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Supernatural 7x10 Full Reaction

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The major fan reaction here was that as sad as it was to see Bobby go, it was also hard to think of anything the show could have done with him that it hadn't yet done, in stark contrast to several other characters who were killed with so much unfulfilled potential.

Brenda Lewis

I'm really sorry about this one, it's rough


Bobby Singer. An ingenious hunter, an impassioned academic, a devoted father to his boys. He was the father Dean and Sam needed, but also the father they deserved. He will be dearly missed. <3 "HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHOW?!" *sporfle!* Yeah, you're starting to sound like a Supernatural fan now XD Also, I was absolutely one of the ones in the 'dreading it' pile, just because I know how much you do love Bobby. xoxo My favorite Bobby moment of all time hmmm... gotta be when he gives Dean that big hug after he comes back from the dead at the start of season 4. I always had such a soft spot for Dean and Bobby's relationship. :>


I've been so worried for you to see this episode. Thank you so much for loving Bobby from the beginning!! He's such an amazing character and your love for him warms my heart! ❤


This episode is one of my personal favorites because it is emotional, rough, heartbreaking and because the episode is focused on Bobby. We see his backstory, we see how much of a father figure he was to the boys, and we see how important it was to him not to die before he could pass on the information because he had to help them one last time. That being said, I was worried that you might watch this episode if you were in an emotional slump or suchlike, and I'm glad that at least apparently you weren't. After this episode, it should also be clear why the writers had to get rid of Cas, because he could have just healed him. This episode broke us all... I mean, the whole episode was dedicated to Bobby's death. Oh, and I think it was also to show that the Leviathans are a serious threat. By the way, I noticed that the guys didn't look for any supernatural ways to help Bobby. My theory is that A. the writers wanted to spend more time with Bobby, and B. they wanted to "ground" it more so as not to trivialise the whole situation. Oh, and every time Bobby was in danger and you said, "Bobby has to be okay!" (Like when Bobby's house was torched), I was just like, "Oh no, 7x10 is going to break you!"

Thomas Corp

Though I would not go so far as to say that Bobby’s death is number one on my list of saddest tv character deaths, or at least tv character deaths that hurt me the most. I'm not saying what is number one as you haven’t seen the show in question, far as I know anyway. Still, Bobby’s death would make my top ten saddest tv character deaths. I’d say I leaned towards dreading this reaction. All throughout the reaction, I was pounding back the coffee to try to calm myself down. I both loved and hated that you were in denial of what was to come. I loved it for how you refused to accept it, how you were insistent that Bobby would be fine. I hated it in that it was causing my heart to shatter. Jim was beyond excellent in this episode. Lovely to see Steven return as Rufus and see Bobby and Rufus be partners once more. I was with you focusing on more lighthearted scenes to distract from the pain. One that distracted from the pain was getting angry at the reaper saying about dying of liver disease and watching Barney Miller reruns. I yelled, “What’s wrong with Barney Miller reruns?” I related to Bobby when he says he’s got a metric ton of worst. And when he asks how he is supposed to know what he doesn’t want himself to know, I chimed in with, “Now Bobby, you and I both know that’s a filthy lie. Every man knows what he doesn’t want himself to know because it’s the shit he’s buried deeper than the Grand Canyon, and is something that he never, NEVER wants to talk about.” It was emotional seeing the scenes of Bobby’s childhood. Such a powerful moment when Bobby yells at his father and says how he adopted Sam and Dean. Bobby is their dad. Simple as that. That scene we see Bobby on the phone with John where he says that he knows he’s not their dad, I growled at the tv, “He IS their dad!” I felt on a visceral level the scenes of Sam and Dean. Both of their reactions are too fucking real. Dean being in denial, and as you said, speaking for your heart, and Sam being realistic in what’s to come, much though he wishes it won’t. Me, my own experience was a mixture of the two, though it leaned closer to Sam’s perspective. You're right that we want Dick Roman’s head, on a plate, to go. He pulled up to the hospital, I said, “Oh, you got some fucking nerve!” and following Dean’s threat, I said, “I don’t think you grasp the severity of the situation. After what you did to Bobby, your life is worth dick, Dick.” The most agreeable option would be you, Jess, hopping through the screen, ripping his goddamn head off, striking Dick down with ALL of your hatred, though in all honesty it doesn’t particularly matter who does him in. Either way, he’s going. It’s what it is. God, did I want to give you a hug when the moment happened. I cried a copious amount myself. The worst part for me was Bobby’s best memory. I almost passed out. No, seriously, I’m not kidding, I was crying so hard I was a hair away from passing out. I swear to God, I'm not making that up. Yes, as you say, Bobby has died, and already Supernatural has become so much less bright. Yeah, the statement that Sam and Dean will be ok without Bobby, their dad, is simply not something we’re accepting. I am so very proud of you Jess, that you made it through for the most part your post reaction thoughts without crying too much. I would not have blamed you in the slightest if you couldn’t make it through without crying, but again, I am so proud of you that you made it through. If I were in your place, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I don’t think I would have been able to even say so much as three words. It's further proof that you are much stronger than I am or could ever hope to be. Never underestimate that, Jess. As to my favorite Bobby moment, it would be in the episode Weekend at Bobby’s the greatest episode of the show, and that’s his big speech. It almost feels wrong to thank you for this reaction, so instead, I will say that this reaction was amazing, and again, I’m very proud of you, Jess.

Eddie Green

I've been dreading this reaction for a while. Something this serious, a character this precious, and knowing how much your heart would be ripped out by it, Jess (comparable to Time of the you know who, I'd say). It really makes me contemplate my own navel, be more appreciate of the people I love that they're still here. Hence at least some of the dread, because that for me is part of the crap I do not want to think about ever. It's also hard not to compare myself negatively to Bobby, a man who helped save the world and was always there to support his family. Whether he stays or goes, it will be a hard choice. For me the best Bobby moment is the one in this episode, yelling at his dad that he 'raised Sam and Dean to be heroes, so you can go to HELL!' That speaks to me on a personal level, as I also struggle with not wanting to pass my issues on to potential kids. But all we can be is ourselves, and do our best to be a version of ourselves that aspires to be as good as Bobby was.