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Classic Who "The Hand of Fear" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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Josef Schiltz

'Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Bow-Wow' in the last scene. Since Elisabeth couldn't whistle, the director Lennie Mayne provided the whistling. The rest of the song goes " . . I've got a little cat and I'm very fond of that. But I'd rather have a bow-wow-wow!" Jess. You may like, in your spare time perhaps - That rare time when you've chance - to rewatch School Reunion or The Doctor and Sarah's chat whilst he is attempting to repair K9. That brief scene will contextualize. From what I've read, it was Lis who asked for the story of her departure not to be centred around Sarah and to just make it an ordinary story. Well, as ordinary as a Doctor Who story can be! In the end, it puts into perspective the impact that Lis had on the viewing audience and on the role of the Doctor's companion ever afterwards. Time with friends goes so quickly. After her role in Doctor Who, Lis went on to be a presenter on the pre-school children's programme called Stepping Stones on Independent Television - ITV - with co-presenter Keith Barron. It was a change from tackling bug-eyed monsters! - or was it? Mentioning Jo, and her following right along after her Doctor and figuring everything out as she went along. That is probably Katy's whole philosophy of life! She really does need those glasses that were atop her head in 'The Death of the Doctor' episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Everything being a blur without them, there really was a very good reason why she grabbed onto Jon's hand in scenes where the terrain was uncertain! Judith Paris - the female version of Eldrad - provided a commentary for the DVD of Hand Of Fear. Her other credits include film roles in The Devils and in The Rainbow - with Amanda Donohoe, Paul McGann and Sammi Davis - both films by Ken Russell. Stephen Thorne - the male version - is already familiar to fans of Doctor Who, having played Omega in The Three Doctors.


Classic who has a habit of just dropping companion departures without any sign or foreshadowing. It's quite unfortunate that Jess has to go into these stories thinking everything's normal and then BAM!!!


She also had an attempted spin-off K9 and Company, which was a notoriously terrible flop. It was amazing to see her get a second chance at it decades later.


In this case, Sladen herself requested it be this way, not wanting the main story to suffer because too much emphasis was put on her departure.

Ian Smith

Jess, don't forget you've already watched "K9 and Company" (in one of your Dr Who Decembers"); which is the story where the Doctor sent K9 to her. It presumably happened a few years hence (from the point of view of 'Hand of Fear')

James Fish

Thank you for an amazing reaction. By now I'm guessing you've figured it out so little point reiterating what you must already know by now but yes - that's it as far as regular travelling with the Doctor is concerned. Ask me no questions & I'll tell you know lies on that front. As for her meeting K-9, that's told in the one off 1981 story K-9 and company where the Doctor has sent K-9 to her in a big box lol! You have reacted to that a few years back but given chronologically it's the next time we see Sarah Jane, it may be worth a refresher watch. As for when The Doctor meets K-9 - well that would just be spoilers lol! I totally get the confusion though! See you next time!


I knew that this story would blow your mind (especially the ending). I'd recommend rewatching the David Tennant episode "School Reunion" because there are things Sarah mentions in that episode that will make a lot more sense now.


I'd recommend re watching all of series 1 & 2 after classic who. Now that Jess has fully bonded with the show, she can view it through a new perspective.

Jenny Chalek

OMG do you happen to know which Doctor Who December it was in? I would love to see her reaction to it!

Jenny Chalek

Though I guess I should just watch ALL of the Doctor Who Decembers. I've only seen a few of the series.

Thomas Corp

I believe it was featured in the Doctor Who December of 2018, though, all of the Doctor Who Decembers are most lovely, and worth checking out.

Nicole Mazza

Aww, I LOOOOVE 'K-9 and Company', but that's mostly for it's camp and silliness. I watch it a lot when having a bad day and it always cheers me up, like a warm blanket and a nice cup of tea. (And I have the theme tune as one of my ringtones. It's also silly, but I kinda love it for that). 🤷

Nicole Mazza

At a local Doctor Who convention years ago (like 2009 or so?), this cosplayer did an AMAZING recreation of the female Eldrad costume. I still think it's one of my fave cosplays I've ever seen. https://i.imgur.com/oqn8joE.jpg <3

Nicole Mazza

I always forget how much I loved Sarah Jane's little stuffed owl in this! IIRC, I think it's in the background in her attic in Sarah Jane Adventures too at one point. ❤️ This is actually my first season of Doctor Who that I watched on PBS as a 13-year-old (it was 1986 at the time, but I had no idea the stories were like 10 years old at that point!). I only know that because my first strong memory of the show is that beautiful wooden Secondary Control Room of the TARDIS (still my fave!) and since I had no memory of Sarah Jane from back then, I know it's the next companion that was my first. And I can't wait for you to meet her, btw, as she's definitely in my top list of companions! ❤️ (Sadly, I never really took to Sarah Jane growing up -- which, yes, I know, is pretty much a cardinal sin in Doctor Who fandom! She just always felt fairly overrated to me and, as a teen, I thought she was a bit of a bully to Harry -- along with the Doctor, of course -- and that really put me off her. I softened on her many years later when watching the SJA, but she's probably one of my least fave companions for the Fourth Doctor -- or in general, really. There's just some REALLY AWESOME ones ahead for Four in contrast to Sarah, at least IMO, but you'll just have to see for yourself. Anyway, because I'm meh about Sarah Jane, this story just doesn't hit me that hard emotionally, as I wasn't ever that fussed about her leaving. BUT, having said that, all these years on, as an adult, I can appreciate the goodbye scene as very well-acted and despite my reserve about the character, I think it's one of the sweeter goodbyes in the show's history. Plus, again, there's a cute stuffed owl, which makes everything better. 😉)

Josef Schiltz

In that case, maybe I shall have to watch it again. Thing is, I'd have liked to have had the same reaction to it. After all, it's Doctor Who - well, a one-off spin-off - and it stars Lis. Maybe my mood was off or my suspension of disbelief wasn't functioning. Putting being a natural sceptic aside - and it's an odd thing being both a natural sceptic and a Surrealist at the same time - I've always liked K9. Perhaps it was because, as an ardent Whovian and on the verge of becoming a college student and having always been surrounded by Who sceptics - who found Doctor Who risible - I was used to defending it. When K9 came along, it made the task of defending it all harder. I was teased miserably for being a fan of something, which to them, seemed so childish. I hadn't learnt to shut idiots out yet. Nor had I discovered the wider family of the fandom. No videos, no internet. The Target books range, the comic strip version and the yearly annual were all that Doctor Who fans had. All seemed geared towards a young audience which others felt I should grow out of. You learn later on to hang on and embrace such things that are the essentials of your psychological make-up. I've now learnt, thoroughly enough, at the age of sixty, that I still have all the annuals and comics and books that I want and they are forms of art and literature that I wouldn't be without. I wasn't strong enough at school to think, "Peer pressure be-damned!"

Henry Fuller

The doctor didn't want to bring Sarahjane to Galifrey because he thought they'd wipe her memory and send her home like what they did to Jamie and Zoe in the war games. That would have broke hishearts again


Everything I've read about K-9 and Company states that it wasn't a flop at all. When the pilot aired, it received better ratings than Doctor Who episodes of the time. Unfortunately, it was produced right when the head of BBC changed, and the new head didn't like the show, so he didn't order more episodes (not unlike what happened to Doctor Who when it finally went off the air in 1989).

Shaun Houghton

Well, at least you are self aware to the fact that your a heretic, I shall say no more.

Shaun Houghton

It was not a case of The Doctor not wanting to, she was not allowed to go to Gallifrey. As in it was banned, illegal, against the law. Aliens, at least at this time, were prohibited from being on Gallifrey. Yes, Timelords were clearly very xenophobic.

Josef Schiltz

Alan Hart was a negative and a positive as far as Doctor Who was concerned. First removing the programme from Saturday the late-afternoon-early evening viewing, where it had been since the very beginning. Secondly, placing it so that it was against ITV's Coronation Street, causing some embattled households. I was fortunate in that we hated Coronation Street. No problems. Though two episodes per week meant that each season had a shorter yearly run.

James Fish

Not wanting to hog the comments but when you mentioned a character in another show whose supposedly dead but you think they might not be, I have the funniest inkling I know who you're talking about - because I think it too!

Anonymous Goanna

The show rolls on, glad you have been spared many spoilers but she will be back and K9 will make sense eventually and you are in for a nice ride for the rest of Tom Bakers episodes.

Josef Schiltz

Sarah Jane's little whistled tune: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow - Vesta Victoria - Vintage Music Hall Singalong Lyrics on YouTube. Written in 1892 by prolific English songwriter Joseph Tabrar.

David Vandervliet

Sarah had a full season with 3, and 2 seasons plus 2 stories with 4 to date here, making her the longest running companion to this point. I think Jaime had more episodes, because they did more eps per season in the 60s

Josef Schiltz

In all the drama of School Reunion, we didn't find out how Sarah managed to get from Aberdeen to South Croydon, a trip of just over 568 miles. Well done, TARDIS!

Josef Schiltz

Well, of course! And calling UNIT would avoid awkward explanations as to how she ended up in Aberdeen with only a toy owl, a plant pot, various other odds and bods and no money! She'd have to make an operator call and reverse charges.

Henry Fuller

Do you think the doctor should have gone back for sarah jane afterwards? The eleventh doctor went back for amy and rory several times

Henry Fuller

Also if the time lords wiped sarah janes memories the 5 doctors and school reunion would have turned out very differently