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Wednesday 1x05 "You Reap What You Woe" Reaction

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One of my favorite things about this show is the total lack of a "masquerade." It seems like the entire world knows and accepts that things like werewolves, gorgons, and sirens are real, and mostly just want to live their lives separate from it. The only other story I've really seen that does this kind of thing is True Blood, and even that made a big deal about how supernatural creatures only recently revealed their existence to regular humans, while here it seems it's just always been this way.

Nicole Mazza (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-05 05:05:14 Special appreciation for the Burton-esque striped dress! Black and white stripes will forever be associated with Burton for me since the days of Beetlejuice. <3
2023-01-06 06:06:45 Special appreciation for the Burton-esque striped dress! Black and white stripes will forever be associated with Burton for me since the days of Beetlejuice. <3

Special appreciation for the Burton-esque striped dress! Black and white stripes will forever be associated with Burton for me since the days of Beetlejuice. <3

Nicole Mazza

I really like Bianca too! A while back, I saw a friend of a friend comment that she stopped watching the show because they had the black character in school as the 'enemy' and I was just like: 'I totally hear you, but if you hang in there, you'll see she's so much more than that!'. Honestly, and I won't go into too much detail as you're still watching, but at the end of the season, she's one of my fave characters and I think she has a great arc!