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Star Trek 3x11 Full Reaction

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This one's a bit uncomfortable to watch, as Shatner really does suffer from permanent tinnitus due to an explosion while making the show.

Thomas Corp

At the risk of being a trifle too maudlin, I was wanting a more enjoyable episode of Star Trek than this one this week. It's of course no one’s fault. It’s just not a good day today is all, and I was hoping for an enjoyable Star Trek episode to lift my spirits some. Ah, no matter. This episode was horrifying, uncomfortable, and beyond not ok. I will say I agree with you that the concept itself was interesting. I also agree that there is empathy for the situation that Deela and the others are in. Sympathy for Deela, on the other hand, is in very, VERY short supply. Yeah, it feels like the show wanted you to have more sympathy for Deela, and it just is not happening. She was a character straight out of a horror film. As you observed, she was highly delusional. The whole episode, I’m physically repulsed by Deela’s sales pitch of, “We’ll be nice to you. You will be treated like a king. You'll learn to accept it.” I’m hearing that, and my response is, “Oh, why bother, lady!? Why not just blow my brains out now and save time!?” When she inquired if Kirk was married or not, I had to pause and yell, “You’re asking him this NOW?!?!” And how near the end when Deela says she was disappointed when it seemed that Kirk had acquiesced to the situation as she openly admitted she liked Kirk better when he was playing hard to get. To that, I quoted one of my favorite lines from The Odd Couple by saying, “You’re crazy. I'm a neurotic nut, but you’re crazy.” I wholeheartedly agree with each and every thing you said about this episode, Jess. Other observations in this episode. Yeah, a highlight when Kirk sees that Spock has figured things out, and how Kirk doesn’t even bat an eyelash upon seeing that is great. That's a fair point you raised about with the advanced technology at their disposal, it is somewhat befuddling that they don’t have better coffee receptacles than what would appear to be paper cups. I knew you’d make a comment about Deela asking if she looked any better after, as you succinctly noted, combed her hair for all of two seconds. Responding to the logistical question, I would imagine you are correct in your surmise that presumably the actions done to the Enterprise were precautionary so that they would not leave. So, in the end, this was a case where the reaction was vastly more enjoyable than the episode itself. This was a terrific reaction, Jess; one I very much appreciated. Thank you.

Josef Schiltz

Hoooo boy. Just, hoooo boy. The reaction was ten times better than the actual episode.

Ron (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-05 05:05:13 An average episode but a really terrific reaction! Thank you! > Deela: Are you married, Captain? I know, no attachments. You're married to your career, and you never look at another woman. > Jess (Looking at camera): "Well..." ---- Yes, definitely checkout the OG crew movies next. There are 6 movies. Generally, 1 (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and 5 (Star Trek: The Final Frontier) are considered the worst. But, I've come around on both movies and enjoy rewatches of both now. Watching real Trek (even when it's not the best or fails in some way) is **way** better that what we get in current day.
2023-01-07 23:59:17 An average episode but a really terrific reaction! Thank you! > Deela: Are you married, Captain? I know, no attachments. You're married to your career, and you never look at another woman. > Jess (Looking at camera): "Well..." ---- Yes, definitely checkout the OG crew movies next. There are 6 movies. Generally, 1 (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and 5 (Star Trek: The Final Frontier) are considered the worst. But, I've come around on both movies and enjoy rewatches of both now. Watching real Trek (even when it's not the best or fails in some way) is **way** better that what we get in current day.

An average episode but a really terrific reaction! Thank you! > Deela: Are you married, Captain? I know, no attachments. You're married to your career, and you never look at another woman. > Jess (Looking at camera): "Well..." ---- Yes, definitely checkout the OG crew movies next. There are 6 movies. Generally, 1 (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and 5 (Star Trek: The Final Frontier) are considered the worst. But, I've come around on both movies and enjoy rewatches of both now. Watching real Trek (even when it's not the best or fails in some way) is **way** better that what we get in current day.


The first film really suffers from being made exactly for the time it was made and nothing else, when the Trek fans hadn't seen these characters for a decade and had been going purely on their own fan fic.