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His Dark Materials 3x08 "The Botanic Garden" Reaction

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Your description of what my daemon would be was so accurate and beautiful thank you. Also, when I asked my brother he said poodle as well lol


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I super appreciate everything you do and it made my day to see your reply :)


You can actually visit Lyra and Will’s bench in Oxford. Recently, they put up a daemon sculpture behind it.


"We have to build the Republic of Heaven where we are, because for us there is no elsewhere." ... “He meant the Kingdom was over, the Kingdom of Heaven, it was all finished. We shouldn't live as if it mattered more than this life in this world, because where we are is always the most important place.... We have to be all those difficult things like cheerful and kind and curious and patient, and we've got to study and think and work hard, all of us, in all our different worlds, and then we'll build... The Republic of Heaven.” I just love the message of these books/show.

El Hersey

when i read that passage in the book at 15 my brain chemistry was altered forever. i cried for three straight nights and felt hollow for months.

Eddie Green

The bench has, at least in the past, had graffiti of 'L+W' in several places on it. I went there to reread the last chapter 6 years ago, really haunting experience. Just as reading the book/s is.

Nicole Mazza

Yeah, after the climactic feel of the previous episode, I naively thought this final episode would be a smooth, sweet denouement to tie things up. I WAS SO WRONG. I had no idea what was coming, as I've never read the books, so much like you, I was ugly crying through much of it! Such a brilliant little show. <3

Nicole Mazza

Also, I deeply relate to your past with bending over backwards with people-pleasing. It's still something I struggle with and have to catch myself when I'm doing it (mostly from old habits from growing up with a narcissistic emotionally abusive father to the same sort of romantic relationships in my 20s -- even though I'm going on 50 in April, I'm STILL breaking bad emotional habits from back then). Anyway, proud of the work you did to get yourself out of that dark place. And I'm glad that you shared your story, because I -- like you -- believe that sharing these vulnerable parts of ourselves can help others feel less alone when they're having the same struggles (and hopefully, show them there can be a way out of those feelings). I know when I was young, I was a hot mess and frankly it's taken years to understand much more about how life works, and people work...hell, how I MYSELF work. And so I sometimes wish I had someone older and more experienced BACK THEN when I was young to help me, but it's all good. Nowadays, that's why I'm big about passing down that knowledge to those in need. If I couldn't have that for me when I was young, the people behind me don't need to suffer the same way, you know? (trust me, you should hear me bang on about perimenopause/menopause related stuff on my Facebook, for example, especially for younger women who -- like me -- barely are told anything about ALL THE DRAMA of it beyond just your menstrual cycle slowing down and going away -- like the bad mental health stuff and whatever) ANYWAY. So, yeah, all that to say, you're doing great work by sharing yourself with us. Thank you.


I just wanted to say that I very much relate to what both you and Mary were saying. Mary for the religious trauma of it all and you for the emotional experiences. I've had severe anxiety for what feels like my whole life. I always say that I never was a carefree child. I always worried about being good and doing the right thing for everybody. It also didn't help that I'm on the spectrum so I always felt like everyone got a manual that I didn't get. I became so vigilant in making sure I understood and met everyone's expectations, my life became very similar to what you were explaining. Stories are very important to me. I think they can be an emotional balm and a reminder that we're not alone. I think what you do and who you are is very important because you, your reactions, you expressing your opinions and sharing what you do does the same thing. You definitely have made me feel less alone in this one and I want to thank you for that and all that you do. Now, onto what I think your daemon would settle as. Hopefully you will like this, but I think your daemon would be a Poodle, specifically a Standard Poodle. Your close relationship with your dog made any dog breed an obvious choice for me but that breed specifically is for a few reasons. One, they are super intelligent and a great companion and that encapsulates your emotional intelligence and willingness to see from different perspectives and your loyalty. Two, they are, in my opinion, the most fashionable dog breed with the many different ways they can style their beautiful coats, and that encapsulates your love of fashion. Three, they are excellent water dogs and excel in doggy sports while at the same time being aesthetically iconic, and that encapsulates your archery and love of badass characters. Four, they're known for being perfectionists and super focused when they're out working but when they're home, they are home bodies. And the last kind of a joke reason, they're hypoallergenic and I know you struggle with allergies like me so I thought that might be important in your daemon lol.