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Wednesday 1x08 Full Reaction

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I have just two real complaints about this season. One is the casting of the mayor like I talked about before, and the other is that this finale has to pack so much in that it feels like the Sheriff’s reaction to his own son being the monster he’s been hunting gets seriously shortchanged. Though thankfully, that ending indicates this will probably be rectified in Season 2. It’s especially fun to see the climax come down to Wednesday vs. Wednesday, which makes it a bit hard to believe that Ricci wasn’t the original choice for the role. Though that also helped out a bit as the writing doesn’t have much of an in-jokey vibe beyond that one scene where she tells Wednesday they have a lot in common, which in turn makes it harder to see the twist coming.

Thomas Corp

Well, I’m glad to hear you say that you had a fun time filming your reaction to this finale, Jess. Yeah, a jam-packed finale to be sure. Honestly, I wasn’t completely opposed to what Wednesday did to Tyler in the beginning of the episode. After all, it was only a little bit of light torture. Keyword: light. I did have a similar thought as you in that I said, “Is Tyler aware or not? Is it similar to Lon Chaney Jr as Lawrence Talbot?” Then the one scene happened, and I said, “Well, so much for that idea.” Your having close to the exact same thought process was great to see. Addressing the question of the Sheriff. Well, I've only seen the show once. You are also the only reactor that I've seen react to this show. My own thought is like you said in that, I think that if he didn’t outright know, he at least had suspicions that most likely he was not seriously entertaining. I could see this plotline getting explored in season two. You’re not incorrect in saying that Xavier does have a right to be salty as a pretzel. Personally, I have very little sympathy for him past a certain level to the point I was yelling some, “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have been so suspicious! You practically did everything short of wearing a giant neon sign with an arrow pointing to you that reads “I’m the bad guy” convincing Wednesday that you’re the monster, you DUMB fuck!” I also still just think he’s an entitled creep. Perhaps you feel I'm too harsh with Xavier, I probably am. Similar mentality with Principal Weems in that I thought it was possible she’d be a villain, though perhaps a separate villain than the one of the overarching mystery of the show. As I said prior, I employ a similar strategy of trying not to actively figure a mystery out. In this case I figured it out. Shows how much I watched stuff like Columbo, Murder, She Wrote, Monk, etc. with my parents, my dad especially, or just in my own time. The flowers were a big tip-off. You said you honed in on the wrong flowers, I say you honed in on the right flowers, you simply mistook the source. I will say you had the advantage over me what with your experience as a florist. I also deduced Marilyn being Laurel through simple process of elimination in that following Dr. Kinbott’s demise, who else could it have been? Nobody else, right? The biggest thing that helped solve it though was the old trope of as they say, “Narrow it down to who you recognize” in that Christina Ricci is simply too big a name, and entertaining though her scenes were, her character seemed to lack any real plotline or character focus, which then led me to suspect that she was going to be a villain. And this likely would have been my thought process had Thora Birch played the part. It's my love of Noir and murder mysteries striking again. In any case, like yourself, I LIVED for Christina as a villain. I did not deduce the exact plan until it was revealed, so that surprise stayed intact. I very much looked forward to your reaction when Enid wolfed out, and it was so terrific. My own reaction was to cackle in glee, and yell, “How BEAUTIOUS this is!!” I think it’s half like you said in that through her friendship with Wednesday, she’s become more confident and surer of herself, leading to the wolfing out. And I would argue that half of it was the fact that Wednesday was in danger that gave a push to her wolfing out. And the hug the two shared was one of the sweetest things. I also KNEW that your reaction to Eugene would be wonderful reactions. Yeah, he came through with the bees. Again, I'm cackling and saying, “Just give up Laurel! Your firearms are useless against them!” When you said that Eugene is the best character of the show, my response was, “I mean, the pre-existing characters from The Addams Family notwithstanding, I'm partial to Enid myself. But yes, Eugene is most delightful, and I wouldn’t dream of arguing with you saying that he’s the best character on the show.” The arc Bianca had was great, and I really liked that you liked her. Yeah, Xavier giving Wednesday the phone and saying he put his number on it led me to say, “That’s presumptuous.” Concerning the mystery stalker, and presumably main villain in the future, one thought I had, and still have, is that I SO badly want it to be Joan Cusack as Debbie. I will lose my shit if that happens. It probably won’t, but a man can dream. Concerning your overall experience with the show, first when you said, “Obviously, there was death, and there was dark themes, and there was all sorts of stuff.” I deadpanned, “All most enchanting hallmarks of any good story.” In all seriousness, I am glad you enjoyed this show, Jess. I am glad that the response to it went well. And I enjoyed all the reactions very much. Thank you for a most lovely time, Jess.


A lot of the fans aren't that keen on Xavier, with the creepy entitled behavior, hiding information about his visions for no reason and then having the nerve to accuse Wednesday of setting him up, and his sole contribution to the final battle being to get quickly knocked out.