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Tales of the Jedi 1x01/1x02 "Life and Death"/"Justice" Reaction

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Corey Burton initially wanted to alter his Dooku voice for the younger version, sounding more like Michael York. Filoni convinced him it would be too distracting.

Dave Frear

Mentioning because you asked: Dooku being Qui-Gon's master was first revealed in Attack of the Clones. I assume it also came up at some point during the Clone Wars, but I don't recall. Actually, until this reaction I hadn't realised Dooku wasn't named in the episode.

Steve McMullan

No, you nailed it right on the head. As our friend Yoda said in The Empire Strikes Back, "If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will. As it did Obi-Wan's apprentice." As it did Dooku.


I don’t know, kind of sounds like an absolute statement, doesn’t it?

James Bellefeuille

Thanks for the post-viewing comments. The next two episodes are great fodder for debates on ethics and philosophy. And both episodes are very entertaining to boot.

James Bellefeuille

It came up again in the Season 6 final arc with Yoda's visions. It was the scene where Dooku was having a three-way conversation with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.


You're the first reactor I've seen not recognize who the main characters of episode 2 were, but that's fine. I loved your surprised excitement when the pennies dropped at the end. I don't think there's a wrong way to approach this series, so you don't need to stress about that. As far as going forward, I know I've said it before but watch whatever you want to watch in whatever order you want. I'm a big fan of Rebels, but because you've seen The Mandalorian you've already been spoiled on one of the surprises from that series. That's nobody's fault, it's just going to happen with such interconnected storytelling that jumps back and forth in a non-linear way. That said, there are probably some characters that'll show up in the Ahsoka series that'll make more sense if you've seen some if not all of Rebels. But you know how Filoni works by now, he'll make sure that things you need to know are explained in show so folks who haven't seen everything can understand what's going on. It'll all shake out fine, whatever approach you decide to take.


Just because a statement is absolute, doesn't mean the person saying it, acts in an absolute way as a Sith does. :P

Jacob Isaiah Risner

I wanted to comment on just one thing here, when Dooku activated his lightsaber and performed his traditional salute, there was a flash of recognition on Jessica's face. It didn't register entirely so she didn't know for certain who it was, BUT I think she suspected who it was and it's why she wanted to see the credits. I loved the look on Jessica's face when he activated his lightsaber, you should rewatch the moment. I really enjoyed the conflict on her face in that moment.