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Star Trek 3x12 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

First off, Jess, I love that shirt! I’m told that this was DeForest Kelley’s favorite episode of the series. Though I had a fairly good idea of my opinion of it upon completion, I found myself saying, “I’m interested to see what Jess has to say about this one. I would like to hear her thoughts on it.” I agree with how you described in that I liked aspects of the episode, I liked the overall premise, I'm less than enthusiastic about the resolution, and as you said, the way that they’re speaking fondly of the experience at the end does leave a rotten taste in your mouth. The big highlight for me was Gem as I found her to be an intriguing and fascinating character. Kathryn Hays delivered a mesmerizing performance. The other major highlight was the self-sacrifices that our heroes attempt to make. And yes, it’s great how the roles are reversed in that Bones is arguing with logic, compared to Spock being a bundle of emotions. I also agree with you about loving the sets for their creepy and minimalist look. Yeah, the whole test by the Vians was horrifying, and had more holes in it than a slice of Swiss cheese. I share your thoughts on not being down with the Vians, sparkly and fabulous robes notwithstanding. Again, the ending is really my only real complaint in that, like you say, you don’t trust the Vians with Gem. I second your wish that there was violence subjected to, as you called them, Psycho-One and Psycho-Two. Or was it Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Fuckhead? Both names made me laugh. And how the crew seems to be reminiscing in a fond manner, complete with Scotty quoting from the Gospel according to Matthew, it just feels off, wrong. Otherwise, I think the episode is great. Shame about that ending though. I have to say, Jess, I lived for everything you had to say concerning your distaste for the Vians and their hypocrisy and psychopathy. Other highlights of the reaction were when you commented on Kirk’s “slow-motion Baywatch run” I laughed so hard that I had to pause. And then there was the dust. When I watched to prepare for the reaction, you crossed my mind, and I said, “Well, Jess will have something to say about all that dust.” Thus, when you said, “That is a LOT of dust!” I had a good laugh and said, “KNEW you were going to say something like that.” Your further comments about the dust, likewise, were most amusing. One observation I had was that when the Vians had Kirk strung-up, I deadpanned, “I see the Vians found it to be of vital importance to take Kirk’s shirt off.” And then when Bones was in the situation, and I saw he still had his shirt on, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. All in all, a terrific reaction, Jess. To discuss what you bought up in the beginning of the video, I'm intimately familiar with what you discussed concerning anxiety and fixation. Though I've no channel of my own, I still relate in that when I did theatre work, those feelings were potent, and no matter how much rehearsal was done, there was always the fear of I'd be on the stage and completely forget everything I was supposed to say and do. Besides which, my brain’s still hung up on stuff that happened in my life almost three decades ago now, and every so often, my brain decides to be a cruel mistress, and knocks some of those feelings and memories loose, and then shakes it all around, leaving me to contend with it all for a couple of days at a time, sometimes weeks or months. All of this to say I empathize and sympathize fully, Jess. I don’t know if this helps, I honestly fail to recall when you’ve ever had a bad reaction and/or video. There are times when, sure, you’re under the weather, but it does very little to hamper the quality of your work. You always do such fantastic work, and all of it is appreciated. Thank you for this Star Trek reaction, Jess, it was most wonderful.


Ive always felt the premise was a bit contrived. Lots of leaps you just have to accept and not question. The Vians have the tech to save A race, but not more than one.... even though they have time to run all these experiments (and assuming for EVERY planet in their system). Also, this was the ONLY way they could come up with to test the races for their capacity for self sacrifice? Even if the thought process went- well, we cant torture their family members, that would be too easy. It would be a better test using a complete stranger. You could still use someone of their same race for that. Even if you wanted to REALLY test just how far their capacity for self sacrifice goes if they would do it for an 'alien'... why not choose torture subjects from one of the other planets? Instead they are good with using 'aliens' that don't even have a stake in the system's fate? If they die while we are testing Gem, meh. Plus... they way they ran their tests... it wasn't simply if Gem would save the life of someone else. The Vians chose the Enterprise trio to see if she would LEARN to self sacrifice because they would be demonstrating that behavior (implying she did NOT have that trait in the first place). If the Vians thought so highly of self sacrifice, the winner should be one that doesn't have to be taught to do so. If none of the races had that quality to begin with, the Vians should have concluded none of them were worth saving and moved on. Even if the conversation goes: Damn, all of them are selfish and just want to save their own lives. Now what? Well, we could go Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe... Nah, I still like the self sacrifice thing. Well, maybe we can teach them to actually want to do it? Unless the Vians luck out and only have one race succeed , what do they do if more than one pass the test? What do you do for a tiebreaker? Who was fastest to finally sacrifice themselves? Sudden death and run more of the races through the test until you get someone that fails? Just so many issues with their experimental methodology and premise to gloss over and simply accept for the sake of the plot.

Josef Schiltz

"Besides which, my brain’s still hung up on stuff that happened in my life almost three decades ago now, and every so often, my brain decides to be a cruel mistress, and knocks some of those feelings and memories loose, and then shakes it all around . . " Oh boy, do I know that feeling! Mine can track back half-a-century and rattle stuff about, plonking an exact image search right smack in the middle of my mind's eye and feed it torturously into my guilt centre. A very good reason why I adhere to the Platinum Rule.