usually like your break downs in the end because you seem to put a lot of thought into the stuff and are very passionate but i can pretty much figure out based off your in the moment reaction how the outro will go on some of these and just move on to a hopefully more happy episode lol. I tried to do youtube myself once and noticed videos being negative about things got way more views because it got people agreeing with you or arguing with you which all boosted numbers from both spectrum but it felt gross. I didnt want to be a channel like some ive seen transition from normal content to hate watching and crapping on shows. thats why i keep coming back to your channel because usually its just seeing someone enjoy the stuff i enjoy. I admit im not the biggest fan of TOS but figured i would watch along again since it had been so long. It is rough. TNG is much better though still has some moments i am sure you wont like some of the newer shows are a mixed bag. The orville probably would have triggering moments too but a surprisingly good addition to the scifi space has a very Trek feel to it. And some subject matters that I am surprised they bothered to tackle.