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Tales of the Jedi 1x03/1x04 Full Reaction

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If this show did nothing else, it would be worthwhile just for finally confirming Yoda is just a weird old hipster who thinks talking that way makes him sound cool. Yaddle, and her complete absence after The Phantom Menace, had actually been a huge mystery ever since fans spotted her in the council scenes (plus some jokes that Ahsoka must have some horrible beef with her after she said Yoda was the only other member of Grogu's species she'd known), so it was really neat to see this show take the opportunity to finally close that loop. That's also Bryce Dallas Howard doing the voice, in her first acting role in the franchise after directing a few Mandalorian episodes.

Jenny Chalek

I agree that we really could have used an episode between 3 and 4 to give a more gradual introduction to Dooku falling to the dark side. But I'm glad we at least found out what happened to Yaddle, since she kind of disappeared within the prequels without explanation.


Again, these two episodes are so fantastic in exploring Count Dooku’s past. Unless I missed something, we don’t know exactly when the third episode takes place. I have estimates based on how Corey Burton pitches his voice to sound like Sir Christopher Lee circa the early-mid seventies, around the time he was in The Wicker Man and The Man with the Golden Gun. Yes, it is interesting to highlight the contrast of Dooku and Mace Windu. Concerning your opinion of Mace, I genuinely quite like him as a character, though I do acknowledge his popularity has plummeted in the last decade or so, and I get why. Mace, and probably most of the more rule-abiding members of the council likely viewed Dooku as something of a radical. Dooku himself would probably describe himself as, “A heathen, conceivably, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one.” Most interesting seeing Dooku dealing with the situation he did, and how, as you said, we see the planty-planty going on with the seeds of doubt in Dooku’s mind. If I had to guess, Mace genuinely was ignorant of the idea of his being offered the council seat, though given the timing of events, the circumstances are suspect. The fourth episode is my favorite of this. Striking to realize that we are now at the time of The Phantom Menace. I’m with you on it would have been nice to have had an additional episode to serve as a bridge between when Dooku is well-intentioned and the point when he abandoned reason for madness. Some of it is covered elsewhere, books and comics primarily if you are interested. It was emotional again hearing Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon. A powerful scene where we see Dooku’s grief. And the line of Dooku wishing to meet Obi-Wan is a great call forward to Dooku’s line in Attack of the Clones, “It's a great pity that our paths have never crossed before, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were still alive. I could use his help right now.” As has been commented on already, a highlight is the focus on Yaddle, who yes, you got her name right. (Though I would not have minded if you simply called her Female Yoda.) I didn’t catch that it was Bryce Dallas Howard providing the voice when I first watched it, but I must say, she was great. I became so excited when I realized we would be seeing Darth Sidious in this as I was unaware of that going into it. I then wondered would it be Ian McDiarmid providing the voice, and as soon as I heard him speak, I screamed, “AAAHHH!! IAN!!!” and then I started crying. Incidentally, this premiered the same week as the most recent episode of Doctor Who which featured William Russell as Ian, leading me to observe that twice in one week there was a sci-fi franchise featuring someone named Ian showing up and making me cry my eyes out. Heartbreaking seeing Yaddle make the effort to try to sway Dooku back to the Light whilst Sidious acts as the Devil on the shoulder pulling him to the Dark. All expertly showcased through the lighting as well. Though Yaddle does ultimately lose her life, yes, she does have that most impressive moment with the door, which, yeah, it does look like an evil smiley face, showing how it is said that the Dark’s weakness is the Light and that, “One lone candle is enough to hold it back.” Likewise, it is sad when Dooku delivers the final blow with the expression that reads, “So you have chosen... death.” And yes, Sidious very much represents how you described the Dark Side in that it festers and feasts in the dark recesses of the human soul. Two small moments that got me right in the heart with Sidious. First, when Ian made his first appearance as the Emperor forty years ago come May, his first line was “Rise my friend.” And now here, in what is at present, Ian’s most recent appearance as the Emperor/Sidious, that line is his final line. And the last shot of Sidious how it fades to black, yet his eyes linger ever so briefly much like how it was done in Disney films past with the Disney Villains. That got me so bad. Also, a major shout-out to Kevin Kiner for providing a score in the fourth episode especially that felt like a mournful elegy. It was so good. I am LOVING your reactions to this. As I said on youtube, you were magnificent, Jess. Can’t wait for your reactions to the last two episodes.


I kind of agree with you Sesska that we could have even got more out of Dooku's transition to Sidious's apprentice and more of the manipulation to drive him towards the darkside. However we all only knew we were getting this series in the last year and were more focussed on the other live shows that were being released this year, so I think were thankful to get these interesting tidbits from Filoni in between him keeping busy working on all his other Star Wars projects. "... your devotion to rules is sometimes inspiring and sometimes maddening" - yep that sums up Mace Windu. The Republic isn't what it was, and was needing reformed; and Palpatine - who I believe is the Naboo Senator in the third episode timeline - is fanning the flames undermining it, and the Jedi already. Dooku is seeing this, but Mace and his dogma, doesn't. We've heard now a few Jedi around that time not agree with the High Council, or see that they are becoming blinded and too closely tied to the corrupt Republic. Sifo Dyas, Dooku, Qui-Gon and Yaddle, question this; but the Jedi Order is now too set in its ways and decadence has crept in which allows Palpatine to manipulate not just the Republic, but the Jedi themselves, right under their noses. For The Sith Lord episode, we see a blood-red sky over the Jedi Tree with leaves falling and Autumn upon us, telling us of Qui-Gon's death and what is to come. The visual storytelling in this episode is fantastic, where we also see in that lobby scene, Qui-Gon go into the lift (a coffin?), and Yaddle and Dooku go their separate ways, not only positionally, but as to what they are now. Yaddle moves left into the light (and her death), Dooku the dark. Its shown again when Yaddle opens the door to bring the shining light in, and is one last chance for Dooku to come back from this, whilst Palpatine is blinded in the light; but its only fleeting, it dissipates and Dooku succumbs to the darkness... And Palpatine gets what he wants. Wonderful.

Dave Hampton

Once again watching something I would not have if not for you watching it. Something I may also be doing soon with Last of Us. I am enjoying these episodes. I am enjoying the look into Dooku though like you I could stand to see more. Also, I meant to write this last week but better late than never, I love your dress in this video. The color works for you and I get a Mon Mothma from Andor vibe from it though that may be just me.


Yeah, like you say, we’ll take what we can get. Personally, I could go for a lot more Count Dooku material. It is like Palpatine himself said, “The Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling, delegates. There is no interest in the common good.” So, naturally, ol’ Palpy has such a time taking advantage of that, and like you say, fans the flames. Not helping is the Jedi’s complacency. They mention in Phantom Menace that it’s their belief that the Sith have been extinct for a millennium, thus they have settled into an if it ain’t broke don’t fix it mentality. Yeah, that line does sum up Mace Windu well. I'd say it applies to the majority of the Jedi and is not unique to Mace, though I do concede that he exhibits that characteristic better than most. Yeah, the visual storytelling is great. Love the symbolism of the tree. Yaddle’s moment with the light is great, especially how it makes the Emperor shield his face like how Bela Lugosi would do as Dracula.


Well, personally, I hadn’t gotten Mon Mothma vibes from the dress that Jess was wearing, though upon reading your comment, yes, I would agree, it does have a Mon Mothma vibe to it.