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Wednesday 1x07 Full Reaction

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I knew going in that Fester would show up at some point thanks to the trailers, but as the show went on, I actually started wishing it wouldn’t happen, since I was having so much fun with the show basically treating him like Bob Sacomano from Seinfeld, where we just keep hearing bizarre tidbits about him without ever actually seeing him. I also had serious doubts about how well he could fit into this show’s comparatively more serious tone. But darn if Fred Armisen doesn’t pull it off and make me look forward to hopefully seeing more of him in the second season.


Like Ryan, I did know going into this that Uncle Fester would appear, and that Fred Armisen would be playing him. Not because I saw the trailer, in fact, I never saw the trailer to this show. No, I knew he would be appearing because the images circulated on the internet, and I heard people talking about Fester’s appearance. There was still question of when it would happen, and even that got spoiled because I went to put this episode on, and the description flat-out says Fester would appear. To which I said, “Well thanks for ruining the surprise, ya JERKS!” I loved Uncle Fester in this. I also through his scenes got a vivid reminder of I'll probably be the Uncle Fester in my family in the next twenty to thirty years, if I'm not already. Your living for the floppy eared helmets was a most adorable part of the reaction, Jess. The Enid Wednesday interactions were saddening, and I was with you wanting more focus on the two of them. Yeah, a beautiful friendship in that they bring out the best in each other and they help each other in equal measure. The date scene was interesting. You mentioned you loved the effort, which, no, yeah, I'm all for someone putting in the effort as much as the next fella, but it does seem just a smidgen excessive putting in all the effort all because of “signals” being given out. I too recognized the film was Legally Blonde by the music alone and bust a gut laughing. It wasn’t as funny as Wednesday being made to watch the Disney films along with The Sound of Music and Annie, but it was still funny as hell. Yeah, at this point you knew for sure that Xavier was not the Hyde, still Wednesday spells it out perfectly as to why she is convinced that he is, and led me to say, “Right, meaning if he’s not the Hyde, which at this point I surmise that he is not, he is doing a SHIT job of avoiding suspicion.” Likewise, once it started seeming too obvious that Dr. Kinbott was Laurel, that idea started to go out the window, and left the building completely when she was killed. The thing with Thing was highly emotional, and I shared your feeling of almost crying. The scene of Xavier being arrested is where my brain put it together as to the identity of the Hyde. My brain knocked forward the thought that whoever’s responsible does seem to be a few steps ahead of the police, almost to an uncanny degree. And then there’s the too convenient timing of the thing with Thing happening whilst Wednesday is on the date with Tyler. Even so, the revelation about Tyler was an effective scene, and your reaction was great. You express disappointment over Tyler being the Hyde, more specifically due to the pride you had over his seeking therapy and whatnot. You said all that, and I said, “Yeah, that does put a damper on a lot of things. Doesn’t it? Well, I'm sorry you’re upset about it, Jess.” Likewise, before this episode ended, I had put together who the master of the Hyde was. What the full scope of their plan was, and/or what exactly they were after, that I had yet to determine. I shared your mentality of suspecting pretty much everyone on this show, Enid and Eugene notwithstanding; those two were the only ones who were safe from my suspicion. Thanks for another fun reaction to Wednesday, Jess. I look forward to your reaction to the finale.


Armisen seems to be going for much more Jackie Coogan than Christopher Lloyd, which has me excited for where else the writers can take him in future seasons.


The performance does seem more along the lines of Jackie Coogan, I agree. And yes, it does have me excited to see more as well.