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Tales of the Jedi 1x05/1x06 Full Reaction

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The final episode was quite controversial, as it takes the basic plot of a popular novel about Ahsoka but strips out a lot of what people liked about it. I haven’t read it myself so I can’t really speak to that, but I can say it was a real treat to at long last see Ahsoka and Bail reacting to Padme’s death, which had always felt like a bit of a hole in their development.


I´ve read it and liked it, but I also enjoyed this episode... ^^


Yes, the last two episodes were most emotional. It gets you right out the gate seeing Ahsoka training in front of all the other Jedi like Plo Koon. It’s such a sweet moment that shot of Depa Billaba and her padawan, Caleb Dume watching Ahsoka during the test, more specifically the look on young Caleb’s face as he sees Ahsoka in action. It's an occasion where I'm completely on Anakin’s side in that the tests feel too safe and don’t provide adequate preparation for being in the field of battle. Of course, like you observed, that’s not Ahsoka’s fault, particularly not her being impressive with the flippy-flips. Yes, a flippy-flip doth provide most enjoyment and entertainment. Your moment of realization that by having Ahsoka trained the way she was, that it provided her with skills to survive Order 66, was similar to my own reaction. Albeit I was much more dramatic about it as I was sobbing and yelling, “Take this dramatic irony, get it OUT of here!! I HATE it!!! Makes me SAD!!” In your reaction when you said, “Guys, I’m NOT ok!” I said in response, “It’s all right, none of us were.” One thing that never really got brought up is Anakin’s still unsuccessfully coping with the grief and trauma from his mom’s death, and part of the training is to ensure that Ahsoka, his little sister will be safe and prepared for anything. It reminds us that Anakin being as protective as he was for those that he loved was always both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. The final episode opening with Padmé’s funeral instantly started to make me weep as it’ll be eighteen years come May since Revenge of the Sith, and Padmé’s death is still something that makes me weep my eyes out every time. Seeing that Bail Organa and Mon Mothma were in attendance, and to learn Ahsoka was there as well, I was weeping so hard I had to pause. Right before I did, I was yelling, “I DON'T LIKE IT!! I DON'T LIKE TO THINK ABOUT IT!!! ...GODDAMN IT!!!!” I wish the shot of Bail and Mon was in the film if for no other reason than it would have given Genevieve O’Reilly at least one prominent shot as Mon after all her scenes, save for one instance where she’s in a group shot, got cut from the finished product. I loved that you loved Bail helping Ahsoka get off Naboo. You say Bail’s iconic, to which I said, “Yeah, Bail Organa is a fucking champ!” I really hope we see him in Andor season two. Yeah, considering what Ahsoka's been through, hard to blame her for just wanting a quiet life where she can drink her tea in peace. By the way, I agree that Ahsoka’s denim outfit was nice look. She never really has a bad look, but that one was nice, and it made me smile a little to hear you say it’s your favorite Ahsoka look. To address your query about Rex, he was... busy elsewhere. Yeah, it’s rotten when Ahsoka’s hope for a peaceful life is shattered when the one guy calls in the Inquisitor of an unknown designation. That guy and that Timm guy from Andor are guys you just want to yell at them, and say, “You no good dirty rotten stool pigeon!” That Inquisitor had a look, and Clancy Brown was impressive as usual. Amazing to see Ahsoka make short work of him. Your reaction to that moment was brilliant. I'm sorry to say it’s unlikely we will ever see Obi-Wan and Ahsoka together again in the mortal plane of existence. Now, it’s not entirely impossible. Maybe they could. As of my writing this comment, no information that I possess says that they ever saw each other again in life. Though, again, it is still possible, however unlikely, that there could be a story of some kind that tells us otherwise. Thank you so much for these wonderful reactions to Tales of the Jedi. And now I am looking forward to your reactions to Obi-Wan, and I will be watching those reactions with great interest. I just know that you will love the show, Jess. Never mind what anyone else says or thinks about the show, I know that you will love it.

Jenny Chalek

You definitely need to watch Rebels at some point, based on your wonderings about Darth Vader and Ahsoka.


Speaking of Ahsoka's denim regalia in that last episode, note the almost bell-bottoms for trousers she is donning. One thing the art department went for here and in Rebels, was a 70's look for a lot of the extra characters, to tie some designs up for A New Hope, which clearly, despite McQuarrie and Colin Cantwell's designs, very much looked like a 70's film. Bail Organa is great. Like Mon Mothma for many years, they have been important background characters, but its good to see them getting fleshed out more over the last 10-15 years with Bail, and now in Andor with Mon, who was also at the funeral next to Bail. I like what he says to Ahsoka : "there is nothing you could have done - for either of them". Ahsoka thought Anakin got killed defending the Jedi Temple (when it was him destroying it), and Vader - who would very much want Ahsoka dead, thinks she died during or shortly after the Siege Of Mandalore, as Order 66 came in. That scene with him holding her sabre at the end of Clone Wars, is later. Anyway to talk more on the episodes themselves, I have to start with CALEB!!!!!!!!!!!!! Him watching Ahsoka train very much brings warmth to my cold old heart! Like the note it was Jesse who stunned Ahsoka good the first time, since its him leading the hunt against her on that terrible day. The composer Kevin Kiner using the same notes as Ahsoka leaving, when Anakin speaks when he gives her lightsabre back. Perhaps this tells us how she'll have to adapt to survive after everything that happens to her; as well as saying how he thinks this is the best way to protect her; and in that ending, she says to him how she must work through things without him... In the last episode, seeing Ahsoka at Padme's funeral is just heart-breaking. This is a loose adaptation of Ahsoka's novel I believe. She was a farmer using the name Ashla (as she does here, and is also an archaic term for the lightside of the force, and also was Ahsoka's original name when in development) that an Inquisitor stumbles across. In that, she defeats him as she does here and uses the kyber crystals from his sabre, to make her white ones seen later, as she purifies the red blades using the force. Shame we didn't see that, but its inferred. First time you have seen an Inquisitor Jess, it won't be the last. They hunt remaining Jedi as you can gather, and while they are good against Padawan's and inexperienced Knights; against someone of Ahsoka's calibre, they are completely outclassed. When he asks, "and who might you be?", I can't help but exclaim, "a fucking legend, that's who!!!" :D One of the main reasons now you are seeing why Ahsoka is so beloved across the fanbase, is that her story is so emotional. Yet she always stands strong.


Yeah well said on the last part about the Obi-Wan series. It does have its faults, as she'll see; but it is still an emotional tour-de-force, and the notes it needed to hit; boy does it hit them.


Right, was the Obi-Wan show perfect in every single tiny little detail? Perhaps not. Was it such an amazing experience of emotion and catharsis? Hell yeah.


The way Caleb’s face just lights up seeing Ahsoka in action is so endearing and so sweet. It is so great seeing more of Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, and how iconic they both are. Kevin Kiner was phenomenal this whole series. I've not read the Ahsoka novel myself. I know the broad outlines of what transpired in it, more specifically what isn’t included in the episode due to people who did read the book complaining about the changes/things left out. I might read it somewhere down the line. Besides, I'm still waiting for Knights of the Old Republic to fully be made canon, and my brother and I both still would like to see the Yuuzhan Vong to appear in the new continuity, therefore I'm not too broken up about elements from an Ahsoka novel not making the transition from page to screen, still, I get where people would be more upset about it than I am.


Its very well acted from the main cast (one person aside), and adds even more to the legacy characters, which is a difficult thing to achieve, and it balances canon well enough not to be concerned by one or two potential slips that I can easily explain in my own headcanon. One episode aside, the remaining 90% had me hooked. And who doesn't love seeing Ewan McGregor back as the GOAT!! :D Oh and also hearing John Williams back as well, I mean come on!


Didn’t have any significant issues with the acting myself personally. I did hear complaints from others about one or two characters, and thought, “I mean, I've seen worse, so I'm not going to complain too much.” In terms of episodes, there is the one that I would rank last, and even then, the good stuff in it outweighed the bad. Or at least, I just chose to focus on what I liked in the episode. And yeah. John Williams was great as he always is. I loved his theme for Obi-Wan.


Oh I know about Caleb, I love him so much. Definitely in my top five of all Jedi. And yes him being awestruck seing Ahsoka just be a boss with those remotes, is brilliant. It looks like it was right at the start of his tenure under his master, Depa Billaba. Which would make sense, since this was the beginning of the Clone Wars, with mullet Obi-Wan and all! :D Its a great note you made in your own response about how Anakin looks down in the dumps here, and is struggling mentally as he is still processing his mother's loss; something I hadn't thought about before, and why he kind of throws Ahsoka into the deep end sending her training with the clones to protect her. Whilst this obviously helps her develop her own technique to become this master warrior we see by the Siege Of Mandalore and here in episode 6 of Tales; it also has an unfortunate side-effect knowing it was his 501st that were well trained on firing at Jedi when they were training with Ahsoka and hunting her down in season 5 of Clone Wars; and hence were well prepared to slay them when they stormed the Jedi Temple. Kiner very much nodding to Ennio Morricone throughout this series, with his great operatic scores for the battle scenes with Dooku and Ahsoka. Wonderful stuff. I haven't read the book either, but I did see a lot were complaining about how some things were omitted or changed from it. I've never had issue with this, and we'll see something coming up in Bad Batch if Jess watches, that gets slated similarly, when the overall outcome is the same as in the books and comics. With Disney dipping their toe into the High Republic stuff with the books and the upcoming The Acolyte; and also with the remake of KOTOR on the way; we'll see more of that becoming canon (and Filoni has already put some of that stuff in already) in the next few years. I remember hearing about the Yuuzhan Vong years back, and heard it was good stuff and a significant threat and storyline for the old EU; I'm wondering if that's where we'll ultimately end up with the Thrawn stuff as all that gets tied together?


Timeline-wise, probably is around the start of Caleb being Depa’s apprentice. That's a good point about the training making the 501st as proficient as they were when they marched on the temple. It’s ironic. Yeah, very Morricone inspired with the score. Haven't read the stuff that gets covered in Bad Batch, though again, I know the deviations as people are a touch loud about things being changed/left out. Like you say, so long as the spirit’s the same and/or the outcome is similar, it’s not the end of the world. The Yuuzhan Vong could tie in with Thrawn in this newer continuity. My brother will be over the moon if that does happen as he loved reading about both way back when.


Yeah the theme for Obi-Wan has grown on me, and personally I love the little ditty he did too for the Star Wars logo at the start, and hoped it was going to be the main thing for that going forward, but they changed it for Andor. It felt so mystical and wondrous. Managed to get the soundtrack last week for Obi-Wan, its very good. That episode had one truly shocking moment in it though that was related to episode 5 here in Tales. That hit hard, but tbh was expected.